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What is up with Iowa

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:31 AM
i was looking at this chart on wiki.

i noticed one thing that stuck out at me. even though iowa ranks 30th in population, iowa currently leads the nation in suspected swine flu cases.

if u add up all the confirmed , propable , and suspected cases in either ny or texas they still dont overcome the 152 suspected cases in iowa.

what else does iowa have? the most pigs in the nation.

At any one time there are between 14 and 15 million hogs in Iowa. That's about seven times as many pigs as people living in the state.

can iowans just be more paranoid then every other state in this nation?
is there a connection to the pigs that we just arent seeing?

something just doesnt seem right with these numbers.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:35 AM
Maybe they arent trying to cover it up. I suspect a lot of states are trying to calm people down.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by elitegamer23

Iowa probably has a more honest state government.

A number of other states are actively suppressing numbers.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:40 AM
that is a good explanation but it has 5 times less people than florida and twice as many suspected cases.

the numbers just appear odd to me.

i would think at least one other state with a greater population would be just as truthful with their numbers but u dont see that anywhere else. how can it just be iowa?

[edit on 30-4-2009 by elitegamer23]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by elitegamer23

We have a large number of suspected cases here and not a single one has been mentioned in the media.

Why? I have no idea.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:45 AM
My friend tried to tell me there were no cases in Oklahoma, today. I asked him if he honestly believed that, I think he does. Without telling him people started getting tested for this 4 days ago in Oklahoma that I know about alone. Oklahoma is one of the most corupt states as far as local government. You will hear about almost no cases there until the very end and it will still be exagerated. A lot of people in OK are going to die. The medical care there scares me worse than the medical condition.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Memysabu]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:16 AM
awesome starting this thread for Iowa.
I hope it is the fact that our state government is being honest.
150 is a lot that just seemed to come out of no where.

I couldnt talk my wife out of going to work
She works in a factory where people are close together. I let her know what she needs to do and I really think she will listen.

I will be waiting at the door to decontaminate her when she gets home!

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 05:08 PM
if this is going from human to pig iowa is going to be a waste land of sickness.

wonder if this virus mutates when it passes from human to pig and back to human.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:58 PM
One reason could be Iowa has a large population of what they call snow birds. People that leave the state before winter hits in and return with the spring. Which many start coming back about Easter time.

The weather keeps people indoors up there also until it gets warm.

They have a large population of illegals up there. I believe if you search the threads you'll find one about using Iowa as a practice for fema camps by rounding up illegals and transporting them to and from these places.

You'll also find that Iowa was going to be the place where they were going to practice a mock gun handing over to ptb.

You'll also find that Iowa during the civil war had more soldiers per capata than anyother state and even more soldiers killed than any other state.

The government seems to like Iowa.

Most Iowans don't come into contact with the hogs. Most of the hogs in Iowa are raised in confinement buildings by big companies now days.

I would also suggest that Iowa's biggest cities all have colleges many of those kids go to Texas and Mexico for spring break.

As for honest government please those words don't go together...look at who Obama appointed as his agriculture secretary. The man wasn't even an Iowan by birth. I don't think he really new a pig from a cow when he was governor.

If the state of Iowa thought that it would effect the swine industry you'd see no numbers coming out of Iowa. They wouldn't know what to do if they didn't have a pork queen for the state fair because pig meant illness.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by elitegamer23

Well, I am guessing we have our answer now? Good thing corn has nothing to do with it or we would all be goners!

Notice how the one confirmed case was enough to bring on a state of emergency for us?
Hope that freed up whatever monies our state was needing for who knows what.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by DropOfKim

Originally posted by DropOfKim

Notice how the one confirmed case was enough to bring on a state of emergency for us?

what i dont understand is our state officials were saying there was one confirmed case and 8 probable at one time.
culver was on record saying probable cases come back positive 90% of the time.

then the whole media black out on swine flu happened and nothing has come out about the 8 probable cases.

i just hope this doesnt hurt the pig industry, our state depends on it so much.

Originally posted by DropOfKim

Hope that freed up whatever monies our state was needing for who knows what.

they are preparing for a second outbreak this fall/winter so im sure they are hoarding some money for that. plus they have to pay people to guard our 750,000 courses of tamiflu. one confimed case yet they guarding all that, go figure.

[edit on 6-5-2009 by elitegamer23]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by napayshni57

Whether direct or indirect, most Iowans do have some sort of contact with pigs. If they don't have pigs, then they are kin to someone who does, or they are down the road at so and so's farm and on and on it could go. Maybe it's just the area I'm in, but there isn't one person around that doesn't recognize the smell of someone just coming from working at a hog farm because they do the same work, or husband, wife, brother, sister does it.
Now when you get into the politics of pig work, you'll find that many, many people hate the pig farms. You could have a beef farm and a hog farm following the same practices and the pork farm will get picked on first. Those numbers would be good for certain politicians that practice porcine prejudice.
Also? You'll find that the majority of people wish to be snowbirds instead of actually doing it. Mostly we just bundle up and hibernate till we can see the ground again.
If it could be blamed on snowbirds at all, we would see some kind of numbers out of ND and MT for sure.
This is just something else all together.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:18 PM
yeah i wish i could be a snowbird but work and bills kinda keeps me at home. i like the iowa winters also even though it was crazy cold this year.

supposedly the first case of swine flu in cali was a girl who was around pigs and nobody from mexico. maybe its more widespread in the swine population then we know.

with all the drugs we give pigs and the messing with the genes who knows where this thing really did start. the only thing i know is if it really is going from human to pig, eventually it will devastate iowa. ive seen many other countries do mass slaughter to their livestock to stop such things as madcow and id hate to see and smell such in our state.

its nice to hear from others in iowa. i think you are from the boring part of the state though

ha what am i saying, thats all of iowa.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by elitegamer23
i just hope this doesnt hurt the pig industry, our state depends on it so much.

You can watch the lean hog market here - The numbers were slipping but they seem to be coming back up slowly. Our state and too many people I know depend on the piggies.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by DropOfKim

Originally posted by DropOfKim

Originally posted by elitegamer23
i just hope this doesnt hurt the pig industry, our state depends on it so much.

You can watch the lean hog market here - The numbers were slipping but they seem to be coming back up slowly. Our state and too many people I know depend on the piggies.

my kid and i have been eating pork more then usual to help out all we can. plus pork chops and bacon just taste so damn yummy.

pigs are a huge way of life in iowa. i live in a city but i remember in highschool we would go hang out in my friends pigbarn and throw back some cold ones.

wow the smell almost killed the buzz but it was fun. i love animals so it was just cool to be around all the hogs.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by DropOfKim

I grew up on a hog farm in Iowa. I do not miss the smell or the hogs. My dad always use to say don't complain about the smell its the smell of money. Maybe thats why I don't think I need lots of money to make me happy I'd have to put up with the smell of it lol.

When you get out of rural Iowa though into the city you do find those people don't have much contact with hogs. Unless you work at a packing plant. To the last of my knowledge (I could be wrong now) many of the people working in packing plants were of hispanic descent. I know Perry and Marshall town have large hispanic population. Perhaps many of these people traveled to mexico to visit during spring break.

When you get into the Des Moines area you'll find you have lots of snow birds. Believe it or not they even have get togethers during the summer. They contact each other incase they want to switch destinations of where they will stay in the winter time down south. I think its a city thing.

Do I believe this flu came from hogs? No I think it was man made. I know we focus on the swine part of it but to my knowledge its a human, swine and bird flu mixture. So why are they not focusing on fowls?

I also believe that I read last week where they found a hog that was infected with it by a human. Instead of us being worried about the hogs maybe the hogs should be more worried about us.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:13 AM
Well, in case no one knows yet, we are up to 36 cases. I don't know what that means or entails anymore, but there it is.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by napayshni57

This is a random thought, but in the 90s (and I don't know about the current situation, but I imagine it's pretty similar, having been there recently), Iowa City was one of THE crosroads for Meth traffic in and out of Mexico, and the SW states. It's possible that a combination of honest reporting, high swine farm density and international traffic created a "perfect storm" for Iowa.
I can say for sure that the Iowa route provides Chicago with a large portion of street drugs, most of which come from Mexico. Question is: did we give it to Mexico or did they give it to the US? Everything I read points to a N. American origin, but I wouldn't bet the proverbial farm on it..just a hypothesis.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by elitegamer23

Iowa is fine, we are all fine, this is a conspiracy designed to panic pople.

Do not panic, end of story.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by spellbound

yeah it seemed obvious it was nothing a week ago. where were you two weeks ago with your information when it wasnt so obvious.

thanks though


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