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The Great Swine Flu Cover

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posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:35 PM
What if the swine flu is not a cover for whatever they are doing now, but a cover for things to come? With the way swine flu is being hyped you'd think that the person dies on contact, but what if it is the seed. No one will forget the "Great Swine Scare of 2009", what if in a few months many, many people do start dying off. Most would assume that it is because the illness tapered off and came back during flu season mixed our regular other viruses. I just don't get the hype, the WHO threat levels, for something that really doesn't appear to be that big of a deal, at least not any more dangerous than an average flu.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:50 PM
What if the Swine flu is just a flu that has killed a few people and the WHO and CDC want to prevent more deaths so they warn everybody to be careful so it doesnt spread and mutate into a greater killer?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

Yea, I have thought of this scenario myself. Maybe we are being desensitized or something. I also can not help but wonder if the government is trying to cripple Mexico in order to further the NAU, that would explain why Mexico has gotten the worst of this flu and the rest of the world has been touched but not as bad. There are so many theories; it could be that things are just really getting that crazy. As a Christian I can not help but think that we are living in the end times and Revelations is playing out. The four horsemen represent different forms of tribulation and one is disease and death. In my studies I have learned that when these times occur they will come in waves getting worse with each episode like the contractions of a women giving birth. If you think about it we had the bird flu scare and nothing happened now the swine flu scare and a little is happening if the pattern continues then we will have more medical scares that will become more serious than the last. Now this theory does not mean that all of this wasn't created by the government, the Bible never states how these things come about, just that they do. What do you think; does what I am saying make any sense?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:58 PM
I don't know that we are living in the end of times, since pretty much every generation before us has said the same thing. The desensitization I can go along with, it does seem that humanity is moving down a horrible path, with the next thing usually worse than what preceded it, and rarely an improvement.

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