posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:26 PM
I, too, am wondering about these stress tests. The Fed is showing promising news and we may be on a bit of an economic 'plateau' which can either
go back up soon or where the majority of us think it will go - down the tubes. At any rate, that all went away thanks to the man/bird/pig flu.
Which brings me to another point... I can actually understand the concern (not panic) of this flu. You see, it is not a normal flu... it is a variant
which we have no vaccination for. Furthermore, it has been shown to cause a "cytokine storm" response by the infected immune system which is why it
can pose fatal to the healthiest of adults. It also spreads rather easily.
Yes, no fatalities outside of Mexico thusfar which is actually good news - all things considered. I think the worries of the WHO is the fact that it
is a very contagious virus which has demonstrated an ability to mutate and also cause cytokine storm responses... these all add up to something you
don't want mutating in 3rd world countries over the summer only to come back as a big bad boy for next fall/winter's flu season.
Back to the stress tests... anybody have any summaries of the leaked results?