posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Originally posted by baseball101
And who knows their will probably be many people claiming to be you and post a thread and then when/if you do post it'll go in the trash ... just a
That is true, and for that reason , assuming Paul is truly feeling up to it, I suggest going the same route as Houdini did, and perhaps set up secret
word with one of the three amigos. One that only the true Paul would be able to include in a post.
The scenario you put place did happen with Houdini when he promised to come back if it was possible. Many people claiming to be psychics came forth
but none were able to provide the secret word that only his wife knew.
That would be a good way for Paul to do it. However I do not want him to feel obligated to either. He has his own issues right now.
Paul if you are seeing this, and you truly do want to try to come back and share with us via posting, I reccoment that you you set up a special
password/phrase with the three amigos that way we can weed out any potential hoaxers. Do NOT however, feel obligated to do this at all!
We all love you my friend. We thank you for each and every contribution you have made to this site and the world as a whole. As I said in my last
post, see you on the other side. When it is my time feel free to come say hi! Hell, feel free to come say hi even if it is not my time! Love you
[edit on 3-5-2009 by gimme_some_truth]