posted on May, 1 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by autsse
If you cant find Firesteel, then you are not looking.
There are at least 8 different stores here that carry them, and not all are "outdoorsman" type stores. Plus, the are easy to order online.
There is a reason these are used by the military.
Your argument about losing it... I would rather keep up with one or two Firesteels than try to keep up with and keep dry, a large bundle of
Keeping some matches is a good idea yes.. but putting all your eggs in one basket with only one fire source is not.
-edit- We can argue the "points" all day long, but you ask someone who is truly out braving the elements what they use to start a fire... matches
usually are not mentioned in the list.
Just because something sounds good in theory, does not mean it will be great in practice. The people who think they have "everything" figured out,
are usually the ones that freak out first when their only plan fails to succeed.
[edit on 1-5-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]