posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:28 AM
So here I sit, slicking on this thread think that once and for all I will get the truth about UFO's. Finally, after being interested in this subject
long before the internet flooded the subject with outrageous ignorance. So here I sit, clicking this thread and.....wait for it....wait for
it....never mind.
I would suggest to the OP that he doesn't state a thread title "The Truth about UFO's" but rather say "One Possible UFO theory" or "What I
choose to believe".
That being said, sure, I guess they could be angels/demons. You will find many folks believe in many things concerning UFO's. They could be time
travelers, aliens, earth lights, ball lighting, photographic anomalies, overactive imaginations, terrestrial mis-identification, and hundreds of other
things people choose to believe.
Me, I don't think there is a qualified data set to extrapolate any conclusions. And anyone that chooses to come to a conclusion based off the current
amount of data out there right now is not fit to come to a conclusion in my opinion. Some might know what I mean by that, others will see it as an
insult, but it is what it is.