posted on Feb, 7 2003 @ 01:36 AM
An innocent person doesn't act like Saddam, but of course you want to blame the US for the Iraqi problems out of jealousy for your inferiority
It is Bush that has an inferiority complex because he must resort to war to feel safer. He wants the first strike.
When you have a look at Iraq, they are hardly conspicuos compared to the arsenal of weapons that the US has.
This confrontation is looking more like David and Goliath match, or cat and mouse.
First of all it is not about weapons of mass destruction. This is the excuse. This is what the populous are told.
It is about oil, it is about US expansion in the middle east.
Don't get me wrong I am not in favour of S.H. but why hasn't his country got the right to defend themselves if attacked.
Then according to US thinking you should disarm the rest of the world and the US should have all the weapons for themselves.
The US has always been a trigger happy country. If you look at your roots, there were the cowboys that used guns. The majority of people in the US
feel insecure, thus inferior and need a gun to protect themselves.
Most conflicts are always resolved by eliminating who you don't like.
My solution is political, need more time to allow the so called weapons inspectors to do their work and it should a United Nations (the the US is part
of) resolution to decide the faith of Iraq.