posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Part 1 of 2
I have been lurking here for a very long time and this is my first major post here and I am probably not going to make any friends with it. That’s
okay because I’m not here to make friends, only to find the truth. Not someone’s interpretation or opinion, but the truth backed up by cold hard
facts. I don’t take leaps of faith; I live in a binary world, black and white, ones and zeroes and I make no apologies for it.
First off, there are a lot of very paranoid people here. With the current ‘pandemic’ I’m quite surprised there is anyone left in the Survival
forum. Not everything is a conspiracy folks and not every blurry picture, taken at night time, with a substandard cell phone camera is an
extraterrestrial object. UFO, yes, extraterrestrial maybe. Don’t get me wrong I strongly believe we are being visited by beings from other planets.
I have absolutely no proof nor have I even witnessed anything I was not able to explain. It’s just a gut feeling. All those galaxies with all those
planets and we’re the only ones? I don’t think so. However, everyone here is free to believe what they want to and I respect you for that.
That’s part of the problem with the world today, we can’t agree to disagree. I don’t have to agree with you, but I do respect your
opinion/belief. But remember, it’s yours, not mine.
I also firmly believe the government is keeping things from us. Some of it is obviously for national security reasons and the some of it is just
because. Again, I have no proof or inside information to back my beliefs up. If we do, and that’s a big if, have our hands on alien technology I
imagine there are only a handful of people alive at the moment who know the whole story. Most of the information is probably compartmentalized. Hence
the term Secret Compartmentalized Information or SCI as is referred to by the military.
Here is a direct quote regarding the secret recipe used in KFC’s chicken: “Only a handful of people know that multi-million dollar recipe, and
each is obligated to strict confidentiality by contract.” There are people who claim to know, but in reality they did not. KFC also states “the
recipe is protected by some pretty elaborate security precautions.” If a fast food conglomeration can do it then why can’t the government, or more
likely, the military, do it? Now this may seem like a ridiculous analogy but I think it’s quite appropriate. The only real difference is we know for
a fact KFC exists, we cannot say that about alien technology.
Is the government involved in all the conspiracies mentioned here? Is NASA doctoring photographs to hide proof of civilizations on other planets? Is
our government in direct contact with alien civilizations? These are question I do not have the answer to and I suspect very few do. I want to know
and I feel, we, the people, have the right to know.
[edit on 30-4-2009 by ratcals]