posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:29 PM
If you ask anyone to step out of their hypnotic state that we call reality, tell them to put down their blackberry and Starbucks coffee and forget
about their job and their sports teams for one second and have them think to themselves "outside of this world, is there really nothing else?" you
will surely have them agree that we cannot be alone.
Certain powers obviously know more about this than the general public.
We all are keen for tangible proofs, that meet accepted scientific criteria (accessible, verifiable and repeatable) alien visitation ever took place
on earth or elsewhere in our solar system - we have it: Testimonials, implants, crop circles photographs, footage etc . These "pieces" of the puzzle
are more than in enough, to made us aware without harming us ( this view is in a way, why i think there inst any mass landings, because of the damage
it might cause).
There is something that these beings are trying to tell us, like a final piece for this huge puzzle that we call life, something really profound.
So, we can't maintain a society without leadership, greed, wars and conquer dominates our deeds, and, we can't even handle the resources of our
planet in a sustainable manner.
But aliens are not required for our evolution. It's a matter of ourselves. Despite, there are so many UFO-crazies, charlatans and
false-hope-spreaders out there, they all wanted to implant people their religion into their heads. For money of course. Social and mental evolution
can not be accelerated at will; but we can try to minimize friction losses. Undoubtedly a united humanity is one point - among many other tasks we
have to perform.
I realize now that we are looking at the world through each other's eyes. Our true nature is raising its profile in our minds & we will soon realize
that our perception of individuality was merely useful to help drive us towards working together.
We have the critical mass now that it takes to allow our intent for this knowledge to spread to literally induce this metamophosis of our world and
We were NEVER alone.
[edit on 1-5-2009 by ImNOW]