posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:02 PM
I was just thinking about this photo " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
which shows a grey alien. I think this photo looks one of
the most genuine one. Like you could see how an emotion comes from the eyes of this being. I think this would be a hard thing to fake if the photo was
taken an ages ago. speaking about how this being looks like, I think this does not represent the typical image of Greys that are seen on pictures. For me the
being looks intelligent and sweet natured, the eyes are not scary looking for me.
But still, those who have experienced these scary abduction experiences are often describing the Greys as cold and emotionless.
So I'm just interested to know asking from any abductee/experiencer: Are Greys that you've seen looked exactly like this being?