posted on May, 2 2009 @ 05:02 AM
! south korea is basically defencless against any attack from any angle. the ROK army is a joke and rely on the us soldiers to do wht they can not.
although, the us strategy plan for an attack on south korea is just this,-
if s korea was to be attacked, the us forces would advance, attack, draw back, advane one more time, and then leave, yeah, thats right, just pack up
and leave to let south korea handle their own stuff, its messed up i know!!
plans for the us to pull out of s korea have already been formulated and are siad to be carried out by 2011, only two years andthe us is to be
completley drawn out of korea, so far the only actions taken are, the us base yongson, in seoul korea is giving over all guard posts and command
centers over to the ROK army, thouhg this has not been completley caried out, it is dragging on so this will take a good year to finish, all of the us
force on yongson are said to be moved to camp casey!!
[edit on 2-5-2009 by bravozuloo]