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Can we have the government do something to make the abductions stop?

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by dmorgan
I don't think there's much they can do about it. They made an agreement with the Greys, technology in exchange for using our genetic material. The Greys broke the treaty by taking too many people and not returning some of them.

As far as I know you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Maybe you can ask them to stop? They probably won't listen but it's worth a try.

[edit on 30/4/09 by dmorgan]

Okay man I got to stop you there.

You obviously, well I hope have these claims of a treaty and what not.

Can I find your sources for this information, possibly at smallest a youtube video. I'm open minded, but even if I don't believe it, well I could use a good story.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by officer_010

A long time ago I saw one of those UFO documentaries and one guy on the show was always being abducted...then he was baptized and all of a sudden the abductions if you havent been baptized, give it a try and see what happens.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:31 AM
Yeah, I'm not down with religions or the JC thing, but from what I hear, if you ask Jesus Christ for help, these malevolent entities will do an about-face.
And I'm not being facetious... Just trying to help.

Hey, if it works, it works...
Good luck, and I would like to hear your story too, if you don't mind...
It may feel good to get it out.
Thanks and good luck.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by officer_010

The supposed agreement with the Greys what started it and I have read that it got out of hand.

Not that I believe they are hurting people but who knows.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Republican08

Originally posted by dmorgan
I don't think there's much they can do about it. They made an agreement with the Greys, technology in exchange for using our genetic material. The Greys broke the treaty by taking too many people and not returning some of them.

As far as I know you have to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Maybe you can ask them to stop? They probably won't listen but it's worth a try.

[edit on 30/4/09 by dmorgan]

Okay man I got to stop you there.

You obviously, well I hope have these claims of a treaty and what not.

Can I find your sources for this information, possibly at smallest a youtube video. I'm open minded, but even if I don't believe it, well I could use a good story.

Not on Utube mate just do a little web searching

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:03 AM
No, but we can stop them, just buying this:

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Biohazard³¹³

When you bag your first space invader please tell me how to do it.

Good luck and happy hunting!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by dashen
reply to post by Biohazard³¹³

When you bag your first space invader please tell me how to do it.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Sure... thanks.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:58 AM
The religious protection parts, and mediation and claiming protection in a spiritual way doesn't work. Also, shielding is pretty much useless as well.
They monitor our thoughts, and if you've regularly abducted you're being directly monitored, so telling them what you think about the entire deal is a good idea. Though if you are really insistent, and continue to voice objections, and the abductions fall away, I'd be really suspicious that you are just being completely blocked in remembering. Perhaps if the level of fear is high, this is better than remembering parts of it, but I personally feel very strongly in need of my full memories, and to make peace with the experience, as not all the memories are negative. Actually, the memories that surfaced seemed very selective in that they were more positive, which is constantly sending me on searches for their true agendas and the purpose behind it. Its too convenient for them. But I'm also trying to make peace with the experiences.

Naturally, the medical aspects should be kept blocked out and I truly hope those things were done in an unconscious state.

I really feel that you should attempt to do some journal writing and meditation and set intentions to be free of fear, and if possible, free from these experiences, or if this is not possible, to learn from them and grow stronger. I know you said you were thinking about seeking regression therapy from what you said in the abductees forum thread, and it may be very helpful. Even if your counselor is reluctant, does not mean that you should not search for a trained hypnotherapist in your area.

Acern, a good support group organization in australia, one of the best of its kind in the world actually has information as well, things that may help you to find your way through this.

HiAliens has a wonderful thread about expolitics, Neil Gould's interview of the founder of acern

Actually I recommend your reading his threads, they've been very good.
Exopolitics has a wealth of information on this situation as well.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by mystiq]

[edit on 1-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by officer_010

"The government" is not on your side...who do you think okayed the abductions in the first place?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:04 AM
The governments cannot end this situation. Though there are many testimonies that these agreements did take place, I'm not sure that the greys were the ones to break the agreements, and have read that the division came about due to the deaths of greys in captivity. I believe the government is in collusion with renegade ets, but I also believe there is a galactic presence here, all of which is not negative. The government is not able to stop this, if anything they have sold the human race out with deals for technology and for their own gains.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:12 AM
NO , they CAN'T stop the abductions because without them we wouldn't have the technologically wonderous world we live in today and take for granted.
The Government know what's best for you, and if they select you to be 'abducted' please don't be afraid , be proud and honoured that you are serving your country and the ruling elite by getting Buttprobed.
Someone in high office will make a buck or two from the medical and other invasive surgeries done to you and others like you and that makes it alright doesn't it?
As payment we all live on an advanced world , as you who get buttprobed get ridiculed, it is small potatoes for that to happen, you will be laughed at, seen as a nutjob whilst they make some money.

So please BE A PATRIOT and form an orderly queue to be 'abducted' , serve your country.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:16 AM
Somewhere I read that they're not taking people on those lists only, but those that they need, possibly related to blood lines and older lineages, as they are genetists, as well as those with rh- quite high on the lists, and possibly those who have agreed ahead of time. And there may be other reasons as well, for many are very peaceful, caring people.

Edit to add: The prospect of actual face to face contact during abductions, rather than a nicer contact with say nordics, is actually fearful in itself. Its hard to prepare for this, and perhaps these memories are partial preparation for those who wish to be more aware during such experiences.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
ok, i'll start over...can you show us something?? some proof of being abducted?? sorry if i offended you

Everyone would like proof for these kinds of things, but it’s never that simple. For example; I am a diabetic. Someone on the internet challenges me to present proof. So I take some pictures of some needles and a bottle of insulin. Someone says that I could have gotten that from someone else. I take a picture of myself, of a puncture wound. Someone says it’s a freckle… This could go on forever, but the fact is I am still a diabetic if I prove it or not.

There are a lot of people that have tried to take photos, set up video cams and whatnot. Sometimes there is something on tape, (which people argue about being fake or not on youtube), sometimes the power just goes out, or the tape somehow ends up damaged…

The process doesn’t seem to be a usually clear and completely coherent experience. You’re in and out of sleep, (or some other drugged/manipulated type state), sometimes it’s almost dreamlike where you don’t have total thought process control, and other times it might not even take place in “our reality”.

By that I mean that these situations do not always seem to be clear/cut & dry. “Aliens”, time travelers, hollow earth dwellers, our dead, military psy-ops, mass hallucinations, or whatever theory you subscribe to, they may not even be completely “nuts and bolts” creatures. They might be multidimensional, or something else we can’t even comprehend. Maybe it’s a mix of all of that.

This abduction thing, with or without pictures, is something that needs to be addressed. The government isn’t who I would go to, because unfortunately, it seems they have at least some part in this.

Even if all of these encounters are hallucinations or dreams, that in itself needs to be studied because, why the heck are so many people experiencing the same things? Even people outside of the reach of popular culture. -The Popular conditioning theory is a cop out because lots of people have been under the influence of lots of different things and there are no common threads like the “alien” abduction one.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by officer_010

I have heard of cases where the abductees call upon these beings via meditation to make contact. So in essence there is a chance you could talk to them yourself.

I mean sure you probably don't want to, but what choice do you really have if they abduct you so often? There is a chance since your trying to make social contact they would respond differently. (aka not abduct you but talk to you for a second). Personally I would rather willingly give up my DNA (via blood whatever) than go through the torment. I'm sure there is something you can do about it, and they might not even paralyze you if they do not feel threatened. Sure I'm reaching but hey it's worth a shot right?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:53 PM
To those asking for proof. The OP made a claim sure, but they are not asking for you to analyze their claim. They are asking you what they can do to get it to stop. Therefore the OP owes us no proof, and for the spirit of this thread we owe the OP advice and advice alone.

Quit trying to discredit a person that is only asking for advice.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:10 PM
Some of you have given me good advice and I thank you for that. To the people who were a little insulting to me I have this to say, I don't blame you. If this all hadn't happened to me I'd probably think abductees were nuts too. However, the fact remains that I'm experiencing these abductions. I am the one who can't sleep for fear that these things will sneak up on me. I'm going to try the suggestions of the people that were genuine in their concern.

As for my story, here goes.

18 years ago at the age of nine I had my first experience. I had never seen any movies about these creatures, and I suppose I was fairly ignorant. What can I say, I was a kid. I remember at the time I'd only missed 12 hours of time I remember sitting in the woods with my shirt on backwards and I heard my parent and grandparent yelling for me. They sounded frantic, it turns out they thought I'd been lost in the woods even though I wasn't that far in. I had no memory of the 12 hours I'd lost, I only thought I'd been playing in the tree house. I went to my parent, it was almost dark so I followed the sound of their voices. When I finally found them they got on to me, spanked me, and told me to go wash up. I just kinda took it with a grain of salt at the time.

Years later I started gaining memories. This started happening around the age of 22. I would see something that would trigger the memory of an abduction event. One night I was at my friend house and he wanted us to go outside and look at his horses. I loved horses so I decided to come take a look. I was petting one and looked into its dark eyes and had a flashback of a gray looking at me and I puked and started shaking. The memories started coming back more and more since then and now when I'm abducted I remember almost the entire event. I'm not sure though, they may keep some things from me. They are very cold and evil.

When they come to get me it's usually at night. I always know when its about to happen because of the extreme desperate terror I feel. If I'm in the kitchen when they come they use the entryway. If I'm in my bed they seem to come through the walls. If I'm in the living room when it happens they come from down the hall. I'll get up and follow them to the room they do all the stuff in. It's really weird though, I never see a space craft only the interior of their craft.

Once I'm in there they take my clothes off and do things that hurt to my neck and jaw. After that they will start feeling of my lower stomach. After this they sometimes make me drink a bitter clear watery drink that makes me gag. I would probably vomit it up if one of the creature didn't stare at me and sort of control my gag reflex.

After this they take me to a console like think and have me enter in a series of characters. I don't know what the entering in of these characters accomplishes but I know when I do it right. Plus they relay information to me while I'm doing that.

The creatures are about 5 feet tall, long arms, small torso, big head, big black eyes, no ears, no nose (just two holes), slit for a mouth. Pretty much the same creatures everyone else is describing from what I can tell. I hate them and I want them to leave me alone.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:20 PM


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by officer_010
Any advice to get it to stop would be greatly appreciated, I'm just tired of it. I've had to deal with this for 18 years and I'm just done. I want to be able to sleep again without being afraid.

If the agreement between the government and Greys is that abductees will not be hurt or have memory of the abduction, I'm curious why you remember anything. Do you "remember" them in dreams? Hypnosis? If so, then who is hypnotizing you? Are the "memories" being implanted?

Btw, I understand that if you claim yourself to be a child of God, they can't touch you.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:39 PM
I don't know if the characters you're entering are et script, or something else.
This is what Jim Spark's script looked like, and it was like an activation key for me, things kept in separate boxes came together for the first time.

He wasn't happy with his experiences for years. I don't think he liked them very much. Have you seen his interview by project camelot yet?

I'm sorry, and wish you peace and freedom from feeling this way. Write in a journal all of your feelings, writing notes to them, telling them how they're making your feel, asking them to stay away, and pour out and discharge your anger over feeling powerless as well. Along with this try to discharge the feelings of anger at them and see if you can release this. Tell them if they're negative oriented people, you don't want them visiting you or abducting you any longer, and if they're positive, then they certainly have some bad manners on them, so how can this change, because it has to!!!

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