posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:20 PM
Hey all, I'm new as a member. I've written a few posts but nothing major.
I have read ATS in the past, off-and-on. Only recently did I feel compelled to finally join. I don't believe everything on here, but I do enjoy it.
Of particular interest is the alternative medicine information. With a background in science I advocate knowing the full truth about alternative
treatments--having suffered an awful side-effect from such a treatment. I do not wish to put down alternative medicine, but I want people to know the
negatives overshadowed by the positives of such treatment. I wound up in the hospital as a direct result of taking a natural supplement--I do not
wish that on anyone. Other than alternative medicine I also enjoy reading about conspiracy theories. Has anyone ever heard of Neurocam?
Interesting, in my opinion at least. Searching for conspiracy theory information actually led me to ATS.
Aside from ATS, I have a blog in my spare time: It's conservative political, but I enjoy writing it. Feel free to
check it out--it will inflate my ego, haha.
Feel free to send me a message on here.