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For once, U.K. govt figures add up

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:02 PM
It seems that the govt has only got 33m shots of tami-rumsfeld stockpiled.

If my memory serves me right, didn't a govt think tank say that Britain needed a population reduction of around 30 million last month.Considering the population of the U.K. is close to 60 million,

Add to the fact that Gordon "slack-jawed" Brown told the commons that there had been another 3 cases in the past 24hrs but no one from govt bothered to tell the school, that one of their pupils had tested positive for swine flu. perhaps this is the start of something big and not another false flag. Any thoughts

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:00 PM
We (The U.K) have been letting half of Europe into our country for the past 10 years and more. They come, they work, some go and lots stay. They have kids, they get into normal UK life and lots are still sending money "home"

And yet you want to tell us all that either our government wants to just half the U.K back to 30 Million with a virus?

Stay off the tamiflu son.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Super Hero Member Status Mach III Turbo 6 Million Points, now with 32 blades of pure cutting power!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Interweb i'm actually born in the u.k. So u have made a prick of yourself there plus judging by the grammer in your post maybe you should take english lessons as you sound like a chav son

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