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Originally posted by SPreston
Just think carefully about it.....
posted by SPreston
Just think carefully about it.....
posted by Curio
Thanks. You make some good points. I have to say though, some of those risks were present in NYC and they went ahead and used planes to hit the buildings there. I guess the Pentagon was a harder target to hit, true, but they still had to fly within a few feet in order to make it look believable - they were 99% of the way to actually hitting it anyway.
Originally posted by tezzajw
Yes, it is a conundrum.
Lloyde England and his lightpole story present a huge problem for official government story believers.
They can not logically debate it. They don't know what to do with Lloyde's testimony. They don't know what approach they should take, as the whole scenario was never 'officially' mentioned...
Originally posted by trebor451
but those of us who have a firm grasp on reality understand that the events of the day that included Lloyde England are very plausible.
Originally posted by trebor451
Again, for you, perhaps it presents a problem. Those of us who have a firm grasp on reality understand the aircraft flew a flight path that knocked down the 5 light poles and continued on and impacted the building. One of those light poles ended up slamming into Lloyde's cab. What's the problem?
Originally posted by trebor451
I don't have to "prove" it because it happened.
Originally posted by trebor451
Once again, for you it may present a problem, but those of us who have a firm grasp on reality take Lloyde's words exactly as they were offered - the account, "warts and all", of a single individual.
Originally posted by trebor451
I don't care. I have no problem with his account.
Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Seventh
Seventh, I wouldn't go kissing Ranke's feet, or buying any pints just yet....
You should have a gander at this:
Exposes Ranke as a charlatan at best....something else at worst.
You will also notice a significant number of sycophants populate these threads, with a flood of repeating disingenuously selected photos and graphics, all designed to "spin" a certain story.
The real "conspiracy" here is continued shilling for DVD sales. It's all about the $$$.
Originally posted by tezzajw
Casual readers to this thread should note that trebor (a self-alleged 25 year veteran DOD spook) has had many difficulties in the past trying to debate the Lloyde/lightpole story.
The Lloyde England story stinks and trebor is trying to pretend that it smells of sweet roses.
Originally posted by trebor451
but the vast, vast majority of people who care about this throughout the world either a) don't care a damn about Lloyde England or b) understand that each and every account of a complex event will have its own unique set of anomalies that either a) don't matter when examined in the larger context of evidence or b) has no bearing on the event.
Originally posted by turbofan
Love it Tezz.
Originally posted by tezzajw
Using his experience gained as a self alleged 25 year government DOD employee,
Ask why most people don't know about Lloyde England, trebor. This man, allegedly, was a key part of the physical evidence
Originally posted by trebor451
TF! Welcome back! Got that cartoon all set up yet? Did you find the precise and exact positioning of the aircraft as it passes over the highway?
Did you find the precise and exact bank angle of the aircraft as it passes over the highway?
Did you find the precise and exact altitude of the aircraft as it passes over the highway?
Did you find the precise and exact speed of the aircraft as it passes over the highway?
Having done all the aforementioned items of discovery, were you able to find the precise and exact point on the lamp poles where the wing hit it?
Were you able to find the precise and exact position on the wing (or engine cowling) where the lamp pole hit?
You *know* you need all those parameters if you are going to try and model this, right? ... Knock yourself out, bud!
Originally posted by trebor451
Allegedly? A "key part of the physical evidence"??? And in your very next line you say "He was never once mentioned in any official government story"!!! Which is it, tezz!!!!! Was he a key part of the physical evidence or was he so unimportant that he was never even mentioned in the official government story?
Originally posted by trebor451
Lloyde England is an interesting side show, but is just that. His account, in an ancillary manner,fashion further underscores the 5-lamp pole-impact flight path and the impact flight path into the building - that is why you people are so hard up in proving him wrong.
Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT
Oh so now Grimstad wants to get into the nitty gritty of the physical evidence without bothering to get accurate specs from the VDOT?
Of course.
That's because if he did proper research he would not like the outcome so naturally he will refuse to contact the VDOT just as he refuses to contact the north side witnesses whose accounts he is recklessly attacking.
SPreston is quite correct, we have been to the Virginia Dept Of Transportation to find out the exact specs and physically examine the same style poles and they are definitely 40 feet long.
But even if we just look at the images from that day of the pole next to the cab it's quite clear that the length of the pole is many times the length of the distance from the back seat to the dash.
Replacement pole:
Remember, Lloyde claims that the top lighter bent end of the pole was inside the cab stopped at the back seat and that the much heavier and much longer base end was suspended over the hood of the car.
Although as pointed out by Grimstad earlier, when we physically examined the taxi with Lloyde in 2008, almost 7 years after the event, we did find that there was a VERY minor rip in the back seat....but the notion that the jagged cut off bent top of this pole caused this minor rip and wedged deep enough in to suspend the rest of the over 200lb 40 foot pole over the hood is plain old silly.
Minor back seat rip:
Jagged top of the pole:
Lloyde actually said that it did NOT puncture or even rip the back seat so perhaps the small rip was already there, or else somehow caused during the salvage of the cab years later, or certainly staged by the planners with a crow bar or something in advance.
Bottom line it's clear that it did NOT wedge itself into the back seat let alone completely puncture the car and if it had, it would have been extremely difficult of not impossible for 2 men to remove by hand.
Since we're only talking about 5 or 6 feet from the back seat to the dash that leaves at least 30 feet of the HEAVY end of the pole to be suspended over the hood.
That is impossible by the laws of gravity if we consider this situation out of context....but let's put it IN context to REALLY demonstrate the ridiculousness of this story.
The official story requires a 90 ton boeing traveling at 460 knots or 530 mph to have hit this pole:
But don't forget to factor in all the kinetic energy of the cab traveling about 40 mph in the opposite direction:
Assuming the pole could possibly have speared the windshield under these conditions without damaging the hood, what do you think would happen as the car came to a sliding sideways stop on the road?
(imagine 30 feet of pole still sticking out of the hood)
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the pole would have gone flying out of the car or in the very least severely shifted destroying the windshield frame.
But the hood AND the windshield frame remained completely unscathed.
And Lloyde has an elaborate story about a silent stranger helping him remove the pole immediately after he came to a stop on the road complete with him falling down on the ground with the pole on top of him as he removed it and the top bent part supposedly flipped over.
What's clear is that the internal damage to the cab is too extensive to be from a small piece of the pole, indicating it was likely staged in advance to deliberately look like it was caused by the large pole. But since the cab and pole had to be staged immediately after the attack (probably after they blocked traffic) they must have decided to leave the exterior undamaged to stay as inconspicuous as possible.
Bottom line NONE of it make sense with physical reality and NONE of it is supported by independent evidence while ALL of it has been proven to be a complete fabrication by the witnesses who unanimously place the plane on the north side far from the light poles.