CDC confirms 141 cases of swine flu in 19 states in U.S., according to the agency's Web site. Quote
28 April there were 99 confirmed cases
29 April there were 154 confirmed cases
Yesterday 30 April there were 212 confirmed cases.
Today 1 May there are 478 confirmed cases
99 to 154 (growth 1.55)
154 to 212 (growth 1.376)
212 to 478(growth 2.254)
Lets assume that growth remains constant at an average of those growth figures (1.822)
That means 2 May expected confirmed cases will be 871
3 May 1566
4 May 2850
5 May 5187
6 May 9440
7 May 17,180
8 May 31,267
9 May 56,907
10 May 103,570
I'll let you do the rest of the math for later periods.
This is an exponential growth rate - as are most disease spreads until the disease wanes or until the population is immune or
No, this isn't WWIII nuclear war type doom where its all over in 3 hours. No not even a 9-11 terrorist attack, over in about a day.
Pandemics and Epidemics start off slowly, and gain momentum and speed as time progresses.
By May tenth over one hundred thousand cases (based on confirmed cases only) can be expected. If this is a non stop 100% communicable disease, then
by 20 May we could be looking at 41,300,109 cases in the US alone! Yes you read that correctly 41 million.
Do the math.
Its not in the media as prevalent as is should be. Its not because too many woo woos would freak out. Its not being covered or handled correctly by
CDC, WHO and the international community to stave off economic complications due to panicked shopping and panicked 'calling in sick' or work
Even with a low death rate of say 0.05% we are talking a potential 20,650 deaths. Even with a mortality rate of just ).01% we would see 4,130 deaths
of the infected population of 20 may.
That's just 20 days down the road.
This is why a pandemic is a 'bad thing' it has full access to the whole population, it springs up in unexpected places, it spreads and it is passed
in a growth rate 1.2 to 2 is the expected for flu until about 1/3 to 1/2 of the population has fallen ill.
Pandemics are more dangerous than just epidemics due to the way viruses can mix with other viruses (like this one mixing with another flu type) that
can lead to more seriously novel viruses that could be more contagious, or have a longer airborne life or be more deadly or be all three combined.
Its the math that is all important. Its not what has happened in the opening week its the longer term, the month - the two months the year down the
road that makes this
potentially a very, very bad thing.
[edit on 1/5/2009 by Mexican against NAU]
[edit on 1/5/2009 by Mexican against NAU]
[edit on 1/5/2009 by Mexican against NAU]
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.
[edit on 1 May 09 by Gools]
[edit on 1-5-2009 by SkepticOverlord]