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Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process

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posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:57 PM
LOL, that is ironic. I thought that was a little bit suspect too. How many 16 year-olds decorate their room that way. We are only hearing one side of the story.

That doesn't detract from the danger of the Patriot Act in any way. It is still ridiculous that he has sat in jail without due process, and that we have not heard the prosecution's side of the story.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:29 AM
I missed the fact that a thread already existed on this incident.

Accordingly, I'll reprint some of what I placed in my duplicate thread.

This really is a remarkable story on several levels.

If you consider the potential abuse this enables, that alone would suggest the need for significant change in the legislation. We may have won the "efficiency" battle in pursuing potential terrorism leads, but you have to ask at what cost?

Next, am I the only one who finds the conversion of potential criminal misconduct by a teenager into acts of terrorism a far cry from what most think is meant by the term "terrorism"?

Who have we become as a nation? I wonder...

Also, I find it interesting that this child was removed from his North Carolina home to an Indiana juvenile incarceration facility. Was there not somewhere more local the child could have been kept?

Out of curiosity, I went to look for the Indiana correctional facility where this child is held.

South Bend Juvenile Correctional Facility

I really can't tell why this facility was selected in this case. But there was this interesting item I stumbled upon at their front page:


As a precautionary measure, the IDOC has cancelled offender visits at all adult and juvenile facilities. This decision is made in light of heightened public health concerns related to the H1N1 influenza virus. Although there are no known cases of H1N1 influenza infection among the offender population or IDOC staff, this prudent decision is made as a protective measure for both staff and offenders. This decision will be reviewed on a weekly basis after consultation with medical and public health professionals. In lieu of visitation, the IDOC is expanding offender telephone privileges at all facilities.

Obviously, that item likely has nothing to do with child's case, but isn't that a fascinating move on the part of the State of Indiana? I wonder how many other States are doing this?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Instead of storming the kid's home, why not speak to the parent and find out what the story is. If the kid has no record of violence and his computer and room are clean, why would they still be holding him?
This ACT goes too far.
An enemy of the state?!?!
The kid may have been on some conspiracy site and was venting about feeling powerless. Would that warrent this treatment? These invasions are not always necessary yet they seem to happen as a matter of protocol.

If their warrent stated clearly what was to be searched for, and those items were not found, then the boy should go free. Why detain him until they can trump up something? Whether guilty or not, I bet this will ruin this child's future.

At least the world is now safe.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Johnny_Sokko

It took me several weeks (last year) to obtain a copy of a section of the Patriot Act wherein our Gov't. reserves the right to confiscate "gold bullion coins" (the kind the mint used to produce) from the population. I finally got Rep. Putnam's office to email it to me as the Library of Congress would not let me look it up. By the way, Putnam is not running again, even though he was a sure win. Methinks some know what is coming down the pike soon and they don't want to be part of it. Remember the secret meeting both houses of Congress had last year (March 08) regarding the coming financial collapse.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:04 PM
its called the Patriot Act for gods sake,

The title its self says its here to "take care" of patriots.

unfortunately "take care" can mean exactly what there doing, in simpler terms *take care=get ride of* Patriot=Extremist.

i guess the bill title should in reality read...

Get Ride of Extremist Act.

don't forget an extremist is anyone who believes in the real America. not the corporate one.

edited spelling error.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by Pondering Soul]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:15 PM
S&F for you!

Great find! However, considering the history of legistlation such as this, and their continued existance within our laws, I wouldn't be suprised if nothing more comes from this case.

It's infuriating to say the least that this happening, and could happen to ANYONE, for just about ANY REASON! Unfortunately, I feel that unless this is happening on a mass scale, and is widely covered by the media, it's not going to be enough to shake the sleepers from their slumber.

Until that time comes however, I'm calling my congressman because I for one am mad as hell!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by drummerroy39

You voice your opinion in slightly stronger terms, but essentially, I completely agree. I'm disappointed that The Patriot Act has not been repealed or modified as of yet. I thought it would have been among the first issues taken up under the new administration.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:26 PM

I love the part in the video that says "this is not what the Patriot Act was intended for"

Yes it was! Wake up people. I think Michael Moore covered alot of this in his many years ago. And people are still surprised.

I fell so sorry for that kid. They probably have treated him like a terrorist as well. Can you imagine the story he will tell when and if he gets out.

Sorry're screwed.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Do we have any facts at all on the case? I mean, I guess that's the point, in that the Patriot Act can hide the facts, and that's wrong in a lot of instances. But, I'm surprised on this "inquiry-based" website that 99 percent of the posters have come to the conclusion that this is wrong.

Could they only get a search warrant under federal jurisdiction because that is how the evidence was collected?

I just don't know enough about this to even have an opinion. What am I missing?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by WeArePeace
What am I missing?

The Federal government can seize your minor children, incarcerate them in another state, limit your access, avoid justification, and leave you with little to no recourse.

Does that sum it up?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Matt1978
On one level, I feel sorry for the kid.

On another, I hope that this experience snaps him out of his love for this disgusting country. His bedroom is loaded with pro-NWO imagery, and he ends up as a victim of the NWO. That is ironic.

There is nothing wrong with honoring the ideals that this country SHOULD stand for. This disgusts me, just as much as any of you, but that doesn't make me hate the US. It makes me hate the asses who passed this bill.

Instead of going off on how much you hate the US, spend your energy trying to CHANGE it for the better. This can be a great country, it only lacks the light to show the way.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:14 PM
Yeah, read the link posted in my siggie. All kinds of stuff like this has been happening for the past eight years. But isn't the act suppose to expire soon?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:17 PM
More like news.

This just keeps getting better. And better.

I think we'd be better off with an asteroid hit about now.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Johnny_Sokko

The patriot act is in violation of Constitutional law in this case so he is being illegally held. The patriot act cannot strip an American citizen of due process.

That said, we need to write our congressmen and women and demand the release of the boy being held and the immediate arrest of those responsible for the illegal imprisonment of the child.

I would also suggest that we explain to our representatives that we are much more afraid of our government then we ever were of terrorists.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Yeah, read the link posted in my siggie. All kinds of stuff like this has been happening for the past eight years. But isn't the act suppose to expire soon?

3 provisions of the patriot act will sunset dec 31 2009 -source. Some parts have already been struck down by the courts, and others will continue.
(The patriot act is confusing and a full study would be required to understand all the implications)

It is likely to be renewed with the support of the Obama administration. Obama voted to renew it in 2006.

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) voted YES on March 1, 2006, on reauthorizing the Patriot Act.

And he is a not only a defender of the Bush wiretaps

The Obama administration vigorously defended congressional legislation late Wednesday that immunizes U.S. telecommunication companies from lawsuits about their participation in the Bush administration’s domestic spy program.

He has expanded them

Obama opposed immunity but voted for it because it was included in a new spy bill that gave the U.S. presidency broad, warrantless-surveillance powers.


This thread is not about Obama so please no partisan responses.

This thread is about the patriot act and our chances that it (at least the 3 provisions) will be allowed to sunset under the current administration.

My opinion is that one of the most idiotic flaws consistantly proven by our government is their refusal to simply remove bad or outdated laws. You will almost never see this happen. What you will see however, is the additions of more laws that try and fix the broken one. Until you end up with the thousands upon thousands of pages of law piled endlessly higher in a convoluted mountain that even the lawmakers can't understand.

You are already seeing this yet again on this issue. I posted a link earlier about an amendment that was being bandied about. It's a never ending mess, If I were president there would be some changes, yes I would say there would be quite a few changes. One of them would be to simplify and organize the criminal code, alas I am not, still it would be an interesting job.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 08:43 PM
America's federal "law" enforcemernt apparatus is becoming and may already be what in the '60s and '70s was was widely advertised as what was so terribly wrong with the Soviet system, you know, the KGB, armed men coming in the night and taking people away, people arrested without being charged, kept in jail indefinitley with no hearing, family and friends not told where the person is and not being allowed to communicate or visit, and worse. Thank you Herr Bush and Komrad Cheney. Our government has learned much through its examination and criticism of the methods supposedly employed by those dastardly evil Soviet Russian commies decades ago.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:27 PM
I cannot on one hand dismiss that what the child is being accused of is not a crime. However, we do not know if he is guilty, and even if he is, this is still America da**it, not Singapore or NK or the former USSR!!

Due process, rights protected under the Bill of Rights and the rights commonly known as Miranda rights could have easily been adhered to and he still would be off the street and having his day in court. There is no need for this insanity.

I have written both senators for my state and my area's representative, as I regularly do when I get wind of any injustice thrust upon us by our power hungry authorities. I didn't copy the letter into a text document otherwise I would have pasted it here for all to see and use themselves if they wished. Sorry. But I am sure your own words would be even better than anything I could write.

Just don't let this slide! Tell everyone you know and flood the offices of our "representatives" with the opinions of of true patriots!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by AlienChaser

Thanks AlienChaser.

My opinion is that one of the most idiotic flaws consistantly proven by our government is their refusal to simply remove bad or outdated laws.

Yes and as you've pointed out our "change agent" president is going down the same road. *sigh* It will probably never end.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by AlienChaser

Originally posted by AlienChaser
My opinion is that one of the most idiotic flaws consistantly proven by our government is their refusal to simply remove bad or outdated laws.

When would they ever find the time to do that, considering how busy they are enacting new bad laws?

[edit on 7-5-2009 by loam]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:26 AM
No kidding. I practically talk to the FBI every time I get on the phone.

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