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Was last election a fraud?

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by ImzadiDax

So why waste the time of going to vote at all. If they are all the same are we just going to choose the cutest one or the one that says things nicer.

We vote for the lesser of the evils. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Look when it comes right down to it the election process is a fraud at best. We are given the illusion of choice. But when it comes right down to it we aren't the ones that are casting the votes that count. *shrugs* Maybe I am just jaded in my old age.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by ImzadiDax]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:23 AM
I will give you a short piece of the info that is public knowledge just not promoted by media.

AIG is the world's largest insurer. There is a statute that states that each financial institution must back up their liabilities (loans, mortgages, etc.) with a certain percentage of CASH (I think 1/3). Well, AIG utilized a loophole and started creating insurance policies for these banks worldwide so that they didn't need to have cash backing their liabilities. AIG insured them. Well, AIG had a Triple A credit rating which basically allowed them to fly under the radar. When AIG lost one of its A's their company became scrutinized and they revealed that they didn't have the necessary cash to back up their Worldwide insurance policies. The government immediately put them in default and all their worldwide policies were void. At that point all the banks in the world need to scramble for cash to back their liabilities. In short, there wasn't enough cash in the world to fix this derivative chaos.

That is merely one piece of the perfect storm.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:25 AM
Original Poster let me ask you a question, you obviously believe partisan politics are a genuine and legitimately run thing.

You obvious support the Obama Presidency.

So why the question do you think the election was a fraud?

It seems to me your post should instead be, I want to convince people that the political process is honest and the country will be well served by Obama...because's my personal oppinion...and yeah...I picked out this neck tie myself!

A man with a question a real question is on a find the grail...truth, enlightment, meaning...

A man on a mission is out to conquest to enforce his own personal version and adaptation of the truth and what it means to him...

It doesn't seem like you have a real question or looking to learn how or why people feel what they do and that maybe they are correct...

It seems like you are out to "correct" anyone who has a legitimate question or concern to accept what for some reason does not legitimately concern you or cause you question.

Now me personally, I have participated in the real political process and if you ever really do genuinely want to know what that is and how it really works...look me up and I will be glad to tell you...when you have a genuine interest in learning instead of simply imposing...


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Gregarious
And where do you get your information? From the Communist Democratic media!

Calling any media in USA communist is far away from truth.

What is actual purpose of that statement ?

To intimidate ?

For more info about Communism go here Wikipedia: Communism

Originally posted by Gregarious
They can also rig polls.

No, Republicans simply lost, it happens, sorry, Democrats were "better" this time ...

Originally posted by Gregarious
They are now stripping the Rights down, and the SCOTUS is 'interpreting' the Constitution to mean only what they wish it to be.

Which illusion of your rights did you had before which are now gone ???

Originally posted by Gregarious
Unless you are one of the Communists.

There you go again, thinking that word Communist is of importance these days, it's hardly an insult especially coming from the US, 99.99 % of Americans have no idea what communism stands for (hell, many have no idea what the name of the USA capitol is).

Originally posted by Gregarious
And make no mistake about it, I say communist out of what they are and do, their actions, not their speeches. Karl Marx stated that the difference between Socialist and Communist is only a matter of degree.

Is it really necessary to confuse Socialized Health Care with Socialism, and then as the result of that call current administration Communist ?

Did you forget who the true owners of this country are ?

Originally posted by Gregarious
Barack friends are terrorists, Chicago gangsters, and communists. Um, you aren't from Chicago are you?

I bet you never seen or talked to the communist before, but, yet, you judge them...

Where all that hate comes from ?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:02 AM
To the OP:

Google for 'vote fraud' and 'voting machine' and 'Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems, Inc.)'.

The elections are a fraud, and anyone that believes we have a choice is only misleading themselves.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
~Josef Stalin

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:52 AM
I am under the belief that a majority of Americans are uninformed (and choose to stay thay way) and will do whatever the media or Hollywood tells them to do. Think about it for a brief second. How many people out there know more about what is going on with "American Idol" than they do with today's economy/polictics/world affairs? For most Americans today, they live under the classic phrase "Ignorance is bliss."

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by prisonerno6
I am under the belief that a majority of Americans are uninformed (and choose to stay thay way) and will do whatever the media or Hollywood tells them to do. Think about it for a brief second. How many people out there know more about what is going on with "American Idol" than they do with today's economy/polictics/world affairs? For most Americans today, they live under the classic phrase "Ignorance is bliss."

Ya know, I have to completely agree with this. But for me it wasn't American Idol it was Battlestar Galactica...

That has changed. I am more aware of what going on around me now. Thanx to you guys btw.
I try to tell people about our 'state of affairs' but I am usually laughed at. So I silently observe the goings on.


posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Economy crashed on Bush Watch.

Some of the greatest Presidents inherited a bad economy from their predecessor. Roosevelt from Hoover, Reagan from Jimmy Carter, even Bush from Clinton, just to name a few.

The thing about Obama is he was a US Senator at the time (although part-time), so he had a hand in it also.

Great President's handle their business, they don't blame their predecessors. like Obama does.

Obama obviously doesn't have the experience or will to correct this situation. Hopefully our next President will.

As far as the topic of the thread....Americans definately got caught up in the "Cult of Personality." The Republicans deserved to get defeated, I mean look at the idiot we nominated. Republicans need to do a little house cleaning, and the Democrats will mess up so bad that they will return to power by default.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:26 PM
Most likely, during the election my friends and I were trying to figure out how Obama did it. He was a one term senator, who rose very very quickly, how? There are many senetors, even within my own state, that have been in politics for decades and I have no idea who they are, yet he did three terms in Illinois senate, one term in federal senate (barely), and now President, how does that happen? He is definately a puppet for someone, initially we thought it was the Israeli lobby, which may be true given his cabinet picks, but for some reason that doesn't feel quite right, there is more to it, at least I think.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

You lost all credibility with the "communist Democratic Party" nonsense. Stop listening to Rush and think for yourself for a change.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
Massive Advertising + Celebrity Backing + Race Card + ACORN.

====== Winning the election.

He had it in the bag, he spent more money then anyone, and he also gave everyone money (Stimulus check) right before the elections, so he had it in the bag.

Isn't that like bribing, you give everyone money, then hey guess what, i'm running for President, everyone wanted him in to get more money. Only Wall St got it.

You have to give credit where credit is due. Not many people could turn out 120% of the registered voters in select areas.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:19 PM
I don't believe the election was rigged but the primaries were 100%. I loved how the primaries went in Louisiana because it sums up how all the rest went. Mc'Cain didn't have enough delegates so the GOP allowed him to have two more days to get his delegates ready. When it came time to pick the delegates they rounded up all the church zombies and told them they were voting for some conservative value crap. Now when all the delegates were chosen the family values crap came in first while RP came in second. The popular vote was really interesting because the majority of the people voted for the huckster. Now if You paid attention the media left out the results for Louisiana and never mentioned it. Now when it came time to award the delegates they were all given to Mc'Cain.......

You can't tell me people voted for that stupid # .... I mean look he has no charisma and He is about as entertaining as a stinking corpse. I for one would have rather of seen huckabee than that piece of traitorous crap... The results for this election were decided before we even went to the poles ... They ran a idiot zombie against a charismatic communist.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
So tell me how can the mods just take something down like that, when there ARE inquiries into his school records and they are being blocked? And he also spent upwards of nine thousand dollars in attorney fees to keep his records shut?

By the way, it is now over $800,000 last I heard. Why so much to cover the truth up? Why does Baraq wish to conceal his real origins? The courts have not been diligent in looking into this issue, but eventually the truth will come out. I think now, that the smarter Rebumblicans are holding back, until Baraqs damaging Communism/Socialism appearst to be revolting enough Americans. Then they can throw him out of office/into prison, and have all his actions as president held to be invalid. Null and void, no effect. All his massive deficits, his socialist programs, his huge increase in taxation, will all be removed. Back to one. This is great! You couldn't write a better fiction story.
I was watching a History Channel bit on Hitler, and I could not help but compare him to his understudy Baraq. Both claim to be 'Christians' looking out for their countrymen. Both have a highly unusual gift of speech. Both are inspiring manic devotion to the death. Both are non-democratic, and I could go on...

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by hawkeye1717
reply to post by Gregarious

You lost all credibility with the "communist Democratic Party" nonsense. Stop listening to Rush and think for yourself for a change.

Who is Rush? Doesn't he have a tv talk show? I think I saw it once. I don't watch it. I don't get radio or tv waves up here, but I do now get satellite tv. As far as Communist Democrats, I urge you to go back to study basic government, and find out just how Socialist/Communist their plans and programs are. Karl Marx would be proud of them. And sir, I do in fact think for myself. I would advise you to simply think.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:58 AM
All elections are believe otherwise is to be delusional.

The one with the most financial backing wins...that means that those with the money pick the president...the president himself is little more than a puppet, pandering to the money...

Don't kid yourself...if you think your votes count in the presidential election, you are sadly mistaken...

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by TheGreatGazoo

To be fair, you're confusing correlation with causation. While nearly all US elections are won by the person with the most campaign funding, it's just as likely to think that contributors are more likely to donate to the person with the best chance of winning.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Original Poster let me ask you a question, you obviously believe partisan politics are a genuine and legitimately run thing.

In the past, I have worked a bit with the California Young Republicans. I now am not a Republican, as I strongly THINK, not believe, that the two party system is nothing but a scam. It enables the PTB to pull off our indentured servitude, and we do it willingly, not knowing we are slaves. I just thought it interesting that this whole electronic voting thing has enabled them to juryrig elections now.

You obvious support the Obama Presidency.

I will never support an Illegal Alien as POTUS, and he should be drawn, hung, and quartered as an example to all. I think that it is a plan of some in politics, to allow this villian to ruin the economy and our rights, then magically expose his fraud, and nullify all his illegal actions as president. That would explain why no court has even looked at all the overwhelming evidence against this scam.

So why the question do you think the election was a fraud?

It seems to me your post should instead be, I want to convince people that the political process is honest and the country will be well served by Obama...because's my personal oppinion...and yeah...I picked out this neck tie myself!

It is as honest as any con job. He was empowered and enabled by Lucifer himself, according to the Bible.

A man with a question a real question is on a find the grail...truth, enlightment, meaning...

The answer is '42'.

A man on a mission is out to conquest to enforce his own personal version and adaptation of the truth and what it means to him...

It doesn't seem like you have a real question or looking to learn how or why people feel what they do and that maybe they are correct...

The question is simply about a conspiracy involving electronic voting fraud.

It seems like you are out to "correct" anyone who has a legitimate question or concern to accept what for some reason does not legitimately concern you or cause you question.

My POTUS is not my business? It does not affect me? My family has been in America for 300 years, and fought in every war. For the freedoms, wealth, and rights now being stolen by an illegal alien.

Now me personally, I have participated in the real political process and if you ever really do genuinely want to know what that is and how it really works...look me up and I will be glad to tell you...when you have a genuine interest in learning instead of simply imposing...

Since you are such a smarty pants, try answering my question about electronic voting fraud!



posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Darth_Prime
Lets put it this way, all Elections are frauds, there are no voting choices, there are no different parties, there is one, the NWO/Illuminati

it's all a false choice to give the people the thought that they have free choices. when the reality is that they pick the president

Exactly! It does not matter who the public votes or wants the Illuminati always wins. Although, in this election I believe they did use the media in getting who they wanted into office as President. They always find away to get their person the W.


posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 01:42 AM
I'm so tired of the left/right arguments. Please can we all just state what kind of world we would like to see then work out the details. I say we can have both a conservative limited style government and still take care of all the basic needs of our citizens.

But yeah elections are a false choice. Being a Ron Paul supporter I watched the polling and everything early on in the campaign and I assure you had the media been impartial toward him he would have had a lot more support. The problem is once you label someone or something as "kooky" the masses latch onto that.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Gregarious

You have to get past this "us vs them" mentality. The republicans/democrats screw Americans equally.

If you want that to continue, then keep fighting against the "communist democrats and their media machine," otherwise, you really have to realize that we're on the same team, taxes are too high, spending is too high, the national debt is way too high, and most often legislation that is passed benefits big corporations more so than anyone else. Hell, sometimes it helps the fortune 500 while hurting everyone else.

It's WE THE PEOPLE vs the plutocrats, who so far, have succeeded in their goal to rise to power for the benefit of themselves, at the expense of us.

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