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Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by ImzadiDax
So why waste the time of going to vote at all. If they are all the same are we just going to choose the cutest one or the one that says things nicer.
Originally posted by Gregarious
And where do you get your information? From the Communist Democratic media!
Originally posted by Gregarious
They can also rig polls.
Originally posted by Gregarious
They are now stripping the Rights down, and the SCOTUS is 'interpreting' the Constitution to mean only what they wish it to be.
Originally posted by Gregarious
Unless you are one of the Communists.
Originally posted by Gregarious
And make no mistake about it, I say communist out of what they are and do, their actions, not their speeches. Karl Marx stated that the difference between Socialist and Communist is only a matter of degree.
Originally posted by Gregarious
Barack friends are terrorists, Chicago gangsters, and communists. Um, you aren't from Chicago are you?
Originally posted by prisonerno6
I am under the belief that a majority of Americans are uninformed (and choose to stay thay way) and will do whatever the media or Hollywood tells them to do. Think about it for a brief second. How many people out there know more about what is going on with "American Idol" than they do with today's economy/polictics/world affairs? For most Americans today, they live under the classic phrase "Ignorance is bliss."
Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Economy crashed on Bush Watch.
Originally posted by Republican08
Massive Advertising + Celebrity Backing + Race Card + ACORN.
====== Winning the election.
He had it in the bag, he spent more money then anyone, and he also gave everyone money (Stimulus check) right before the elections, so he had it in the bag.
Isn't that like bribing, you give everyone money, then hey guess what, i'm running for President, everyone wanted him in to get more money. Only Wall St got it.
Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
So tell me how can the mods just take something down like that, when there ARE inquiries into his school records and they are being blocked? And he also spent upwards of nine thousand dollars in attorney fees to keep his records shut?
Originally posted by hawkeye1717
reply to post by Gregarious
You lost all credibility with the "communist Democratic Party" nonsense. Stop listening to Rush and think for yourself for a change.
Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Original Poster let me ask you a question, you obviously believe partisan politics are a genuine and legitimately run thing.
In the past, I have worked a bit with the California Young Republicans. I now am not a Republican, as I strongly THINK, not believe, that the two party system is nothing but a scam. It enables the PTB to pull off our indentured servitude, and we do it willingly, not knowing we are slaves. I just thought it interesting that this whole electronic voting thing has enabled them to juryrig elections now.
You obvious support the Obama Presidency.
I will never support an Illegal Alien as POTUS, and he should be drawn, hung, and quartered as an example to all. I think that it is a plan of some in politics, to allow this villian to ruin the economy and our rights, then magically expose his fraud, and nullify all his illegal actions as president. That would explain why no court has even looked at all the overwhelming evidence against this scam.
So why the question do you think the election was a fraud?
It seems to me your post should instead be, I want to convince people that the political process is honest and the country will be well served by Obama...because's my personal oppinion...and yeah...I picked out this neck tie myself!
It is as honest as any con job. He was empowered and enabled by Lucifer himself, according to the Bible.
A man with a question a real question is on a find the grail...truth, enlightment, meaning...
The answer is '42'.
A man on a mission is out to conquest to enforce his own personal version and adaptation of the truth and what it means to him...
It doesn't seem like you have a real question or looking to learn how or why people feel what they do and that maybe they are correct...
The question is simply about a conspiracy involving electronic voting fraud.
It seems like you are out to "correct" anyone who has a legitimate question or concern to accept what for some reason does not legitimately concern you or cause you question.
My POTUS is not my business? It does not affect me? My family has been in America for 300 years, and fought in every war. For the freedoms, wealth, and rights now being stolen by an illegal alien.
Now me personally, I have participated in the real political process and if you ever really do genuinely want to know what that is and how it really works...look me up and I will be glad to tell you...when you have a genuine interest in learning instead of simply imposing...
Since you are such a smarty pants, try answering my question about electronic voting fraud!
Originally posted by Darth_Prime
Lets put it this way, all Elections are frauds, there are no voting choices, there are no different parties, there is one, the NWO/Illuminati
it's all a false choice to give the people the thought that they have free choices. when the reality is that they pick the president