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Swine Flu Isnt A Weaponized Bio Weapon!

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by tide88

Millions of people are going to be dieing from flu and starvation in your country soon - you better get a gun and go and take back your country now - soon you will be all too dead to do anything about it.

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by mrwupy]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by HulaAnglers

Uhmmm, one problem. TAMIFLU ISNT A VACCINE, its an anti-viral drug that is taken in pill form. Maybe you should do some research before your fear mongering.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by tide88]

Yes well you are right, but many of us are making a mental leap(same people making the vaccine and tamyflu) and also concluding the mutation of this virus happened through vaccination in the first place!

this is not fear mongering this is a wake up call to all who believe our governments have our best interest at heart - who are you working for?

[edit on 2-5-2009 by HulaAnglers]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by 27jd

So true. This is a manmade virus I believe.

It is totally disgusting that some people are so depraved - they will get theirs - but it won't be this one. Also, it may not even be in this world.

Why does the OP think whoever did this isn't protected against it? Of course they are.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by 27jd

So true. This is a manmade virus I believe.

It is totally disgusting that some people are so depraved - they will get theirs - but it won't be this one. Also, it may not even be in this world.

Why does the OP think whoever did this isn't protected against it? Of course they are.

They might be protected against this strain. However if it mutates, which has a high probability of doing, and comes back stronger, their vaccine would be worthless. That is why no one would ever use a flu virus as a bio weapon. Also if you wanted to depopulate the world, why not just put something in the water supply. This could easily be done, be controlled easily, and they could just blame it on terrorists.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Amagnon
reply to post by tide88


Millions of people are going to be dieing from flu and starvation in your country soon - you better get a gun and go and take back your country now - soon you will be all too dead to do anything about it.

Let me get this straight. The flu that is spreading thoughout the world will only affect people in my coutry and is going to cause death and starvation.

Some posters on this board never cease to amaze me. Sometimes I think they might be kidding.

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by mrwupy]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by tide88

I do not believe that millions of people will die from this strain of flu. Tamiflu shall save the day. Can you ever imagine any international body of experts endorsing an American product? Well the WHO did....Tamiflu got their thumbs up.

Just as any other plague in the world, AIDS, cancer, small pox, there will be the heroes of the pharma companies to save the day. Nobody makes money through eradication or cures.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by tide88
That is why no one would ever use a flu virus as a bio weapon. Also if you wanted to depopulate the world, why not just put something in the water supply. This could easily be done, be controlled easily, and they could just blame it on terrorists.

I've already said I don't believe is a "weapon" to depopulate the earth. The flu would be NO good for that since it's not really that bad, and it usually mutates to be less dangerous so it can actually survive, that's what the flu wants, to NOT kill you. In 1918, millions died, but they are finding it wasn't the flu that did it, but a very familiar infection.

Here's an article from FOX news, from february of this year...

Strep infections and not the flu virus itself may have killed most people during the 1918 influenza pandemic, which suggests some of the most dire predictions about a new pandemic may be exaggerated, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

Strep is easily controlled today, but wasn't back then. This IMO was manmade, not as a bioweapon, but as a bioprofit maker for some big pharma companies that are taking a big hit in this economy. Non-essential prescriptions are the 1st thing people cut from the budget. They know the behavior of the flu, and probably know there is no such thing as a killer flu that will wipe out the population. But they will sure make you believe there is one to get yor flu shot. Just for the record I get flu shots, the flu sucks and I don't like to be down that long, but if they put a swine flu element in this years, i'm not going to get it because that was a LOW trick I believe they pulled.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by 27jd

Good to have run into you again. I have always been suspicious of the Gilead/Rumsfeld connection. A war monger on the board of a Pharma company could never be a good match.

Tamiflu has been sitting in dusty stockpiles for a couple of years now and has been recently discovered to be ineffective. What better way to clear the shelves and bring back the orders for more.

Gilead is now working on a vaccine.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Witness2008
Good to have run into you again.

Yeah, long time no see. Luckily for us this has no connection to the Chinese government (yet), lol. Some of our friends would have to come out of retirement and would be back on ATS again hundreds strong.

Gilead is now working on a vaccine.

Of course they are. And they will lose at least one customer, me, but will probably gain millions more. I'll take my chances with getting the flu this winter before i'll give a penny to those bastards.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:51 AM

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:28 PM
The personal attacks need to stop now. It's ok to discuss or even diss the subject of discussion, attacking each other is against the T&C's and will not be tolerated.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 06:05 PM
Of course it was created.
Perhaps they were just trying to make a cure in case it came back ( or in case "enemies" brought it back), and somehow "someone" got a hold of some of it. They could have been working in a lab in Mexico and one of them got contaminated. Crap happens.
What better excuse for a government grant? Better than unemployment.

Perhaps they were creating a biological weapon and the same thing happened and now they are scrambling to fix it and cover it up quickly.

Maybe the USA has come up with a virus that only kills Mexicans.
End of border problems. End of our companies being "committed" to keep businesses there which have added to job loss in US. ( Our gov. has given tax cuts to move them there, made deals with their gov., and the businesses pay workers less, don't have to pay employee tax or health benefits) Also, it would give racism a new reason to send the ones here back home ( or let them die here) and get back the jobs they have here.
Come to think of it........that would be one hell of a plan and many asshats would willingly go along.

The truth is, we may never really know who did what. We can not trust any government to be forthcoming.

"Government", is like a husband who just left his girlfriends house and went "home".
His wife asks: " Have you been cheating on me?"
And, Government says: " How could you ask such a thing? I love you! I could NEVER do something like that to you" [ walks away looking deeply hurt]

Just remember. ......ANY point of view can be rationalized, and almost any act can be covered up. Pile enough crap on top, and all they will see and smell is the crap.......

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 06:19 PM
RH - blood resists disease, and most of the cartel have this. Also, they probably already have the real innoculation I imagine. But just a few months ago they were digging huge holes that could hold up to 40,000 bodies. Then there was the leaked story of the truckloads of serome shipped across the nation with someone getting sick or dying after an innoculation. These things don't combine in nature do they? And surprisingly Baxter's just about spread worldwide contamination "accidentally" sending the bird flu mixed with a virus that was fast spreading no doubt to get it to incubate in the human body and mutate into a fast spreading bird flu. How is this virus any different than that theory really?

[edit on 2-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Here is something I really would like to know.
Does anyone know what kind of expiration the flu med.s have?

Just curious, because if all that has been stockpiled is going to expire within, oh say, a year........hmmmmmmm
How long have they had it just sitting there? How many doses???
Gee, it looks like someone is gonna be broke and totally SOL if that were to expire.
Oh wait.....were using it NOW. Imagine THAT!!!

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:33 PM
This is probably concocted by the neocons and their private laboratories to shove in Obama's face while he is attempting to bring in a national health care plan to this country. While he's having illegal activities investigated, he should get on investigating this to the fullest extent and not only go for criminal charges, but to recover costs from these guys and possibly the big pharacueticals that make the most, and predicted over 500% profit way ahead of time. Some of it shouldn't be that hard a trail to track for them, and there may be billions to recoup and sink into the universal health care system.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by HulaAnglers

Uhmmm, one problem. TAMIFLU ISNT A VACCINE, its an anti-viral drug that is taken in pill form. Maybe you should do some research before your fear mongering.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by tide88]

Tamiflu comes from an herb. NaturalNews

I find it downright comedic that Big Pharma and the world's health authorities extract their "champion" anti-viral drug Tamiflu from a Chinese Medicine herb, and then they go out of their way to announce to people that herbs and natural remedies are useless against influenza. If that's the case then why are they using herbs to make their own medicine?

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by wasaka

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by HulaAnglers

Tamiflu comes from an herb. NaturalNews

I find it downright comedic that Big Pharma and the world's health authorities extract their "champion" anti-viral drug Tamiflu from a Chinese Medicine herb, and then they go out of their way to announce to people that herbs and natural remedies are useless against influenza. If that's the case then why are they using herbs to make their own medicine?

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

They harvest everything imaginable then add their dangerous chemicals to make profit, I use medication in its natural form and believe me it works! But it is impossible to live a non toxic life while these imbeciles are continuing their poisoning of our environments and food - how I wish them gone with all my heart.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:00 AM
I did a little research and found that Tamiflu capsules last 48 months and the oral suspension lasts 18 months.
The US GOVERNMENT had 2.3 million doses stock piled in 2005 ( not to mention what the other countries have.)

Now, Roche has been on back order for years for this stuff, as everyone is stock piling, and they still have to keep enough for flu season.
But....2.3 million doses of government stockpile is/has? expired.
What about the amounts of the other countries, plus WHO and the rest?

I wonder if they have been rotating their stock and trading out soon to be expired or if they are in need to unload it?

Of course, the main problem we are running into , is that if you take this for H1N1, it is creating a resistant virus. So, what little good, if any it has done is causing a greater harm.
And still.....they don't want to lose money throwing out expired drugs.

I have heard that "dry pills" are really good far after expiration, but they put on the date to get pharmacies to throw out stuff and make more money on them having to restock.
Yep, it's a business.....

posted on Aug, 22 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by ATADJADED

Been gone for awhile. No, the swine flu didnt kill me. It actually hardly killed anyone. Once again another ridiculous conspiracy theory is shot down. When will you people learn?

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 03:30 PM
If it is a bio-weapon the people who created it did a garbage job. Not the deadliest thing out there, I could name ten diseases which would be far more harmful off the top of my head. And to all the "Give me evidence it ISN'T an engineered bio-weapon!", well guess what? The person making a claim has the burden of proof in convincing others of it, not the other way around. You'd need to be a moron to believe that I'm a robot from the future here to save us from a coming alien invasion because you can't provide evidence that I'm not. In the same way I'd need to be a complete moron to accept your claims of "oh, this relatively harmless disease was engineered by the "PTB" for... no reason?", simply on the basis that I can't disprove it, I mean it's not like things like this haven't happened before.

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