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Swine Flu - A Distraction?

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:14 PM
Hey all,

Just thought I'd post an idea I had recently. And in no way do I mean to downplay the seriousness of the Swine Flu - it still is a disease, and has killed. But the extent to which the media is hyping up Swine Flu is quite strange. Over 100 deaths in Mexico, 1 death within the US (a 23 month old child, but a RESIDENT OF MEXICO).

This Swine Flu fiasco reminds me of the SARS and Bird Flu epidemics of recent times. Still fairly serious, but the media attention passed. It had 'its phase'. But Swine Flu appears to be less serious, yet is getting phenomenal amounts of media attention.
Now there are countless diseases which contribute to many more deaths than Swine Flu. And sure, you could say that it is still in its early stages, but then you have to ask, why is everyone's attention fixed upon a disease that has only been fatal to a mere fraction of the world's population?

This got me thinking. Everyone I know is focussed on Swine Flu, and is worried about it in some way (I live in New Zealand, and we have 10 confirmed cases of the flu. I'm not going to lie, it worries me). But it makes me wonder, while everyone is worried about this "crisis", could there be something going on elsewhere that is unwanting of media attention? Maybe the reason for the extreme amount of media attention on Swine Flu is so that nobody is aware of something else going on behind the curtain.

If so, what could it be?

Sorry for the fairly long winded post seeing as the main point is in the thread title
, I know I rambled on a bit and repeated things. But it was just a thought.

Your thoughts?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:21 PM
Several threads already on the "distraction" angle. Please add your thoughts and opinions to any of these which is just a sample of the many..

WHY swine flu is hyped and spread NOW


Is the new "Swine Flu" epidemic just a ruse for something else?

thread closed.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 04:21 PM
If anything, then it could probably be to twarth the ET-Disclosure.
It would anyway somewhat fit, considering timelines.


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