posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:27 PM
No, this man's name comes out to 666 in every single language. If this is a scam they must have traveled back in time and changed the alpha-numeric
base for each of these languages so precisely that his name would come out to 666. Which would defy their goals, not to mention that is not feasable
in this particular case, since it would reveal him as The Beast. Nor does it explain that CNN commercial that was aired. CNN? WTF? Here is a wall
street journal article yes wall street journal. From December 08 although it disappeared really soon.
By Paul Proctor
December 19, 2008
There was a very strange announcement made recently in the form of a press release posted on the Dow Jones & Company’s Market Watch website dated
December 12, 2008, that bears mentioning, if for no other reason, because it reads like something from a supermarket tabloid. Come to think of it,
didn’t Rupert Murdoch just buy Dow Jones & Company not long ago? If you’re not aware, they also publish, among other things, the Wall Street
Anyway, whether this speaks to the decline of a once great business publication or the growing power and influence of a coming world leader, only time
will tell. Either way, it is clearly another ominous sign of the desperate times in which we live.
The article in question titled, Share International Reveals Christmas Miracle, advises readers to prepare for a coming miracle that all of us will see
in the sky shortly before the “emergence of Maitreya and his group, the Masters of Wisdom.”
Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world --
night and day.
Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple fact. Around a week later, Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence and --
though not yet using the name Maitreya -- will be interviewed on a major US television program.
Who is Maitreya, you ask?
The press release describes him this way:
Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews,
and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.
If that doesn’t peg your spiritual discernment meter, you may want to go have it checked.
[edit on 30-4-2009 by watchtheashes]