"Beware the Ides of May. For by that time the Swine Flu Pandemic will be well underway: the NWO will have guaranteed it. The mechanism for this is
simple, the mass gatherings involved in the Cinco De Mayo festival. Cinco De Mayo celebrates the Mexican victory over the French invaders in the
1860's. Now for those of you not inclined to conspiracy theories, how is that Britain sent armed troops to Canada and France invaded Mexico during
the American Civil War?"
A quick search brought up large Cinco de Mayo celebrations in major cities all over the United States... It does seem like a bit odd that something
like this would happen near one of the largest gathering of Mexicans of the year.
awesome, i am reluctant in saying this, but my birthday just happens to fall on that day. As a DJ, i usually have a pretty good party to work but the
town i am in right now is LAME, so whatev. I would like to mention that one out of four people i come in to contact with have noticeable flu like
symptoms, which is awesome
There's an estimate of around 50,000 people, mostly Hispanic, expected to participate in various rallies and marches in and around downtown Los
Angeles this Friday, May 1. I just don't think this is a good idea at this time, despite much advance planning. I really wonder how this will play
You are right. Although the partying is on the night of the 15th.
Anyway, but 5 de Mayo is a big celebration for Hispanics in the USA, I have no idea why.