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Strange Creature Caught in Mexico

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:31 PM
Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd post an interesting page I found, detailing the capture of a strange animal found in a steel trap in Mexico. A photo is included.

Sometime around May 11, 2007, a wealthy Mexican rancher named Marao Lopez found this creature, less than one foot tall, in a steel trap. The property was in Metepec, a suburb of Toluca, the state capital of Mexico State in Mexico. There was no vast wilderness or jungle nearby, making the find even stranger. The creature was alive, shrieking and scared. A small group of men took it back to the ranch. They marveled over it and took many photographs. The creature was found around 5pm in the evening, and (for reasons not yet made clear) the ranchers decided to kill and preserve it the morning of the third day, approx. 36 hours later. They dunked it in water for a few minutes, but it emerged alive, still screaming. They dunked it a second time--longer, but it again regained consciousness. They dunked it a third time, for many hours, and it finally drowned. It's ability to survive so long underwater has made many feel it was amphibious.

At that time, two of the experts speculated this could be a "skinned monkey." However, they conceded that it bore characteristics that did not match a monkey. It's number of teeth, type of teeth, and number of bones in the spine did not match a primate. The teeth also did not have roots (like some reptiles and fish), and the ankle section looked entirely human. Around mid-April, 2009, Jaime took the specimen to Dr. Jesus Higuera, head of the Imaging Department at the Mexican Institute of Nutrition. There, the mummified creature was scanned with the best 3-D computer tomography on the continent, for a thorough look inside the body. Jaime says Dr. Higuera "was absolutely amazed." Compared to the skull, he said the back of the brain was larger, and more sophisticated, than any other creature known. There was no explanation for the specimen, and the scientist concluded it was definitely not a primate, and probably a new species. Jaime says Higuera's staff feels this is in fact an adult, as opposed to an infant, as originally presumed due to its stature. Jaime said it was most likely a "very smart creature."

Whether this is a hoax or something else, I find it to be very interesting. Yet I also think it's quite sad. The amount of pain this creature was going through must have been phenomenal, and it must have been scared out of its mind. The drowning of the animal also seems very cruel to me.

What are your thoughts? Real? Hoax?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:35 PM
lol. A very smart creature that landed itself in a bear trap. I really see no reason to believe this. Like at all. lol.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:38 PM
Well I would post a pic and show you why I think it's fake but they
"Might Track me"

Anyway it looks a little too waxy IMHO. But you never know that could be the result of some sort of bad Taxidermist job.

Anyway there you go.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Also they said they tried dunking the bugger in water a bunch of times while he was alive. In that picture the thing looks dead and would have been before he was taken out of the trap. Its all bogus.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:49 PM
What a pretty little latex creature ....
The trap is actually handsome!!



posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well I would post a pic and show you why I think it's fake but they
"Might Track me"

Anyway it looks a little too waxy IMHO. But you never know that could be the result of some sort of bad Taxidermist job.

Anyway there you go.

I have to agree on the fact it looks too "waxy" for a better term and the more I look at it the more fake it appears to be. Where's it's other hand? It's arm is caught in the bear trap and you can see a wrist but no hand attached to the wrist that I can tell. If it was "cut off" by the bear trap then it would have been severed where the bear trap hits it's arm not above it.

But then again maybe I'm just misinterpreting the picture, or my brain isn't recognizing the hand bent over or something?

I'll take it serious if they actually release info about this as stated in the article, however it seems to me this has been posted on the net before maybe even here?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:53 PM
I have trapped animals in steel traps in the past. If this creature was real and spent any time in that trap, it would be all bloody and lacerated from trying to fight its way out of the trap.

Also, That trap looks awfully clean..

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:54 PM
The trap is very clean.
Looks like some sort of small, arboreal primate.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:02 PM
I remember a post on this like yesterday, actually.... It looked fake, so I didn't keep reading on. Lol

I agree, the creature is not bloody, and it looks like someone's college art project.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:05 PM
As others have mentioned, the damage to the creature is very clean--too clean for a trap to have caused it. Add another call of "hoax".

Just to put it out there, steel traps are truly disgusting tools. That's a litmus test for decency with me. I've seen the damage it does to animals, including people's pets who have the misfortune of stumbling upon it. Children and adults have also fallen victim to these barbarities. They're completely indiscriminate and no decent individual would employ them.


posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:20 PM
I could spend the time to pull the story apart like fresh baked bread, or I could do something else. Hmm...

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by paperplanes

I agree that what happens in traps is disgusting... I mean, animals have been known to suffer in them for DAYS before finally being relieved of their suffering. Some have chewed limbs off.

But at the same time, I don't think it is a fair way to judge people who use them. Just like guns, they have been American culture for generations. Just like chopping down forests, people make a living in all different ways that some may not agree to. Hell, traps have been known to be used for feeding families.....

Anyway, just my opinion. Not arguing.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:22 PM
What a surprise.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:24 PM
If that thig WAS real, and they DROWNED it, then mabey they deserve the same????? that is friging disgusting!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
reply to post by paperplanes

But at the same time, I don't think it is a fair way to judge people who use them. Just like guns, they have been American culture for generations. Just like chopping down forests, people make a living in all different ways that some may not agree to. Hell, traps have been known to be used for feeding families....

Thank you. Also a note to people who will go out and use a steel trap: Check your traps every day.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Thanks SnazzMeister, interesting. But the Story has too many weak points. Here’s another one: “…The creature was alive, shrieking and scared. A small group of men took it back to the ranch. They marveled over it and took many photographs” (from Forget it, in reality they CERTAINLY would have shot some VIDEO footage, especially before killing it. But there isn’t even video footage of the dead creature, hence the story's obviously made up.

Btw, I don’t think it’s a serious “hoax”, but rather more another attempt to discredit/ridicule the UFO truthers community by producing “extra stupid” evidence.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by WonderfulWorld]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
reply to post by paperplanes

I don't think it is a fair way to judge people who use them. Just like guns, they have been American culture for generations. Just like chopping down forests, people make a living in all different ways that some may not agree to. Hell, traps have been known to be used for feeding families.....

People who use them for any length of time soon come to realise the damage they produce--users can't cry ignorant here. Even the milder variation that has been produced ("padded" traps) can cause damage to animals. I don't care if it's a racoon or my beloved dog--no animal deserves that. When you see mangled pets come through a veterinary clinic, or worse, lying dead in their owner's arms, you quickly understand that this is entirely indefensible. The conibear traps are arguably the worst, but the simple steel leg traps are bad enough as it is. I grew up in an area where wildlife trapping, hunting, and fishing are deeply rooted in the culture. I've known many men who used traps until their own animals, and in one case their own child, were damaged or killed by the traps. It sometimes takes something so personally traumatic to show you the light, but you're being disingenious if you claim to not know the harm you're causing--this is precisely why it is a valuable mark of character. The difference between a wild animal and your own pet is only your personal attachment to it. They both deserve more respect than a steel trap offers.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:11 PM
I'm suprised no one caught this.

How did the creature set the trap off? If you notice the way it is in the trap, there is no way it could have set it off. It looks as if it walked straight at it, stopped, stuck its arm our and someone set the trap off.

Now if it was facing away from the trap then it could be argued that it almost got away, unlikely, but there is the chance. But it is facing the trap and no way for it to have been naturally caught that way.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by paperplanes

This really is not a thread for discussing whether the traps are bad or not.. Still though, I believe in responsibility. The freedom to own and use whatever we want, as long as we understand the consequences and use them responsibly.

What does it say to me, when someone has their own pets or kids caught in steel traps? Irresponsibility. Either they used their traps in a place where pets and kids frequent..... Or they do not supervise their kids and pets, when they can potentially get hurt. In the case of kids, it can be considered neglect. As a parent and pet owner, I know where mine are at all times.

Responsibility should come with any tool. You talk about mangled and severely injured kids and pets. That same argument probably HAS been used for guns... but these things are nothing more than a tool, used by people. Responsible, or irresponsible use, determines outcome.

As said in a post above, check the traps frequently to make sure animals do not suffer for any extended period.

--- I still see any kind of hunting to be FAR more humane than our factory farming industry.

And it sounds like the consensus is that the creature in the OP is either someone's art project, or created specifically for the use of this hoax.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:46 PM
A gun has a "driver" at all times; a trap is a lone object, loaded and left. I'll end it there, and that's all right. Rather than continuing an off-topic conversation, we'll have to agree to disagree. Here's an internet handshake (well, the closest I can find):

I think most of us can agree on one thing: the "creature" in the OP's photo was certainly not caught in a trap. The rest of the story's details are, in all likelihood, similarly false.

[edit on 4/5/09 by paperplanes]

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