posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:16 PM
There is a number of things we must address in this thread that out of the first 9 pages I read, I did not see. Keep in mind that I am not a
scientific expert, but consider myself fairly well learned about things.
First, if the object were 'next to' (visibly) the sun on that day, it does not necessarily mean it is going to be in the same spot again, ever.
Figuring out where the object would be next would require us to have the knowledge of IF it is traveling, and WHICH WAY it is traveling. We know we
are moving around our sun, and around our galaxy (presumably anything we can see, be it with eyes, or optics, would be moving with the galaxy as well
though). So, if the object were coming this way from straight on, then the day after that, the object would have been behind or in front of the sun,
or farther off in one direction or another. It would not have been in the same position ever again unless it followed some style of orbit around the
sun, of which we would be aware.
The object could not be in front of the sun, anyone should know this. If it were, then only two things would be possible to make the light. A: It
would have to be a star, and stars do not just creep up into a solar system unnoticed. Or B: it would have to be so large, that it would in fact bend
light around it somehow into looking like it was glowing, if that were the case, an object of such mass would wreck our entire solar system's
gravitational balance.
Assuming the object in the video was in fact behind the sun, reflecting light, this would assume it is either VERY large, or VERY reflective. Now,
reading through everyone's posts, it doesn't seem like anyone here really knows much about the Nibiru legends. Apparently, the residents of the
supposed planet, often referred to as the Annunaki, were supposedly responsible for mining gold from this planet some time ago for their atmosphere.
Something about keeping the geothermal heat inside the atmosphere required gold insulation in the air because the planet ventured so far away from its
parent star (supposedly Sol). Now, taking this 'extreme' venture into consideration, should there be a way to lace a planets atmosphere with VERY
large quantities of gold (or perhaps even a global gold-plated shell) this object would indeed reflect a great deal of light. Maybe even looking like
the sun itself. Ah, and another question arises...
Should there be a race out there advanced enough to build a gold plated shell around their planet, it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole planet
is the size of the shell. Then this could also mean that the mass of the planet could be misjudged by an outside appearence. Not to mention how much
materials would be mined from the planet itself to make the shell, instead of bringing it all in (which to any race would be an exhausting task,
importing gold, and who knows what other ores to create such a structure.) This could be an explination of the lack of gravitational effects we ARENT
seeing. If something like a basketball with a golfball in it (where the basketball is the shell, and the golfball is the planet inside), we may have
an answer to the gravity problem.
But I digress, these are all very extreme explinations... Things that I consider when explaining anything. Not everything is simple, and sometimes
thinking outside the normal is required to find your answers.