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Shadow Person Experience?

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:40 PM
I'm not new to the boards - however I did just move my ass and make an account so hurrah
Anyho thought I'd introduce myself by imparting my own little 'shadow person' experience.

It happened a few weeks back now sometime during the night (It must have been past 1am because my partner was asleep next to me and he never goes to bed earlier then that) - I awoke from a dream in which a shadow person was present and I remember telling that person to 'Leave'. I awoke to said Shadow Person standing the frick OVER ME next to my bed. It was definately female, not sure how I know - I just do. From her outline it looked like she was wearing a black hood and cape that covered her whole body. I remember being starled and telling her to leave again - then I turned over and went back to sleep. But in the morning when I remembered, it didn't half freak me out - seeing her stand over the bed right next to me felt so real.

Anyho, keep in mind though I was, by this time, 13-18 weeks pregnant and just starting to experience the common 'nightmares' we get from surges of hormones. I had also been researching 'Shadow People' that day for an article. These two things tell me that perhaps it just a dream.

However a niggling feeling tells me that;

1) I could definately tell the difference between that and the dream I'd just woken up from.

2) During having 'nightmares' in this period, none have felt so real as seeing her standing there.

and 3) I remember going -back- to sleep. I would assume if it were one of those 'fasle start' dreams (where you're just dreaming you've woken up) then I would have actually woken up after seeing her the second time.

I'm so glad I have two cats with me

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:15 AM
I have had a wierd shadow person experience as myself i was playing videogames at like 12AM and then out the corner of my eye i see a figure standing in the corner it was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and it ran from one end of the room to another. another time i was watching tv it was durring the day i saw the same figure but it was a faint shadow and it just buzzed by the side of my eye im not too sure but it looks like its a child about like 15-16 and ive seen it in my back yard in the woods at night as well im not too sure but ive seen the same things as your experiencing so has my girlfriend

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:12 PM
I had a very similiar experience, in that I saw a shadow person while I was in a state that was not quite dreaming but not quite awake. I'll just link to the thread I made on it-

Monster in my Closet

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:17 PM
I have seen them on an off all of my life. This video is the closest thing I have seen to evidence of them.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Do not fear shadow beings, they don't wish to you harm you. I have met many shadow beings during my numerous sleep paralysis experiences, and while it may feel as if they're trying to harm you, they're not.

They're curious. They are not some sort of spirit, not some sort of ghost, multi-dimensional beings that are capable of crossing over into this dimension. They can travel at the speed of light, or even greater as far as I'm concerned.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I have quite often noticed shadow people out of the corner of my eye. Not always at night,and outside as well as inside.

Because it happens a lot both myself and my husband( he sees them as well,so I know I am not mad) take it for granted now and don't really even mention it ,just a shared look is enough.

They have never done any harm,well apart from making me trip over the cat!!

If they sometimes freak the children out ,we always say "Treat them with some respect,they were here before you."

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:39 PM
I have proof of shadow beings existing, would you like to witness it? You can do it yourself. Sleep in an uncomfortable posistion and hope for sleep paralysis, you will see for yourself the wonders of the shadows, dancing lightly along the walls, sometimes even see a being clothed in white and black clothing staring right back at you.

I know once I had sleep paralysis and this is from my notelog, and this probably happened like a year or so ago when I used to experience sleep paralysis weekly:

I couldn't move at all for about 15 or so seconds, and when it was going away I managed to move my eyes up to my bedroom window and I immediately focused on an obvious being or figure staring right at me, it was watching me, I could tell which is why my eyes went right to where it was. I kept staring at it, for several seconds, and it either saw me looking at it or it just wanted to go. I saw a 6-8 foot tall figure, in white/black clothing or costume, with some sort of mask on. It was a variation of black/white colors, along with his 'armor'. Once it noticed me staring back, it immediately bolted off to the left very, very, very fast, so fast I lost track of it once I got up and out of my bed.

It was an odd looking shadow person, I've never seen one like that. I think it was either just some sort of weird shadow person(In terms of how weird they can get, this one looked pretty damn weird) or it was pretty high ranking in whatever order they go by, the clothes were just out of this world... it almost didnt look like clothing, it matched so perfectly, a perfect blend of white and black baggy clothing, very odd and 100% truthful experience.

I recommend it, undergo sleep paralysis but so be afraid and you'll see for yourself.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 06:21 AM
Wow - Thanks for your replies - your experiences and thoughts are really interesting

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 10:56 AM
Shadow people are not limited to sleep paralysis. I have seen them all my life and NEVER during a sleep paralysis episode. NEVER.
I was always awake.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
Shadow people are not limited to sleep paralysis. I have seen them all my life and NEVER during a sleep paralysis episode. NEVER.
I was always awake.

You are awake during sleep paralysis. Your mind is anyway, your body just isn't.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Esoterica

I am talking about people who are not in their bed or in a sleep situation. I am talking about being in your kitchen cooking dinner and seeing one of them watching you from the doorway out of the corner of your eye.
Do some research you will find there are MANY people who see them during their normal waking activities.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

Same here. It has happened to me twice in one month--one outside and one inside out of the corner of my eye and nothing to serve as a plausible explanation. They were so stunning I turned to look both times.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

I am always awake busy doing one thing or another when I see shadow people as well and not always just out of the corner of my eye. More and more as of late they have been showing themselves where I can see them straight on and they don't always disappear in a split second. For me they like to hang out in doorways..just watching, but most times they were in corners. Anyone that experiences these things and have for years (for me since childhood) knows what I am talking about when I say it is very obvious they are staring/watching..and they do but in my situation nothing else.

The house I live in now, I have been here almost 4 years and the only time I truly got scared by one of my resident SP was when I was getting into bed one night fluffing the pillows trying to get comfortable when I notice a shadow in my doorway that looked like a very tall man in a hat. He didn't move for what felt like 2 minutes and I honestly don't remember my heart beating or breathing for that matter I was just locked onto him visually to see what he was going to do. He just stood there watching then slowly faded into nowhere. It freaked me out because I never had one not run off when noticed. I got out of bed immediately and stayed up half the night in a well lit room trying to calm myself down. That was when they started showing themselves more and more like they don't care anymore that I can see them. Maybe they don't think of me as a threat because I don't think of them as a real threat anymore? Or is that a mistake? Either way their behavior has changed. I wish one time I could catch one of these on camera especially when they are twirling around like they are dancing in the hallway that leads to my kids rooms.

Has anyone else noticed a noticeable increase in paranormal activity in the last couple of months? Just wondering... maybe there is another thread I may have overlooked discussing that?

[edit on 26-5-2009 by AwakenAware]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 12:56 PM
The only one that seemed possibly real to me was one that woke me up and asked for a pillow.

I was pretty ticked and laid into him, turned in bed thinking, "Am I dreaming?" "Nope don't appear to be besides I'm so ticked off right now for him waking me up it can't be a dream" only add a few expletives in that quote lol

That being said I had very odd things going on in my apartment for a couple years at least and after this one incident everything stopped. Another reason I think it could be plausible.

Edit: all that being said I would love to stumble across something like that while awake. First thing I would do is try to communicate with it.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by Darthorious]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by AwakenAware
Yes activity has increased here as of recent again as well. I have had a presence in my room that knocks things over and brushed my side, and my kids are seeing more shadow figures again. Just last week my daughter saw one walking toward my sons door. Not a shadow against a wall or on the floor but a 3 dimensional form like a man, but not.
Yes things seem to be picking up again.. but things got more active at this time last year as well.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by Esoterica

I am talking about people who are not in their bed or in a sleep situation. I am talking about being in your kitchen cooking dinner and seeing one of them watching you from the doorway out of the corner of your eye.
Do some research you will find there are MANY people who see them during their normal waking activities.

I am well aware of people seeing shadow people out fo the corner of their eye.

I am also well aware that vision is an incredibly complicated phenomena and since everything that we "see" is actually constructed in our brain, it's jsut as plausible that "shadow people" seen out of the corner of your eye are simply your brain misinterpreting information and filling in the gaps with what it "thinks" should be there.

I have seen a couple of "shaodw people" out of the corner of my eye myself. However, it was always after reading about shadow people experiences on websites such as ATS. Thus, I was in the right frame of mind to interpret images I see as "shadow people". I have never seen a shadow person while awake if shadow people were not already on my mind.

Now keep in mind I have had a full-on shadow person experience as stated above, so I know what other people have seen. I'm not some skeptic coming in to ruin the thread, I am a fellow experiencer putting forth my own interpretation.

[edit on 5-27-2009 by Esoterica]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:02 PM
in my opinion this is just like all other cases on supernatural experienes i have read about.
presuming the OP is sincere and honest then this would have either been a dream or just his or her imagination.
just my opinion.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 06:21 PM
I had an experience with something that sounds similar to a shadow person. Dunno if I was dreaming or not. Anything is possible, right? I had just woken up around 4am. Now, I dont wake up for nothing. I sleep like a rock >.> I've slept through tornados. I've slept through people yelling at me. Doesnt matter. I wont wake up. I did this time though. It was dark in my room, like it usually is >.> Sleeping with lights on makes me uncomfortable. I dont like seeing color when I close my eyes xD. Anyways. I just wanted to go back to sleep, so I rolled over on my bed. I took in my room with a glance, and nothing was obviously wrong, but it felt wrong to close my eyes at that point. Never happened before -.- Normally I'd just. . .ZZZZ. It took me a a few more seconds to realize that the black wasnt uniform. There was a place in my room where the black was very deep. It didnt feel like a presence so much as a lack of presence. I couldnt LOOK at it, felt like I had my eyes closed, so I used my peripheral to see it. I think I was lying there watching it for a long time, but I really dont know how long it was. After a bit though, I noticed something that I didnt see before. It had a face. Well, something that resembled a face, at least. The features, which consisted of eyes and a mouth, were made of purple electricity(static?) The mouth was open in a jagged smile (I think it was a smile) but wasnt filled with said electricity. The spark of the eyes seemed a bit further back than the mouth. It didnt move, but when I looked into the face it seemed to loom closer a little bit. When I looked away from the face though, it was still in the same spot as it was. Creepy really -.- But yeah. I couldnt really look into its eyes for more than few seconds at once. I was distracted by its smile. (again, I think it was a smile) The staredown went on for a while it seemed like though. . .And since that night, I've had dreams about it. Shadow person(s), but never again with faces. Not even once. To this day, I still cant get the purple face out of my head. Kinda pisses me off.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by Fluffydin]

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Anglaisrozu

Most people who study paranormal activity (myself included) think that shadow people are ghosts that don't have enough energy to fully manifest. Of course, to believe that theory, you have to believe in ghosts, hehe. Anyway, just my two cents. Doesn't mean I'm right... like I said, it's just a theory, but one that makes sense. I have seen these before, but not while ghost hunting... too bad because I would love to catch one on video. Congrats on seeing one of your own! I have been pregnant three times and during each pregnancy, I seemed to have a heightened sense of awareness and was able to tune into things that I normally wouldn't have been able to at the time. At least all those hormones have one advantage, ha ha!

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 10:48 PM
I was getting ready to go to work one morning. When I walked across the living room towards the kitchen, I noticed a black meshy figure sitting on my couch across the room from me. I stopped and just stared for a minute, not knowing what to think. The figure then got up turned and walked through the wall as back into the bedroom. The figure was an exact shadow of my dead husband, got up from the couch just as he would and walked just as he did. I didn't tell anyone about the experience because I didn't think they would believe me. About two years later, my son saw the same figure walk into a closet and then back out. He said it was his dad.
I have also had shadow figures in my front yard, several at the same time, hiding behind the vehicles or running around the yard.

[edit on 5-7-2009 by catamaran]

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