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Swine Flu: The Flu Is Nothing!

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:29 PM
Swine flu is nothing to worry about.

Looking at the figures, its nothing bad. Pritty much every year in the UK there is a flu epidemic in the winter season that kills a fair few people, only the old and people who have imunety deseases. From the amount of people that have died from this flu, it seems to be just the same as that.

The first case was founded in mexico march 13th, well over a month ago. Many people have had the swine flu, compare it to the deaths, very few deaths have occured. Not 100% sure, but im speculating that the people that have died are either the elderly or the people with weak imune systems. The sympoms are much like the ordanary flu, but just a bit stronger, thus giving me the impresion that this is nothing more than a little stronger flu than the ordanary common flu that tends to spread wide in the winter.

The main thing to worry about is how the media is using this to bring fear into the public. Every hour there is a new update and every day the WHO step up the level of emergancy. Nothing scares the public more than a pandemic, and nothing more makes the public beg for a solution, and no one more loves to bring that solution than the government. Because this is global, the "solution" will be global, see were this is going??

Also, a pandemic is the perfect scenario for martial law. This is what should be feared, not a mear gloryfied flu.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:42 PM

that kills a fair few people, only the old and people who have imunety deseases.

already talked. Answer is quoted. This flu does not kill old people but attack everyone, especially mid age healthy people

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:49 PM
I say yay. So far the WHO has reported 7 deaths, all of which in Mexico. They need to track the infections, but to me it's unclear whether the 148 infected people are in danger. However, several newspapers over here (Holland) already talked about 100+ deaths.. The 'Pandemic Alert Stage' is also too great of a lead for them to leave lying around, while in fact it is not a scale that tells us how dangerous the virus is - its purpose is to see how the virus is spreading. I know the media thrive on sensation, but it's getting quite ridiculous.

Of course, if we all start dying tomorrow, please ignore the above. ;]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:52 PM
there is a big difference in attacking and killing people.
Most likley the people who are infected are mostly mid aged/children because they are around the most people (work, school) But causing deaths is different from infecting.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 06:56 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with you, simply on based on the fact that this virus has spread to over 30 countries in less than a week.

Furthermore the information we receive on a daily basis, is at least 2 or 3 days old, meaning the figures we hear today are nothing to what we will hear about on saturday or sunday.

This isn't a cause for panic mind you, that I will agree. People have over sensationlised this thing and I am sure alot of hypercondriacs are loving this right now, however there is just cause for concern.

A new virus only requires 1 human to evolve into something even more deadly than it is, remember that. This is why such a thing is so dangerous, it's spreading easily and can mutate at any given time into virutally anything.

People simply need to pay close attention to themselves over the next few weeks and take the appropriate steps to keep from getting infected or spreading infection to other people.

The more people get infected, the bigger the risk of a mutation.


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks
Swine flu is nothing to worry about.

From the amount of people that have died from this flu, it seems to be just the same as that.


The first case was founded in mexico march 13th, well over a month ago. Many people have had the swine flu, compare it to the deaths, very few deaths have occured. Not 100% sure, but im speculating that the people that have died are either the elderly or the people with weak imune systems.


The symptoms are much like the ordanary flu, but just a bit stronger, thus giving me the impresion that this is nothing more than a little stronger flu than the ordanary common flu that tends to spread wide in the winter.

more disinfo

the MAIN thing to worry about is the fact that no one knows WHO to trust anymore! And the PTB are using this to their advantage to once again split everyone into groups! The scariest thing is that these groups are the opposite of what they used to be!

think about it, for the most part, the average person who would normally be saying "OMG a horrible pandemic, the government better help me! "Is now saying "this is BS, the media is just trying to scare us, its just a normal flu, you can't trust the government." According to all the polls anyway, this is what the average person thinks.

On the other hand, the conspiracy theorist who would normally say this is just more Media BS, the government trying to control us through fear, is instead saying "this is the real thing. this is going to be a pandemic that rivals 1918. somebody do something!"

Honestly, does no one else see this going on?
What is happening to the country/world?

Whether this becomes a full blown pandemic resulting in huge amounts of casualties or it disappears, something bad is happening. The populace is being used, and monitored, SOMETHING is going to happen.

Serriously, people are ARGUING about whether or not this is true or BS. The argument can't be won either, atleast not for a few months, and this is what THEY want.

"We are all ancestors of successful co-operators"

I guess that means the planet is doomed cause all I see now are people making pointless statements that can't be proven, no cooperation what so ever.

It's like, if this becomes a wide killing pandemic, then it will be some sort of proof that the government didn't do enough. If it doesn't, it's as if the government can't be trusted. and made the whole thing up.

these are very dangerous conclusions to come to based on one event. And if you say it isn't based on one event, then where were all these people saying the media is lying leading up Iraq or in the days following 9/11? why keep so silent only to come out now? Seriously, if the amount of people that are now claiming the Media are lying and trying to scare us, had done the same thing leading up to Iraq, there would not have been a war. The majority of what I heard then was, "they wouldn't lie about something so important" and "they're trying their best"

has society changed so much since then? Or, is it because all of a sudden there's a democrat in power, people aren't afraid to criticize? Now that the gulags are being closed you find the time to take the duct tape off your mouth?

but maybe you missed your chance. Maybe now isn't the right time to call BS, considering your life may depend on it.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, except it is directed at everyone who has already made up their mind about this flu. Maybe I just wish I was as smart as you to have figured this all out so fast!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:41 PM
I'd say people have been flooded with information and simply coming to the conclusion it's not much to worry about.

It's in a different class of crises from terrorism and the financial crisis, both of which had immediate and observable consequences.

The media has expected the same tangible impact from the swine flu matter - they flooded the public with great amounts of information that so far is not yet tangible.

So now everyone is going into an "it's over" cycle.

However, it's not the same as the normal flu - from what we've been told, it has the potential to affect the young and healthy the most, whereas the 'normal' flu targets the elderly with weak immune systems.

A strong immune system interacting with H1N1 overreacts and brings on effects much like pneumonia as the immune system attacks the lungs.

Unlike bird flu, which also caused similar panic and a mass culling throughout Asia, this one crosses human to human. Even so, Arab countries such as Egypt are panicking and culling 400,000 pigs, even though pigs can't take a holiday to Mexico.

So yes, while it's important not to panic, it deserves attention and level of caution and concern - the media does love to hype things up, but it doesn't mean we should all tune out.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:01 PM
Help me understand something:

What is the reason for the disparity in Mexico deaths VS. U.S. deaths? Is it simply because the U.S. hasn't seen enough cases, or caught them quicker....OR better health care system?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Trolloks

Yea, Ive tried to reserve judgment on this to see where it was going to go and while it looks like the sickness is spreading out pretty far, or so they say, its not causing that many fatalities.
Now when the first reports came out claiming 150 deaths worldwide, I started taking notice, then this morning when I learned about the childs death here in Texas, I started taking more notice.
However when these reports came out, Claiming the WHO said 8 deaths not 150, I breathed a little easier.
But now that its actually on their site.. I think this is going to blow over pretty quickly, with relatively few deaths.

Good philosophizing there Trolloks


29 April 2009 -- The situation continues to evolve rapidly. As of 18:00 GMT, 29 April 2009, nine countries have officially reported 148 cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 infection. The United States Government has reported 91 laboratory confirmed human cases, with one death. Mexico has reported 26 confirmed human cases of infection including seven deaths. The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4)l be available on the WHO website on a regular basis.

What is the reason for the disparity in Mexico deaths VS. U.S. deaths? Is it simply because the U.S. hasn't seen enough cases, or caught them quicker....OR better health care system?

Technically the difference between the two is only 7.
thats not that great of a difference and have you ever been to a Mexican clinic or Doctor?
I have, ive been to several Border town Mexican doctors in the past and the only thing they care about is taking your money and selling you a script of Xanax.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Berzerked]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Berzerked]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Signals

No definitive answer yet.

Could be that there are two separate strains going around.

the fact that now they are saying it is just swine flu again, not avian, might support this.

Maybe regular swine flu was given to Americans through vaccines, then the lethal virus was released in Mexico. Both cases act up at the same time, and they claim that it's the same thing.

would explain alot of the confusion.

Or, the strain is getting weaker as it progresses. much less scary thought.

Or maybe this started earlier than is being declared. If Mexico were dealing with this problem since March lets say, and didn't know what they were dealing with, by the time last week rolled around the health care system was overburdened.

If that is the case, then look for the same thing happening around the world in the next few weeks.

Maybe the virus was created to specifically target Mexicans.

Maybe we don't have a full grip on what a virus actually is.

Maybe this isn't a virus at all.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by coincidence_theorist]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Signals

I believe is due to the fact that in the US we have the option of regular flu season vaccine every year and many Americas are very diligent when it comes to flu vaccine.

That will ease the symptoms of flu.

I see the entire swain flu been blown out of proportion.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:33 PM
This "swine flu pandemic" could have been an orchestrated and deliberate release somewhere (happened to be Mexico) in the world for the following reasons:

1) To follow it's direction, severity and mutation changes

2) Was weak enough not to cause too much harm to the world

3) WHO wanted to see each country's response mechanisms

4) Was just a "fire alarm" and "wake up call" for future deadly pandemics

Just a thought...

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Berzerked
reply to post by Trolloks

Have you ever been to a Mexican clinic or Doctor?
I have, ive been to several Border town Mexican doctors in the past and the only thing they care about is taking your money and selling you a script of Xanax.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Berzerked]

seems like a bit of a generalization. How many is several? Perhaps they want to sell you Xanax because you need it?

I'm sorry but I don't see how your visits to border town "Mexican" doctors has any relevancy in regards to the Mexican health care system. In fact the comment seems to point to a stereotype of doctors in general, Mexican or not.

7 deaths vs 150 deaths. As if numbers now are actually worth anything.

Anybody remember what the death toll was of American Soldiers when George W Bush stood on the aircraft carrier that claimed Mission Accomplished for him? Does that number hold any significance now? Would you look like a fool today if, on that day, you claimed "wow, over already, and we hardly even lost any men(and women)"?

How about in the first hour of hurricane Katrina, would you want to be the first shouting "sweet, the levies held up!"

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Signals

I see the entire swain flu been blown out of proportion.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by marg6043]

Now what is the point of saying that? It's like saying "I'm sure I can run faster than that car"

wouldn't it be safer to not make an assumption at all? What will you gain by believing it is overblown?

The way I see it, everyone saying this outbreak is overblown will be the first ones in line for innoculations.

For now it's, oh this is a fear tactic, this is overblown.

Then, when the same people tell them 4 months from now that it's a global pandemic with deaths in the thousands, take this vaccine. They'll go #, I didn't think it would get this bad, hurry up and jab me!

Meanwhile, you've blinded yourself for four months believing there was nothing to worry about so you stopped paying attention to the reports that claim the vaccine is lethal, or you don't believe the reports when they come out stating the problem will get much worse come flu season.

Would you really want to be one of the people saying "all this fear mongering about Hitler! I think it's so overblown, I mean, he's just one guy!'


those caps were warranted!

[edit on 29-4-2009 by coincidence_theorist]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Lets see you have troll in your name, you cant spell. That pretty much sums it up for me! We need to start lumping these troll posts into one. I think if you are going to say swine fluy is stupid its been posted before so all threads should be taken up on the same thread. Otherwise youre just spamming this forum. And Ive seen you trolling on other boards troll.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Memysabu]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:06 PM
Make the math my friend, in the US over 30 thousand people die of regular seasonal flue and you don't see the WHO calling a pandemic.

So far no even the entire deaths of Mexico equal the deaths of US seasonal flu.

So far the strongest strain of swain flu has infected 7 people They didn't die in Texas, killed a baby that was just brought from over the border and the 7 people recuperated from the flu.

So add one and one and smell the agenda behind the hype.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:18 PM

seems like a bit of a generalization. How many is several? Perhaps they want to sell you Xanax because you need it? I'm sorry but I don't see how your visits to border town "Mexican" doctors has any relevancy in regards to the Mexican health care system. In fact the comment seems to point to a stereotype of doctors in general, Mexican or not.

Youre making more of a generalization about me, who you know NOTHING about than I am about Mexican doctors, who I obviously at least know a little about and you seem to be ok with that, just like im ok with my generalization about the Mexican health care system.
At least I know a little more about it than you know about me, unless of course youve been to a few Mexican doctors, then you can make your generalizations and ill make mine.

In the end, ill believe me and youll believe you and were right back where we started.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Berzerked]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:34 PM
I'm sorry, but I have to say that I believe that we are taking the bait from the media and blowing this way out of proportion. Of course I feel sorry for the infant that died, and the 100+ people that died in Mexico, but the fact is, those are the only people that we know of that have died. Some people in Mexico, and we all know that Mexico isn't a very healthy/clean country overall (not trying to knock Mexico), and a 23 month old baby. Of course a new variant of the flu is going to have a very high chance of killing a young baby.

But, don't get me wrong, this shouldn't be ignored either. We need to do what we need to do (whatever that may be) to make sure people take appropriate actions to take care of themselves and others. In my opinion, the best thing we can do is to not flip out.

edit to ad: while re-reading this, It kinda seems like I'm coming off as a jerk, I don't mean to.

[edit on 29/4/09 by wisefoolishness]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Memysabu
Lets see you have troll in your name, you cant spell. That pretty much sums it up for me! We need to start lumping these troll posts into one. I think if you are going to say swine fluy is stupid its been posted before so all threads should be taken up on the same thread. Otherwise youre just spamming this forum. And Ive seen you trolling on other boards troll.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Memysabu]

Trolloks is not an actual word, its one of my own that i made up (there is trolocks, but thats a completly different thing) And im not saying its stupid, im saying its being over-hyped and that there should be other things to worry about such as what measures will be taken to control this.

And if your goin to pick on spelling, it just shows you havent actualy got a proper argument to put forward, so you have to pick on something as petty as spelling instead of what i am putting forward.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Trolloks]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:48 PM

and the 100+ people that died in Mexico, but the fact is, those are the only people that we know of that have died.

Jeez man you people still arent reading the right information..

I just posted it about 4 posts up

100 people have NOT died, it was a mistake.. only 8 people have died, thats bad in istelf but it doesnt represent a major event in terms of what most people think of when they think of a pandemic or even epidemic.

Here is the website AGAIN for the W.H.O. not that I really trust them anymore than I do any other Govt agency but, there it is in black and white.


The United States Government has reported 91 laboratory confirmed human cases, with ONE death. Mexico has reported 26 confirmed human cases of infection including SEVEN deaths.

Please do what you can to inform yourselves in some ways because something IS going on but it isnt the FLU im talking about.

Just wondering how we go from near 1700 confirmed cases in Mexico with 150 fatalities, to 26 confirmed cases in Mexico with 7 dead?

[edit on 29-4-2009 by Berzerked]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Berzerked

My mistake.

I should say then around 100 cases in Mexico and the US, total. I guess that just goes to show even more that we are making this out to be worse than it is.

Again, my apologies for the mistake, and thanks for catching me on that.

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