reply to post by king9072
The PTB are playing their hand - most people aren't buying it anymore.
The people are starting to wake up in numbers greater than ever before.
Mark Crovelli notes:
"A growing number of Americans are unemployed, and have no hope for finding new work, thanks to the criminal actions of the Federal government and
their cronies in the Federal Reserve System.
A growing number of Americans are returning from wars their "rulers" concocted (or which were concocted by foreign governments) and refuse to end,
only to find that the Federal government now considers them to be a "terrorist threat."
A growing number of Americans are graduating from college only to ruefully learn that they have been duped by the Federal government into taking out
loans they cannot possibly pay back, and that they have no hope of finding good jobs.
A growing number of Americans are now homeless, thanks to the mindless stupidity of the American congress and the appalling arrogance of certain
members of the Federal Reserve Board.
A growing number of Americans are now incarcerated for using or selling "drugs" by a government that has promoted massive trafficking in these
substances itself.
And a growing number of Americans are just plain sick and tired of paying year after year to kill Pakistanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis, Somalis,
Serbs, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Angolans, Salvadorians, Chileans, Palestinians, et cetera ad nauseum.
What is more, this growing group of angry, disaffected and persecuted Americans is different in a critical way from the people that were slaughtered
en masse by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. Unlike the poor peasants slaughtered in frigid Soviet gulags, for example, present-day
Americans are armed – both literally and figuratively."