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I'm not wearing a mask!

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:30 AM
There's an article in today's Melbourne Herald - Sun newspaper, page 4, that states the Aussie government has stockpiled 50 million face masks aorund the nation. Enough so that each person has two each.

Screw that, I'm not wearing a mask. If everyone else is wearing them, then that will prevent their germs reaching me!

This swine flu crap is another round of scaremongering, propaganda! Wake up, planet Earth, smell the roses and realise that from time to time, nature is going to perform a natural cull on our population. Unless by nature we really mean artificially created NWO nasty germs. Who knows...

If I check out, then big deal! Remind me again, who of us is immortal? No masks for me, thanks. I still have some civil liberties left, don't I?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
If everyone else is wearing them, then that will prevent their germs reaching me!

perhaps the point is to stop your germs reaching them, who the hell cares thought, right?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:40 AM
I read somewhere once that the masks are designed to stop your germs from going out, not stop other germs from getting in. This is obviously a fact that they're going to keep under their hats, though, because otherwise no one would wear them.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:43 AM
Spanish flu, 1918, H1N1 variant - killed 100 million people. 98% of people who got sick with that flu actually survived - it only had a 2% case fatality rate, however, that gives some indication of indeed how many people were infected.

Current swine flu, H1N1 variant, in an age of international air travel. Uh...

Scare mongering or not, I'm personally still going to take this somewhat seriously.

Haven't heard the story about the government stockpiling 50 million masks, they've waited this long to bring in infrared airport scanning, I wouldn't rely on any government anywhere to outsmart this thing.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by mattguy404
Haven't heard the story about the government stockpiling 50 million masks,

From the newspaper article:

The masks are stashed around the country with stocks of anti-viral drugs, ready to be deployed at short notice.

I see a conspiracy element here...

The Aussie governments (all of them) are friggin' useless. The other night, I had to wait from 6pm until after 10pm at a hospital emergency room, before my kid was seen by a Doctor.

Today, in the same newspaper, page 23, the Aussie government has stated that there won't be enough Australian Tax Office (ATO) workers to process tax returns on time, due to the excess demands of the stimulus cheques.

So... how the hell does the bloody useless Aussie government manage to stockpile 50 million face masks and drugs to be deployed at short notice??? I think there's more to it. Maybe they were warned in advanced by whoever wanted the flu to begin and spread.

Governments can't get some things so wrong and others so right.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by mattguy404
Spanish flu, 1918, H1N1 variant - killed 100 million people. 98% of people who got sick with that flu actually survived - it only had a 2% case fatality rate, however, that gives some indication of indeed how many people were infected.

If you're math is correct and only two percent died, yet there were 100 million deaths then that means that the world population in 1918 must have been at least 5 billion. 5 billion/50 = 100 million. I am pretty sure there were less than 2 billion people on the planet in the early part of the last century. So somewhere this math seems to be flawed.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 05:31 AM
I was actually quoting Laurie Garrett, science journalist, as she was being interviewed on tonight's 7.30 Report on the ABC here...

I'd quote the transcript, but it's not yet available.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:16 AM
I am a retired firefighter/EMT and I am not going to wear a mask too stop from getting this flu.

Just like i did nothing to stop from getting mosquito bites and the West Nile Virus that is going around here in Calif.

With most viruses you build immunity and that is a good thing.

Plus i would rather get it now and not later in life when my health is worse and my body can not take it.

The worst thing a parent can do to a kid is try to keep them from catching the virus of the year our a cold.

That does not mean they should not get the kid his shots for the many diseases that can be life threatening.

But this Mexican flu will not kill people with normal immune systems.

And from what it looks like if you do not catch it this spring by fall they should have it in next years flu shot.

What it looks like now is some people may have some immunity if you are over 45 to 50 years old.
And there was a H1N1 virus that went around the US in the 1960s that may have given many older people some limited immunity meaning they would only get a mild case.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by ANNED

That only works if you intend on taking the flu shot provided in the fall. I never take these things, I don't believe that infecting yourself is ever a good idea. That said, I do agree with you that healthy immune systems will fight this off.

[edit on 30/4/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:54 AM
Im writing funny stuff on mine such as... "You look Stupid...", "The Aporkalypse!", "You Swine!"

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
reply to post by ANNED

That only works if you intend on taking the flu shot provided in the fall. I never take these things, I don't believe that infecting yourself is ever a good idea. That said, I do agree with you that healthy immune systems will fight this off.

[edit on 30/4/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

I got a flu shot about 30 years ago and got so sick I would have had to feel better to die. Never again!

I'm also am not going to wear any mask when I go grocery shopping tomorrow.

I must have a powerful immune system because I never get sick. And, if I do get it, well, I will just stay home and suffer thru it. And if I croak, well,
guess my time here on earth is up.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:52 AM
I think people are missing the most important part about the masks.
The simple fact is, that wearing one makes you look like a complete and utter ninny. Seriously who can really pull that look off, its hard to find a matching outfit unless you have surgical gowns. Im no buying a whole new range of shoes to match. Its all a ploy from the clothing giants so you buy their new 'Summer of swine' range. I for one wont be wearing a mask, and i will probably have a go at chasing people with masks on down the street and trying to breathe on them.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by pazcat
I think people are missing the most important part about the masks.
The simple fact is, that wearing one makes you look like a complete and utter ninny. Seriously who can really pull that look off, its hard to find a matching outfit unless you have surgical gowns. Im no buying a whole new range of shoes to match. Its all a ploy from the clothing giants so you buy their new 'Summer of swine' range. I for one wont be wearing a mask, and i will probably have a go at chasing people with masks on down the street and trying to breathe on them.

Aww. I don't know, I kind of like these... especially, the one with the tongue spitting out the pill (bottom middle). Cute, I'd say.... and I already have the shoes to match!



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