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Compelling footage of a planet X like object near the sun shot on (21.04.09)

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by tarifa37

Now that would appear to be a sundog. Looks like 22º degrees away from the Sun to me.

Could well be. There are 2 Nibirus in this picture!


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Essan

That must be the brown dwarf that is heading out way too.

I'm suprised that it hasn't been mentioned yet.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Essan

the pic looks nothing like the thing in the video, in the pic for me it's 22° thats ok .. but in the video it's not..

now the video is online for 4 days and 50k views and nobody could find out what it really is.. additional the new message pops up that a new Asteroid (2009 HC82) is found...

strange things going on..

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

This just kind of shocked me.

I have never taken this Nibiru thing seriously but watching the video, as soon as I saw the image, last night's dream hit me like a ton of bricks!

You know how you can go all day without remembering or considering a dream until something in real life reminds you of it and then, suddenly, you remember every detail?

Well, I dreamt something very similar to this. I remember looking out of my window at two suns in the sky, at about the same size as these two.

This could just be because for some reason, a couple of days ago, I thought of the scene where Luke Skywalker leaves his home in the desert and you see him walk towards the planet's two suns.

I dunno. Quite the shock of realisation there though.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:58 AM
anybody seen this link?
Good pics somethings coming!!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by Taxi4Time
anybody seen this link?
Good pics somethings coming!!

yes, we've all seen the zetatalk stuff. Nearly 10 years of solar flare and counting

(seriously, if it was coming, according to those pictures, it would have been here ages ago)

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by flashguru

Not the OP video, no. That's already been explained, to those of you less accustomed to filming and photographing the sun, as glare - with other, much better quality, pictures of the sun taken around the same showing that in reality there is nothing there

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by WeAreOne
Hmmm most interesting... I just flicked through a few pics of my own from April 2009 and lo and behold I find the same dam thing.

First one taken on the 2ND of April 2009 in wales, England.

Wales, England, eh?

You won't make many British friends like that, mate!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
If im not mistaken, it is a phenomena called a sun dog....

You are not mistaken: It is a sundog imho.

I can't believe there are still people around who think this Niburu stuff is real...

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:29 AM
Is it not just a sun dog?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by XyZeR

Originally posted by PokeyJoe
If im not mistaken, it is a phenomena called a sun dog....

You are not mistaken: It is a sundog imho.

I can't believe there are still people around who think this Niburu stuff is real...
Now, whilst I'm not one of the people who thinks "planet x" is real, it looks nothing like a sun dog, according to the pictures in that wiki link. I'm not going to pretend I know what it is, or what it isn't, as i'm fairly (a drunk and b ) unqualified to comment on what a picture is or isn't. But it bears no resemblance to a sun dog, in the pics that I've seen.

Of course, I doubt that this video is of the fabeled lanet x, but I'm hard pushed to see what it actually is. Even if it was a sun dog, would it not move with the camera? (again, I'm not a photo boffin, so I don't know)

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Is Nibiru supposed to be a Planet or a Brown Dwarf Star? If it's a Planet then someone better tell everyone else it's on fire. It's a sundog IMHO, the phone camera is being used behind a single or double pane of glass, you can do this yourself, try it. I also think if this is Nibiru we would be experiencing massive upheavels right now if it's that close, sorry but I don't buy it.


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:17 AM
i hope that is a reflection or an illusion. i will get worried if i see it on the six o clock news, wich would be never even if it was real

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by WeAreOne

wow - the most compelling evidence of internal lens reflections i have seen today

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Taxi4Time
anybody seen this link?
Good pics somethings coming!!

Quick run for the hills we are being invaded by a fleet of solar flares

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:21 AM
Why do people still belive that planet X is comming to get us all??..i mean i have been an amateur astrnomer for few years..i have good equipment ( a C6-SGT scope, and ETX-125, meade DSI camera. Canon XSi Cam, a lot of eyepices and Solar filters) and for my equipment when i watch the sun with the proper filter i dont see anything resemble like in the picture posted? I just see the sun with his magnificent, but only that ..

I do believe that there can be some more planets far away than pluto in our solar system to be discover that could actually be the legendary planet X or may be call like that, but saying a brown dwarf may travel thousands and thousands of miles around the solar system, that thousands if not million of avid amateur astronomers didnt notice with all their equipment plus the rest of 6 billion people that daily go out and watch the sun from time to time, (like i said you can buy this days a scope for 100 dls and a solar filter for around 50 bucks for a minimum to see the sun properly, you dont need expesive equipment this days) and the earth and the rest of the planet didnt notice his gravitational effects all around (and more because of his supouse size of jupiter) is just insane.

People should at least read some amateur astronomer sites, planet X may exist, but not like many explains it here in ATS (brown dwarf, advancing at high stop, no planets detects his gravitational pull or no effects at all, and just appearing to some singular guy with a mobile phone???) to undretsnad how things work out.

I am so amaze how poeple are so gullible with some crapy pic or video thats comes ouot and preach is the truth and when its confronted with real evidence they still think everybody is in a cospiracy, that millions of amateur astronomers see planet X but denies it, that nasa pays all of them no question ask, if this was turth dont you think everybody in the world would become one just to get some bucks for free????

Sorry pals but at least this planet X pic is not true for me, just another guy who catch another anomaly in te sky and people are so gullible to believe it and not do at least some research with some amateur astronomers sites...

I think ATS has become the laughing stock with this kind of poor treaths and supouse "evidence" when poeple just see something and instantly wants to believe is true before asking themselves or research a litte bit with real science.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:39 AM

This type of photo has been posted on for the past

6 years. I even had an email conversation with nancy from that

site and her coordinates for this are not plausible.

This is a lens aberration of some type, i am not a shutterbug, but

do astronomy and its implausible for a large mass long period object

like nibiru to even orbit the sun in this location for the last 6 years.

please. considering that proposed PX has a low southern hemisphere angled

elliptical orbit, we should not be able to see it even low on the horizon,

at ALL! Hence all the speculation years ago about the conspiracy involving

all southern hemispheric observatory time being unaavailable (south

of the equator)....

[edit on 5/6/2009 by drphilxr]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by AlexDJ

FYI Alex, i did manage to ask Scott Kenyon at the Harvard smithsonian center several years ago about a possible large mass, long period

brown dwarf or giant planet that may account for outer solar system

'missing mass' and perhaps also account for the odd orbital tilt of uranus

....well he answered that it was indeed possible, and that research groups

were formed already looking for just such an object in the southern

hemisphere (this was in response to his Nov 2004 Nature (pdf pubs) article

on the formation of the early solar system, about 1 billion years after

earth formed).

[edit on 5/6/2009 by drphilxr]

[edit on 5/6/2009 by drphilxr]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by drphilxr

thank you, well said. I must confess that looking at PX threads has been my guilty little pleasure for some time. However, the video depicted in this thread is misleading for several reasons:

1. If this phenomenon was visible from X location, if would be visible again the next day and the next, etc.

2. If it WERE visible and photographable, there would be at least thousands of folks who produced consistent photos/video of it.

3. My observation is that photos that claim Planet X/nibiru show it always in relation to the sun, and the position of the alleged object is never fixed -- it changes from photo to photo, which inclines me to believe that people are intentionally creating the conditions that make those photos.

4. Are ALL of these photographers/videographers completely unaware of the use of filters and aperature control? I have been taking photos of sunset and sometimes sunrise nearly every day for the last three years. I pursue photos of the green flash (which I will be doing a thread about shortly). I see all manner of cloud backlighting, sundogs, other phenomenon. I could fairly easily "make" a photo that mirrored some of these, but I choose to accurately capture visible conditions. I'm not above changing the shutter speed and/or aperature to make the picture more warm, but I intentionally try to avoid lens flares and the like.

I look at my photos on a large screen monitor, and only save the best ones. Still, I'm certain as I'm sitting here, that I'd have noticed before now a companion to the sun. See, to capture the green flash, it takes a good amount of telephoto, a small bit of elevation above the horizon, as well as clear air and a warm air layer above the horizon. It's not uncommon at all for me to take 150 or so photos in an evening.

As you apparently did, I can look at the photos on ZetaTalk that allegedly depict NIbiru, and even within those cherrypicked photos, one can see the change in them within the same time period. For that to occur, Nibiru would have to be impossibly large, combined with impossibly absent of mass, along with the propensity toward not just an eliptical orbit, but an abberant one -- and orbit that was in advanced retrograde ALL the time.

It'll continue to be my guilty pleasure.......... I can't seem to help myself.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:16 PM
There is a number of things we must address in this thread that out of the first 9 pages I read, I did not see. Keep in mind that I am not a scientific expert, but consider myself fairly well learned about things.

First, if the object were 'next to' (visibly) the sun on that day, it does not necessarily mean it is going to be in the same spot again, ever. Figuring out where the object would be next would require us to have the knowledge of IF it is traveling, and WHICH WAY it is traveling. We know we are moving around our sun, and around our galaxy (presumably anything we can see, be it with eyes, or optics, would be moving with the galaxy as well though). So, if the object were coming this way from straight on, then the day after that, the object would have been behind or in front of the sun, or farther off in one direction or another. It would not have been in the same position ever again unless it followed some style of orbit around the sun, of which we would be aware.

The object could not be in front of the sun, anyone should know this. If it were, then only two things would be possible to make the light. A: It would have to be a star, and stars do not just creep up into a solar system unnoticed. Or B: it would have to be so large, that it would in fact bend light around it somehow into looking like it was glowing, if that were the case, an object of such mass would wreck our entire solar system's gravitational balance.

Assuming the object in the video was in fact behind the sun, reflecting light, this would assume it is either VERY large, or VERY reflective. Now, reading through everyone's posts, it doesn't seem like anyone here really knows much about the Nibiru legends. Apparently, the residents of the supposed planet, often referred to as the Annunaki, were supposedly responsible for mining gold from this planet some time ago for their atmosphere. Something about keeping the geothermal heat inside the atmosphere required gold insulation in the air because the planet ventured so far away from its parent star (supposedly Sol). Now, taking this 'extreme' venture into consideration, should there be a way to lace a planets atmosphere with VERY large quantities of gold (or perhaps even a global gold-plated shell) this object would indeed reflect a great deal of light. Maybe even looking like the sun itself. Ah, and another question arises...

Should there be a race out there advanced enough to build a gold plated shell around their planet, it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole planet is the size of the shell. Then this could also mean that the mass of the planet could be misjudged by an outside appearence. Not to mention how much materials would be mined from the planet itself to make the shell, instead of bringing it all in (which to any race would be an exhausting task, importing gold, and who knows what other ores to create such a structure.) This could be an explination of the lack of gravitational effects we ARENT seeing. If something like a basketball with a golfball in it (where the basketball is the shell, and the golfball is the planet inside), we may have an answer to the gravity problem.

But I digress, these are all very extreme explinations... Things that I consider when explaining anything. Not everything is simple, and sometimes thinking outside the normal is required to find your answers.

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