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Why does the general public consider us believers crackheads?

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Im really getting fed up with being called "crazy" and being a "dreamer" for believing in aliens and UFO's. People think they know it all these days. Maybe if they actually went on the web and did minimal research they would find substantial evidence that these things are real...

The other my friend told my other friend "Robert tells me you are an alter boy" and apparently he told him "WHAT?! You are going to listen to Robert...he believes in aliens!!!"

What is so hard to believe here. One galaxy contains about 150 BILLION stars, for all we know they may all have solar systems. And there are HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF GALAXYS OUT THERE.

Honestly, to say there is no life elsewhere is just absurd. I mean thats trillions of planets right there. Weve already found an earthlike planet so that means that there must be more out there.

You would think, by the way people treat us, we practice witchcraft or something. We are just studying man-kinds single greatest discovery.

I believe soon they will all be proven wrong. The announcement will hit them all and they will never even see it coming.

I am just your everyday teenager. I love hanging out with friends, Im an avid gamer, and am VERY tech-savvy. Right when people hear about my ET interest, right away "LOL WUT U R CRAZY LULZ"

Just thought id see if anyone else agrees with me.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:33 PM
I've noticed the same people that have called me a nutcase for believing that there is other life in the universe, (Not said anything about if they've come here or not) just that I believe there is other life in the universe. I get slammed with critisicm, and told not to say such stupid thoughtless things.

Then for the next 2 hours i'm told of a Giant Invisible all knowing being that created planets, each life on earth, then created the rest of the universe so we would just have something to look at.......That a man once lived in a big fish for three days and survived, ressurection of man, a man walking on water, prophets being carried to heaven in fiery chariots..................

And i'm the crazy one.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by King neptune117

cuz they are all sheeple blind tel-lie-vision watchers duh....

just like Hulu: an evil plot to destroy the world watchers

this commercial is actually for real, carries alot of TRUE messages.
the nephilim are the true people who pull the strings here on earth, well with 1 above them all, Satan. ..ugh why do i bother....

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Seriously? Look at some of the biggest examples from the UFO stuff.

The loudest voices are a bunch of nutters, with the people who do serious study and documentation generally fairly reserved.
And the nutjobs are the only ones who get air time.
Much of the evidence for UFO's are either very indistinct videos or someone's stories.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:50 PM
When a superior man hears the Truth,
he begins to embody it immediately.
When an average man hears the Truth,
he is caught between doubt and belief.
When a foolish man hears the Truth,
He laughs aloud.
If he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the Truth.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:50 PM
Let me also add, It's very easy to go with the flow of everyone else thought process. Instead of thinking for yourself.

It's also easier to arrogantly say ALIENS don't EXIST, then it is to look for evidence and the chances of life on another planet. People always try to make themselves seem smarter then they actually are.

Remember masses have almost always been turned away from anything that required a change in thought process. Einstein, Briefly albeit.
Copernicus. Galileo.

"If man was meant to fly, HE WOULD OF BEEN BORN WITH WINGS".

It's that thought process above, that people are addicted to, sure it's witty and well put, but stupid nonetheless, and arrogant.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Personally, I dont have a problem believing in life on other planets. Statistically that is a no brainer. I do however have a hard time thinking that a bunch of beings from the otherside of the universe:
1. Actually can get here
2. Actually found us
3. Actually come to people and tell them a bunch of stuff that makes no sense.
4. Actually can get here on some craft that exceeds the limits of known physics and then when they get here crash more than all the airlines combined.

Thats just got to suck. You drive all the way accross the freaking universe and then when you get here your spaceship craps out on you.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by King neptune117

I believe soon they will all be proven wrong. The announcement will hit them all and they will never even see it coming.

Just thought id see if anyone else agrees with me.

Sadly you are wrong, wrong, wrong.
They will claim they thought as much all along. And you will be still called a 'crack-head'.
Understand the herd mentality and the obsession with following fashion-if it was fashionable to eat your own children today, many would do it happily.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by stewartw2

I for one promise if there is proof of aliens visiting this planet then I will personally crap my pants and admit I was wrong. You have my word.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
Personally, I dont have a problem believing in life on other planets. Statistically that is a no brainer. I do however have a hard time thinking that a bunch of beings from the otherside of the universe:
1. Actually can get here
2. Actually found us
3. Actually come to people and tell them a bunch of stuff that makes no sense.
4. Actually can get here on some craft that exceeds the limits of known physics and then when they get here crash more than all the airlines combined.

Thats just got to suck. You drive all the way accross the freaking universe and then when you get here your spaceship craps out on you.

Most likely the crashes that we know of were actually shot down.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:46 AM
For anyone having a hard time thinking they could be here, read Flying Saucers and Science by Friedman.

Alien ships only break known mainstream university physics. The classified black world is many decades ahead in scientific knowledge.

Paul Laviolette's book on classified anti-gravity systems discusses some of the potential underlying physics. Rememeber Newton's mechanics stood for many hundreds of years. Einstein further refined things.

When a unified theory is discovered and the true potential of gravity and the electromagnetic force are understood, we'll begin mastering quantum forces. If it's anything like the leap from chemical to nuclear energy, it will be unimaginable and hard to predict the changes and innovations. Relativity says you can't travel faster than C through space, but there are ways around it, if you have enough energy.

And to answer the question, the media and govt have been propagandizing the masses for decades.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by Schaden]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by bl4ke360

But still you have the tech to cross the universe and you cant come up with a way to defend your craft from a missle or other weapon. Like are you saying they shot the one in Rosewell down with a prop plane toating a gun?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by King neptune117

Why does the general public consider us believer’s crack heads?

Firstly, the general public does what they are told. It is the masters behind the scenes that have orchestrated the dejection of “the believers”. As you have mentioned, the possible existence of aliens is a matter of known mathematical equations. It is not a matter of belief. However, it is the global elite media who have constantly classify the existence of aliens as a matter of "belief" and not a mathematical equation or fact. It is the global media corporations that constantly classify all alien questions as fanciful and to be avoided by all credible sources. They do this despite the fact that Nasa’s primary mission throughout its entire history has been the search for extra terrestrial civilizations within the universe.

The reason that they would do this is simple. Imagine if the world suddenly awoke to the mathematical facts of the almost certain existence of aliens. What would the world do? It would first unite itself under the cause of exploration, global defense, and the investigation of the unknown. Virtually all of the globes populations would clamor for the governments to spend its money on space exploration and global unity. Do you think the elite want that? No, instead they feel that it is their job to tell you what is important, and not the other way around.

You are to believe that fighting the next war and planetary scarcity of resources are the largest questions facing our society. They want you looking inward, not outward. They want you and I focused on keeping our jobs, steadying our food supply, and protecting us from foreign evil governments.

If the entire world clamored for global unity to explore the certainty of aliens and other intelligent life in the universe there would most probably be world war three tomorrow as the evil dictators of our planet would immediately fight for total control of this new unifying global goal.

It is best for the world that it still “believes” that aliens “might” exist.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by Hot_Wings]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Then that makes you a rare individual with a sense of decency.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:00 AM
Screw the general public, don't worry about them.

The general public are slaves. No free will to see beyond what they are told to believe.

As other posters in this thread have stated, the general public will ridicule you while at the same time telling you that there really really is a god.

The general public are their own worst enemy, they keep the shadow people in power by allowing themselves to be kept in the dark.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:21 AM
"Why does the general public consider us believers crackheads?"

Because its must be one to start to believe in this kind of stuff. Simple

The majority always wins, so the bad reputation and bad names goes always to the minorities. So we are like crackheads.
Its in a human nature to repudiate the others if they don't belong in the same group, I guess its a survival instinct, nowadays I prefer to call it stupidity, its just me.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:24 AM
Most people I've found are too busy with their own day-to-day lives to give thought or consideration for this topic. Those that do, are considered to have too much time on their hands. In general (and I'm aware of making a huge gross-generalisation), most people have bills to pay, and dramas to attend to. None of these relate to the study of Ufology. Even as a field of study, it doesn't draw lucrative interest, and it's not a mainstream concern. Studying Ufology and paranormal topics I believe is perceived to be a hobby. Though the field is finally gaining credibility, and I see a grass-roots following that is growing stronger.

I also believe other people's reactions depend significantly on your own presention of your ideas and thoughts on this subject. Equal and opposite reaction, etc.

That said, not everyone can approach someone respectfully and with courtesy, who has ideas that grossy contradicts their own. If they were to listen to your view point they might feel that it would be giving weight to the idea, or that they too might catch your crazy

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by King neptune117

Star and flag. You are entitled to believe what you believe without others mocking you. And btw I believe that there is life out there.

I am in the same position as you - because I believe in Jesus, I am mocked etc just like the people in His day were.

So I'll do you a deal - I believe in life out there and you believe in Jesus as our Saviour?

I do believe in other life, as I have said, and I also believe that Jesus is the Saviour of this world.

If you don't believe, that's ok, but please do me the courtesy of respecting my beliefs, as I have yours.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by King neptune117
A contributing factor would be threads with a title as ridiculous as this.
I do not think the descriptor "crackheads" is useful. I think it is only designed to get attention.
I can clearly see the decriptor "crackheads" being used against people interested in this topic, now that you have raised it.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:49 AM
Being on ATS and also having a real life interfacing with intelligent, hard-working, active people every day, I think I can provide an answer.

There are people who ask questions, don't accept conventional wisdom and information sources, and don't trust governments, big business, organized religions, etc. I'd say that describes the majority of urbanized educated people in Western society.

These people are as receptive to being told 9/11 was a false flag operation, the US government is covering up UFO contacts, the NWO runs the world, etc.

But their common experience with those who accept conspiracy theories is they will question these assertions as demonstrable facts, and be ridiculed as idiots, dupes, sheeple, etc.

I find conspiracists to be self-righteous and intolerant as an identifiable group. Those who are fairly good judges of character see a consistent patter with many, where they derive a sense of identity and superiority
for have access to hidden truths and knowledge. A sense of specialness and empowerment.

A lot of us know this is masking a deep sense of low self-esteem and identity uncertainty.

But so-called ordinary people prefer exchanges of information and gradual learning rather than being preached to or chided for supposed ignorance.

The conspiracists have a lot to learn about communication and interaction, as a whole.

They think everyone else is gullible, and not them. In fact, in their own sub-culture, they are infinitely more susceptible to accepting any wild theory as fact, close-minded and intolerant than the people they consider brainwashed.

That's how it is.


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