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Post "Insider" Stories, Witness Info & Strange Goings on Here

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:27 PM
See. . .!!!!! That's what I don't understand! Why the media hype for a virus that doesn't kill effectively? I understand that the media has a hidden agenda. That's obvious. But WHY the hype over this flu bug when it is being shown that it is less lethal?
Another post stated that it is because of the economy.
But c'mon, we aren't THAT stupid. Granted there are alot of sheep around but to this degree?
I can't believe that the American people are buying this cr@p!!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by DeafRaz
Yeah My friend recevied warning email from friend in 2 days ago. They are from EL Paso,TX

First confirmed case of swine flu... First confirmed case of swine flu @ thomason hospital so be careful with people with colds!! Forward!

No media or TV news mention anything about it. ?

I noticed in somewhere in ATS forum. other mention someone died in the Corpus Christi,TX. that person look to foward to watch news TV or media about it. but nothing at all.

in Mexico .. sure strange stuff nobody report to from mexico. maybe there are block internet due to prevent mass panic?

[edit on 1-5-2009 by DeafRaz]

You received your information from "a friend of a friend" via email? Hmm..possibly. But I live in El Paso, and have heard not a peep from a single soul about any confirmed cases at Thomason or any other hospital. Guess we'll have to see if this actually pans out. I do know there are 11 new "suspected" cases on top of 5 or so before. I'm just wondering what "suspected" means. If I have a fever and body aches, would I fall under the "suspected" cases? This is all a bit odd to me.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:47 PM
I predict you are going to see over the next few days is a return to the apocalypse waiting game that we have seen time and time again as the great swine flu scare of ought-nine peters out.

The apocalypse fetishists are going to inevitably revert to "This was just a taste, the REAL swine flu apocalypse is going to come next flu season". And of course it won't. And there will be some lame excuse as to why, or maybe even nothing at all as the next big shiny apocalypse-to-be captures everyone's attention.

Just like every single other OMG-THIS-IS IT!!! apocalypse fetish since the Fema-NWO depopulation plans were discovered back in 1994.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by ldunquist

Uh, still new here. What FEMA NWO depop plans?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
See. . .!!!!! That's what I don't understand! Why the media hype for a virus that doesn't kill effectively? I understand that the media has a hidden agenda. That's obvious. But WHY the hype over this flu bug when it is being shown that it is less lethal?
Another post stated that it is because of the economy.
But c'mon, we aren't THAT stupid. Granted there are alot of sheep around but to this degree?
I can't believe that the American people are buying this cr@p!!

Because hype = ratings! Why does the Weather Channel go out of its way to hype every friggin' hurricaine? Because hurricaines double their ratings, which results in advertising dollars in their collective coffers! The equation that TV pandering = big sponsorship dollars has been in place since the inception of television. Pandering is what TV does best, and always has. If television is your only source of information then you are an extremely uninformed individual.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Fema has concentration camps all over the country all set up and waiting to herd 'the sheeple' into based on which color sticker appears on your mailbox. This will be apparently done because the NWO wants to cut back the population of Earth to 20% of its current total, although nobody knows why.

Not to stray too far off topic, the swine flu was supposed to be the NWO/FEMA/Obama's first stab at culling the herd a bit, but it looks like its already petering out, since nobody seems to be dying from it apart from a couple dozen Mexicans.

So not only is the NWO taking for-fricking-ever to start this apocalypse, they are completely incompetent at it to boot.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by ldunquist

I've heard of these FEMA camps, even in correlation with the swine flu issue, but what right-minded individual would ever allow that? Keeping with the topic, it took the Civil War to have Lincoln suspend habeus corpus, something even bigger that the flu or economy would have to happen in order for the government to dictate THAT much control over us.

At least I hope so.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:19 PM
All of us that frequent this most delightful website should always bear in mind the fact that this is the perfect place for both information and disinformation. We all have our own "pet theories" concerning certain aspects of our collective reality, as well we should. But we should always be especially skeptical of any posts we see on a public internet forum that seems to back our own suspicions up without any bonafide way to independently assertain the truthfulness of the facts thus stated. The current thinking in the governments of the world is that if they can control perception then they can control the whole country, if not the world. Any bit of info that fits too neatly into your admittedly paranoid world view should be held up to the strictest of reviews before you actually accept them as being truth. The Swine Flu hype is just the latest example of that. All flus are lethal to at least a few people. Even if this really turns out to be the "Big One", the ultimate pandemic that common sense will tell you must eventually happen, that doesn't necessarily mean that this is the work of the Illuminati. In point-of-fact, given the truth that a bio-engineered virus, one meant to decimate our current world population, would be indescriminant in just who it infected, then it seems to me that the NWO folks would be putting not only themselves at risk, but also their loved too.

It seems to me to be more likely that, if the NWO wanted to drastically reduce the world population, then tghey would initiate a nuclear war around the globe. They could retreat not only themselves but also their loved ones to the safety of underground bunkers while the rest of us took the brunt of their war of mass extermination. I, personally, do not put a lot of stock in the latest Swine Flu hype. Nor do I think that it is a carefully orchestrated medis event meant to distract us away from all the political hogwash that is currently going down in Washington. to me it's just another germ moving thru the population. TV wants something other than Obama @ 100 days to focus on, and so they focus on this.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by driveshaft08

Originally posted by driveshaft08
Theres 6.7 billion people in the world and how many people
have died from this flu?

15,000 to 30,000 citizens die from the Flu each year.

Looks like they want to shut down the economy!

I see fear and paranoia for the profits of the drug companies.

i should have checked to see if someone corrected you but its 30,000 in the usa die from flu / year and 300,000-500,000 people die in the world / year.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by driveshaft08
Theres 6.7 billion people in the world and how many people
have died from this flu?

15,000 to 30,000 citizens die from the Flu each year.

Looks like they want to shut down the economy!

I see fear and paranoia for the profits of the drug companies.

Man This is a flu also, I am sick and tired of people saying well this flu is more deadly then the other flu, come on man , think, this is a flu also, and its very contagious so just doing the numbers that number you are using to make yourself feel better will prob. go up also.. Flu is flu man. You dont make me feel better by comparing flu to flu man.. Just think about what your writing.. Sorry if this is warm but man come on. use that brain..

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Contrary to the Original Post though, CNN did do a piece on its website yesterday about Patient 0. Five-year-old Edgar Hernandez is alive and well and attributes his survival quite naturally to Ice Cream.

Sounds like mainstream media "feel-good propaganda"..... Id like to see the tests that confirm this kid actually had the flu to begin with....

CNN is the censored news network afterall, however i do agree with your request for moderation and skepticism in regards to some of these rumors

[edit on 5/1/2009 by sp00n1]

I concur and wonder myself if it the interview with the boy and his mother was purely scripted and staged. Things are seldom what they appear in this world and it's wise to suspect...

I can tell you from first hand experience it's hard to outguess the Powers that Be...very often they have a knack for anticipating how people will naturally rebel against some things and reverse engineer it in how they present it so that while you think you are fighting against it, they entirely unbeknownst to you have you fighting for exactly what they want.

They are after all typically the sharpest tacks on the board and not the dullest.

Personally I think it's better to just flat out ignore the plot of the week and let them play in the sandbox all by themselves.

I live in a hurricane zone and am always prepared for a month of being cut off from everything...when you live in a hurricane zone you know every now and then a storm is going to come your way. Could be a little one, could be a big one...always being prepared for either just makes sense.

Surest way to not get a hurricane, have everything on hand to weather one!

The Universe has a sadistic and twisted sense of humor if you ask me my friend.

In my humble oppinion thinking positive thoughts manifests positive things and I do wish so many people weren't intent on resting their fears on worst case scenarios but actively placing their hopes on best case ones.

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

Thanks for your reply my friend.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM
I live in Mexico Have a Apple service center and we get lot of people in our store and service and touch dozens of laptops everyday, we only disinfect the floor once a day and wash our hand every 30 minutes, we are not using N95s.

I am the administrator of 2 very large websites auto related and we have threads there that ask for ANYONE to post if they know someone sick or dead from the flu, with 5000 members jsut in the city NOT A SINGLE ONE.
\\I am not saying all this is a lie, I am saying that a lot of folks are getting on the EOTW bandwagon.

The doctor that put the info is full of it, I live within 2 minutes of 2 of the largest private hospitals and thre are no signs of alarm, nor ambulances or full parking lots, in facts they were quite empty.

So just take care be safe and dont belive that MExico city has dead people on the streets and dying by the thousands, that is simply BS.\

HEck I went to chillis last weekend and have worked even today...damn fear machine 24/7

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
reply to post by driveshaft08

Originally posted by driveshaft08
Theres 6.7 billion people in the world and how many people
have died from this flu?

15,000 to 30,000 citizens die from the Flu each year.

Looks like they want to shut down the economy!

From the CDC.

I see fear and paranoia for the profits of the drug companies.

i should have checked to see if someone corrected you but its 30,000 in the usa die from flu / year and 300,000-500,000 people die in the world / year.

From the CDC website:

36,000 people in the United States die from flu related causes.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by driveshaft08]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:13 PM
My brother is a doctor somewhere in Indiana.

I called him last night and asked him about the swine flu, if his patient base were in a panic, asking about it, was he seeing a lot of it in his area?

He replied actually, none of his patients were concerned enough to mention it, nor had he seen or heard of it in his area.

He then reminded me of the thousands of deaths from flu (mostly due to dehydration) annually, regardless of swine or type.

I am assuming my brother does not feel there is reason to be worried.

I live in Louisville, KY.

Derby is tomorrow.

Why is Derby being held if there is a swine flu pandemic? This makes no sense. But here is an article that says it is safe to have Derby.

"Normally during an outbreak of this level health officials warn members of the public to avoid densely packed places as the flu can be transmitted from one person to another through close contact. However the Derby has been diagnosed as safe and will still go ahead as scheduled.

Dr. Adewale Troutman Director of Louisville Metro Department of Public Heath and Wellness said, “There’s nothing that’s going to stop folks from going to Derby. We have nothing in our plans that say people shouldn’t go to the Derby or we’re going to stop the Derby or anything like that, so if there are any rumors out there they should be totally dismissed.”

How stupid are Kentuckians? Is swine flu a real threat or not? Because by holding Derby, it says to Kentuckians, swine flu, what swine flu pandemic?

Yet, this article says KY has its first case.

I work at a private club. Most of the members will attend derby. I will tell yall if I catch this virus.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Good idea cosmicpixie,

I have many sources in the arena and I posted some of the info that I have learned or heard about on the swine flu updated forum.

What is very confussing is that there are so many conflicting reports. Yes its bad and no its not..........Which is it?

Like I said I have posted many post on this topic and I will repeat a post that I think tells an accurate assumption of what is going on in the hospitals on the U.S. east coast.

I am in the health field........My employee's, who is a nurse, son-in-law who is a nurse practitioner at a hospital in Charleston SC told her that the CDC / Gov. has instructed the hospital not to test for swine flu unless the symptoms were critical. Many test have been coming back positive with instructions not to disclose information to the public.

This was verified by another ATS member XOXO Stacie with a source working at a facility in North Carolina.

Also many of the patients that have been treated in the ER were treated and sent home with Tamiflu only to see some patients return to the ER with worse symptoms.

As of today the ER is seeing 100's of patients with swine symptoms......

The ones that have tested positive were and are being withheld from the public.....

This info completely contadicts what some of the posters from Mexico are saying........

I know I can trust this source (for mysake) and it puzzles me about Mexico


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:33 PM
Tomorrow we will be in the store for 2 hours to give fixed laptops to client I will take video and take it to you tube and from te hospital if they let me.
Ill keep you posted

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by kix

Kix, its not that I doubted you..........just someone is not telling the truth....and I think its our governments.......

Great idea to post on youtube..........keep us informed and be safe...........

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by kix

I live in Mexico also, in a town with a population of over a million. I haven't been able to find one person that knows of anyone who's had this flu let alone died from it. No death in the streets, emergency rooms are quiet, no one even coughing. I don't get it...

Something isn't adding up.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:41 PM
One of those articles asks: "Is the swine flu in Central Florida?"

Well, I can tell you this. My fiancee's parents went to Florida in Early April to visit relatives. They came home with the mother of all flus. It was so bad that they instructed us not to come over. This was not your everyday flu. This was bad. Folks, this was in EARLY April..... They have known about it for some time now.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by finemanm
I am a former prosecutor.

The trick is that trespass and petit larceny are both misdemeanors while burglary is a felony. The FBI only keeps crime statistics of certain felonies in those crime rate stats you see on the news.

I am sure that the same thing is being done here where the doctors are being told to fudge patient charts. It is all about lying to the masses.

You sound like you know what you're talking about... much appreciation for sharing a piece of government lies.

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