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swine flu in texas

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:10 PM
i just saw this on kztv action 10 news in corpus christi that there has been a suspected swine flu death of a 41 yr-old woman who had been showing symptoms for a week and sought no medical help, she died at around 2:30am today...and a CONFIRMED death of a naval officer, forgot his age...

here is kztv10's site, no posting of the story as of yet, i am watching the newscast still -

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Thanks for that info.
Yesterday they said there were @ 45 cases in Nueces County but of course,there was no follow up and like all other info,it's sketchy at best.
I'm in Texas as well so I'm keeping an eye out!

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:31 PM
conflicting news reports....the first newscast said the naval guy died, the 2nd cast by channel 6 said he was just diagnosed...

[edit on 30-4-2009 by k4rma]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:33 PM
Youre going to see news stories disappear or not be followed up on. Expect that soon because its a national security thing. Cant have the sheeple panicking.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Memysabu]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:34 PM
all new info. seems to have a black hole hm.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:38 PM
(post deleted)

[NB: Wanted to post what I thought would be news, but then saw a whole thread on the story.]

[edit on 30/4/09 by pause4thought]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 01:35 PM
Bah . . . San Antonio, DFW, Austin, CC . . . next stop, the RGV . . .

Maybe school will close so I do not have to work

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:02 AM
more conflicting news reports - 5pm newscasts and this morning's newscasts mentioned nothing of the woman dying, said the naval officer's test came back negative and said corpus had no confirmed cases...i read another post on here (i think the one about the doctor) where a person works in a doc's office and the doc believes they are getting false negatives, and HLN news says the outbreak is dying down...i'm calling shenanigans, something else is going on...

[edit on 1-5-2009 by k4rma]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Yeah and then there is Gov. Perry declaring a state-wide emergency?
I don't know what to believe. I definitely think we are supposed to be confused though. And bravo to TPTB for accomplishing exactly that. I have never seen such a conflicted issue that was also so incredibly (possibly) lethal.
I mean, if what some of the doctors are saying is the real truth, our time is very short to find out the real truth but no one is obliging. I want to believe it is hyped and think it is to usher some "thing" in, but

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Im in San Antonio, if anyone hears of any cases here please let me know so I know what places to AVOID! I will do the Same if I hear of anything!

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by k4rma

Glad you started this thread. I will repost some of the information I posted to the other thread this a.m. related to Texas. Texas being bigger than some countries and so close to Mexico deserves it's own place.


posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn

As of: May 1, 2009; 3 p.m.
Tarrant County Public Health, in cooperation with other local, state and federal health agencies, continues to monitor, investigate, contain and stop the spread of H1N1 (swine) flu in the county. To date there are still 5 confirmed cases but 18 new probable cases of H1N1 (swine) flu. There have been 2 hospitalizations but no deaths reported. All cases are recovering well.

Confirmed Case Information: No change from 4/30/09
• 2 locations: Euless (2 confirmed cases), Fort Worth (3 confirmed cases)
• Age range: 11 months to 37 years
• Onset of illness dates range from: 04/20/09 through 04/26/09
• 2 school with confirmed case (FWISD – McLean Middle School and Shannon Learning Center in Birdville Independent School District)
• None have travel history to Mexico
• 2 confirmed cases are mother and son

Probable Case Information:
• 4 locations: Arlington (1), Bedford (1), Fort Worth (14), Grand Prairie (1)
• Age range: 3 months to 41 years
• Onset of Illness dates range from: 04/24/09 through 04/28/09
• 11 schools with probable cases (8 in FWISD, 1 in Arlington ISD, 1 in Everman Independent School District and 1 at Fort Worth Can Academy in River Oaks)
o Clayton Elementary (1)
o Knox Elementary (1 – Arlington ISD)
o Nash Elementary (1)
o Meadowbrook Elementary (1)
o Riverside ALC (1) o Springdale Elementary (1)
o Westcliff Elementary (1)
o McLean 6th Grade Center (1)
o Arlington Heights (1)
o Everman High School (1)
o Fort Worth Can Academy (1)
• No probable cases with travel history to Mexico
• 2 of the 18 probables are related – brother and sister
• 1 probable is still pending investigation

I saw a headline somewhere, can't find it now, saying Tarrant County Public Health would try to be more forthcoming with information to the public. HA! guess they haven't gotten the message from CDC yet or they are defying them.


posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn
I am providing a link to the Tarrant County Public Health Dept..

It gives an overview of the number of probable cases on a day by day basis for the county and the region under the county's jurisdiction (33 counties). It also gives the number sent, confirmed and pending. If I am reading this right, then 57 probable cases have been sent for the region, which includes Tarrant County, with 52 still pending. The remaining 5 cases were all confirmed in Tarrant County.

It seems thus far that every case returned has been positive for H1N1.


In the 33 county region (from Tarrant co west and a little south and north I think) there have been 405 suspected cases, 57 probable and sent to CDC, 5 confirmed(all in Tarrant Co) with 52 awaiting confirmation. Of the 5 confirmations, 2 are hospitalized.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn

I found this when replying to another post. I have linked to the title page so you could see the tent they have set up to take in overflow ER patients at the hospital. Many hospitals purchased these tents in preparation for an influx of patients. They are hospital property and not Fema so if you see them at a hospital you will know the difference.

Saturday, May 02, 2009 The state health department is grappling with a huge backlog of flu samples to test in its lab amid an international outbreak of swine flu. So far, 181 of the 2,492 nasal swabs sent from Texas counties have been tested, a spokesman said Friday.

The state lab was doing fine until Wednesday — when it no longer could keep up with just one testing machine, said Doug McBride, spokesman for the Department of State Health Services. Travis County medical providers sent more than 1,500 samples this week, many of which are not believed to be swine flu cases, but were sent in anyway at the urging of state health officials, local and state officials said.

Austin American Statesman

This gives you a truer picture of what is really going on in central and southern Texas where they are closer to the border. The info we get from WHO and CDC is lagging behind by several days. It is essentially the state of the situation 3 or 4 days ago.

above edited slightly from original

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 08:52 PM
From TCPH dept

549 suspected cases of which 73 have been identified as probable and sent to CDC. 14 returned positive (9 today) and 57 still pending. So to date, in this county at least, all 'probables' that were checked by CDC have been positive.

Could be a heads up when you see probables. Looks like only about 13 percent of suspected cases become probable but 100 percent of probables become confirmed positive.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:42 AM
the news reports keep getting better - i saw the other day that the swine flu is "dying out" (no pun intended, it is their words), but almost in the same breath they said the number of cases jumped to 149 in mexico!!! the next day they said mexico had 7 confirmed cases, later that day i read there were 17 cases in mex....i think something else is going on, they're trying to distract us for some reason....


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