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Abducted again last night

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 06:57 PM
OP why 2 threads on the same topic?
I was interested and reading through this thread and then I hear you have more than one thread on the same thing.

Please explain before I offer you a very easy way to make it stop.

Unless you are blowing smoke....

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by cindymars
OP why 2 threads on the same topic?
I was interested and reading through this thread and then I hear you have more than one thread on the same thing.

Please explain before I offer you a very easy way to make it stop.

Unless you are blowing smoke....

So I dunno about the OP, but I would like to know an easy way to make it stop. For reals. Unless this is just leading me to some kind of a punch line.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by The Real Josh

Basically they have been suggested here and more than likely on the other thread.
You take your power back. If they are using techs and frequencies, so do you.
Also threaten them if your at all aware.

There are certain techniques offered by different sources, check the other thread.

If you want you can U2U me and I will tell you more, if you need it?

My sister says it was a dream but not. She was on a table and could not move. She said she shouted in her mind "I AM going to get up and when I do I am going to F you up" she said boom she woke up.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by cindymars

Sorry, I apparently cannot send U2U's. (I guess that is the penalty for being a forum "lurker"?)

Threatening violence doesn't seem to make the issue go away, but rather make the episodes more "dreamlike" and unconscious. I don't exactly want to bash their heads in, I want to not be afraid.

And I have a webcam about 10 feet from my bed, and I've thought of using it for said purpose, but the thought of actually seeing something on it scares the crap out of me and I'd never be able to sleep. at least now I can use the possibility of craziness, and security blankets like, "borders/bubbles" which discussing outside of my brain comes across as completely nuts, but the empaths buy it and as far as I can tell it works, at least with humans.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by The Real Josh

That was just and example. That was my sister, not me. None the less, I say that I believe (IF?) abductions do happen, on some level we are allowing it. So if we do not want them we have to be more assertive and take your power back. Stop it.

I have had some experiences, quite interesting to me in regards to Grey's but they were astral. I don't believe most people would consider that abduction. I do not think it is less REAL because it was on another level of existence.

I do know that I no longer fear such things. So that is all I have to offer.


posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by The Real Josh

I had a simular state when coming out of a general anesthetic where I was awake but unable to move. focusing on my fingertips seemed to help. Once they started to move other motions came along. Just my experience.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:54 AM
I every so often experience what is called sleep paralysis. No kidding either, I honestly do.

It is quite a weird sensation where you are coming out of REM sleep state and feel partially awake and partially asleep. Unable to move even when telling your body to move. It is quite freaky. I have read about others who claim to hallucinate during such episodes.

Might it be possible this is what you experience?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:45 AM
Thanks cindymars and cliffjumper68 for the ideas. I think that you're right in that it's a matter of "getting over it" and being bigger than that fear. I'm working on it...

Originally posted by FX44rice
I every so often experience what is called sleep paralysis. No kidding either, I honestly do.

Might it be possible this is what you experience?

I have most definately have had sleep paralysis a few times, and I would entertain that idea if my episodes were "boogeymen" in the bedroom kind of things, but, it wouldn't explain sitting on my kitchen floor, awake, in the middle of the night talking to a blonde, not really a woman, while a few of "them" peek at me from my livingroom. Or getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and seeing/hearing crazy sh*t outside of the bathroom window. Or standing in the woods, in the snow with the aformentioned blonde woman, etc.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 10:04 AM
Are you aware of a bloodline in your family? I'm asking because when I wrote offering some suggestions to the officer about it, the bloodline thing came up. The Scottish bloodline in his probably ended up being a merivingian one as is mine. As well, out of numerous people who have written me, certain kinds of bloodlines, often Scottish, are something we're all sharing. I have a far out there theory about it, but one thing I was told when I kept researching this is that in certain strains there are dna markers and things that continue, even if they're diluted and this is what they seek primarily, not their only reason, for their genetic work or biological things, like a long lasting testube of something.
A lot of the people I've talked to are rh-, though there are a few of us rh +'s as well.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Honestly I have no idea. I was curious what my blood type was and asked my kidney doc, and he told me he didn't know, it's not in my chart. He said he'd have to test specifically for that. It's kind of ridiculous that none of my doctors know that considering my health issues.

I also don't know about any family bloodlines or any of that. We're all of the red hair/blue eyes variety. My father told me that his family originated from Australia when the British send thier prisoners over. (or however that went). I do have a grandmother that's hardcore into geneology, I am curious to ask her about it now.

As far as "they" go and my family/parents. My sister has been briefly involved when I was a teen, (when it was at it's heaviest). I never was lead to believe my parents or anyone else had any issues with them. There were a few things but it would be speculation.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by mystiq

One way to talk to the medical staff is to say one is experiencing hallucinations. That way, they will get the tests needed to see if they have a tumor or other serious problem. If the medical profession does not find any problem(s), then the next step would be to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and rule out any mental health issues.

I have had sleep paralysis, and the dreams can be quite realistic. I have heard voices call me at night, only to see no one was in my room or apartment.

Other things to do is check outside for strange imprints of a possible landing area. Many of the craft do leave imprints that do get photographed and measured.

As far as the OP, with FARK and other sites trying to trick us, I will remain a skeptic.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 06:39 PM
Well, sorry to say, this sane and perfectly normal woman, whose whole family, has sited crafts, missing time, and some more, and therefore this is a shared thing, something delusions cannot be, will not ever go to the medical community to have a lie put on my record, or to deal with psychiatric issues. I imagine many sane people can be drugged enough to not notice the real things that are happening in their life. Thats one way to avoid allowing the truth to be available.
Thankfully, I know better. Have no mental issues whatsoever. Know what shared sitings and experiences mean!

Also, I recommend to anyone experiencing this to research and discover the information out there before you even consider the route just suggested. Because this is for real, and there are many who don't want experiencers speaking out. Of course, as the OP did, anyone experiencing trauma and changes in their lives and symptoms that would indicate that they truly need to seek medical attention and/or counselling should. But if the only indication is that you've sited a ufo or had a abduction experience, memories of this, or dreams of this, and physical wounds in the morning that are unexplained. Theres nothing mental about this.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Umm it is not for real. You should not be persuading people not to seek the proper medical attention they sorely need. Just because you choose to live in this fantasy. Other deserve a chance at a normal life and should be allowed to seek help.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by Jack_Da_Ripper]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by officer_010

You can stop the abductions via the methodology discussed here:

It's basically spiritual warfare.

The Name and Blood of Jesus has proven repeatedly effective . . . sometimes even in mid-abduction when recalled from a childhood Sunday school class and blurted out in fear and anger at what was happening.

Your experiences sound frightful.

Guy Malone, founder of the site above, had several abductions in his teen years before he learned to stop them.

Now, he's helped many dozens of folks and families to stop abductions--some of which had been going on in families for generations.

IIRC, his new wife also used to have abduction experiences.

I've met him and he's the real deal. Very authentic, zaney, funny, but a seriously fine guy with a big heart and a sharp mind. He's also assembled the best panel of experts I know of who present very convincing evidence about who the critters are and what they are up to.

God be with you,

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Jack_Da_Ripper
reply to post by mystiq

Umm it is not for real. You should not be persuading people not to seek the proper medical attention they sorely need. Just because you choose to live in this fantasy. Other deserve a chance at a normal life and should be allowed to seek help.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by Jack_Da_Ripper]

Its not an illness. And I havn't. I encourage anyone truly in need of counseling or advice due to trauma to seek help, and truly in need of medical attention, noted in other ways than an ufo enounter, to seek help.

In addition, if someone is considering that route, they should contact those who are working with experiencers, such as acern, and research as much as they can. Savee?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Just ONCE, I would like some evidence, I am so sick of ppl saying this happened to them or that happened to them, oh, and that they will take pictures or videos and post tomm. They get a million replies and then spaz on it, I am not saying that wierd sh!t doesnt' happen to ppl. I just doubt the validity of 99% of the reported cases.

And here I am tho, like a damn fool adding to this guys post count.
I wish we had a reverse star button or something. Like instead of a star you would get a toliet, and thumbs down or a Rosie O'Donnel head.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by stereovoyaged]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Jack_Da_Ripper
Umm it is not for real. You should not be persuading people not to seek the proper medical attention they sorely need. Just because you choose to live in this fantasy. Other deserve a chance at a normal life and should be allowed to seek help.

That's dichotomous; things aren't so simple. I agree that some people probably hallucinate this sort of thing for various reasons. But, even that doesn't make the phenomenon any less "real". All of existence from the perspective of any one person, exists only within the "head" of an individual. If that individual is experiencing something, regardless of the cause, it is definitely "real", regardless of what the comparisons are made to other people.

Still for the record I've seen "them" on a regular basis since I was a teen as far as I can remember, and I'm not crazy. I've had every medical test there is ran on me, I've been psychiatrically evaluated and there is and has never been anything to indicate, or even potentially insinuate, that I am hallucinating or otherwise not actually experiencing the things that I am.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:40 AM
If a person is going to hallucinate this, then its going to be something that shows up in other ways, and in other situations. Its not going to show up only in a ufology related way, with a person who's family has also witnessed crafts, brother had 2 hours missing time with a partner driving truck and said truck was 2 hours ahead on road after siting a craft, second oldest child at aged 17 reporting the same things. But, same said son had already had an assessment by a doctor as to whether he was depressed or had signs due to his low immune system and frequently being sick, and the doctor said there was no sign of depression or anything other than a tendency to catch virus's.

Its delusional to think people can share sitings. I also feel, in todays world, with the number of people affected by these experiences as well as presidential sitings, credentialled disclosures etc. that its worth questioning a persons ability to not get the reality clearly by now that this is for real.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by mystiq

All I am stating is for the person to be able to rule out medical or mental health issues before going the extraterrestrial route. If the whole family has witnessed the abduction or been abducted, then I would tend to rule out the medical or mental health problems. I think the family should try to find a way to record the happenings so we can find the truth of the abductions. Repeated abductions mean there should be a good chance to record them as they happen. So far, that has never happened except for a few fake YouTube videos.

The idea is to gather evidence to prove what is happening. That is the only way to get people to believe this is an ongoing phenomena. I am one to question the number of claims of people being abducted. I will not tell them they are lying, or having mental problems. That is the reason to rule those explanations out.

Mystiq, I think you and many others are very brave to come forward with your experiences. Just because I am not ready to immediately believe all the claims does not mean I do not want to help.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008
I think you make some reasonable points in a very amenable manner. Various disorders can run through families through maternal or paternal lines.

I'm occasionally subject to a mild sleeping disorder with features of sleep paralysis. During these episodes, I've experienced being attacked by a variety of figures, shapes, shadows, presences etc. Been woken by voices and had the pleasure of 'Old Hag' on my chest. I've 'left my body' and floated around the room. As a teenager they were confusing and disturbing. I attributed many of them to some form of ghostly occurrence.

Later, I studied Psychology, investigated the literature and began to correlate the trigger factors and ways to minimize frequency. Just a couple of years ago my mother related similar experiences and was more inclined towards the 'ghostly.' It's likely that I've inherited the disposition.

If a family has aspects of sleeping disorders and is immersed in UFOlogy and alien visitations, it seems reasonable that they would interpret them through the 'alien filter.' Perhaps this doesn't explain all accounts, maybe a few though?

As someone who hasn't been 'abducted' IIRC, it's a hard subject to digest. I'm skeptical in the true sense that I don't dismiss the experience in total. It's full of blatant liars, social misfits, recluses and con merchants etc. Somewhere within this covey of attention seekers, I can believe there are people who experience something real to them. I know Dr J E Mack attracted a lot of hostility, but he's moved me from abject dismissal to...maybe? Interview here... Not everything he says goes down well! Nevertheless, the position he held supports some credibility. Harvard tried to dismiss him without success so his methodology was sound enough.

People who claim to be abducted should be more understanding of people that question them legitimately. We're talkin about interdimensional/space hopping entities kidnapping souls and bodies without witness or tangible evidence. It's forgivable to be bewildered by it all...

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