posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:52 PM
As always, Superbowl commercials are becoming more popular than the superbowl itself, and while most of my friends were watching the commericals for
the entertainment purposes, I was analyzing them for some deeper meanings, and there were a few. I found it interesting that they advertised "Sell
your Gold" over and over again, where "superstars" decided they no longer needed their superbowl rings and other trophies and they'd be better off
selling their gold for *ha* U.S. dollars. But more interesting than that was of course the Hulu Alien Commerical (code named HAC, since that is what
usually happens when you see Alec Baldwin). That night, I went online to see if the conspiracies were hatching. They weren't, but pretty soon there
were plenty of them. Now I can speculate on whether or not Hulu really are aliens, but I'd rather speculate on what is actually empirical, the
commercial itself and the reaction of the audience.
The two biggest reactions I've seen from this commercial are 1. It's Hilarious with a capital H, and 2. It's genius marketing. I don't think
either of those are true, however, other people think they are true.
The fact that people think the commercial is funny is almost embarassing, since there is really nothing funny about it but it's weird so I guess it
makes certain people laugh, people who will most likely be logging onto Hulu all day and night. The other crowd thinks it is smart advertising. Why?
Because it gets us to ask questions. Of course, the only questions they want us to ask is where can I get it and how much. And as Alec Baldwin
graciously tells us, it's FREE of course! Wow, why would a corporation go through so much trouble to provide free entertainment to the masses. Maybe
for advertising influence, or maybe they finally spilled the beans and just admitted its to rot your brains.
Regardless of which category the public falls into, the obvious result is that people will continue to believe aliens are just an outrageous spoof and
that if you believe in aliens you must not have realized that Hulu was just a commercial and it was all just for fun and games (and billions of
dollars in advertising). I personally do not understand the monetary value of commercials. I mean you spend millions of dollars on commercials, a
million just for the superbowl, and you expect that to be an investment to double or triple your proceeds? How is that possible if Hulu is free?
Advertising feeds off of advertising. Hulu pays the superbowl a million dollars for a 60 second commercial, and then Pepsi or some other brainwashing
corporation finds their advertising gimmick Hilarious, and they pay Hulu 10 million dollars. The math is complicated, but one thing is for sure,
commercials are a waste of braincells. People say t.v. rots your brain, I say commercials rot your brain. Commercials are far more brainwashing, since
they intentionally try to be brainwashing, then a 30 minute t.v. show.
So either way, I'm ranting by this point, so I'll just end by saying what do you think of this commercial, are they really aliens out to get us, or
is Alec Baldwin that bad of an actor that he is actually good at acting like an alien?
[edit on 4-5-2009 by ancient_wisdom]