posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:43 AM
Haven't you realised by now ?
By voting for his first 100 days your SUPPOSED and DUTY BOUND to still LOVE him.
Any kind of dissent or disatisfaction at his Illustriousness IS NOT ALLOWED.
All those that didn't vote 'A' will have a little visit from the 'authorities' so they can have a little word with you.
Expect to be called upon , oh and have you filled in your last will and testament yet?
Just asking, because we wouldn't want you to have an 'accident' now would we?
Those who DID vote 'A' will be rewarded and shall be one of the 'cherished'.
And yes I checked and it has been pulled already, just goes to show what the public really think, Expect a ramp up in the 'swine flu' numbers coming
your way soon.