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My university just announced we have 4 suspected swine flu cases

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:32 PM
Someone should post a thread so we can update each other on ATS
as to our local news and updates on cases of confirmed flu cases in our local cities/counties/states.

Ive looked on EDIS map and didnt see arizona on there, yet we now have 5 confirmed cases.

This was the 1st case confirmed...

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Memysabu

Could have to do with....

Drug cartel nonsense? Securing a police state?A push to get a "vaccine" once they come up with one? The list is really endless if you dig deep enough.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:52 PM
Don't worry. The swine flu is all BS and fearmongering by the media and the govt. Even if you get it, you can probably recover within a few days. More people die per year from regular flu, so don't worry.

I'm fairly certain this is all just a bunch of crap.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by JipStix
Don't worry. The swine flu is all BS and fearmongering by the media and the govt. Even if you get it, you can probably recover within a few days. More people die per year from regular flu, so don't worry.

I'm fairly certain this is all just a bunch of crap.

Some of us really need to educate ourselves. Read the Op-Ed piece in today's NY Times by John Barry before you so smugly characterize this crisis as a "bunch of crap"

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:01 PM
so far we have 13 confirmed cases here in NZ and 104 suspect cases.

all the confirmed cases are in auckland which is our biggest city and up the top of our country. the suspect cases are spread out all over the country though with a few right down here at the bottom where i am.

that's kind of a lot considering our whole country would fit into one of your states and we only have a population of 4.2 million.

right or wrong i'm worried enough about this to keep the kids home for a few days. my daughter is ropable oh well ... she'll get over it.

on the other hand - those affected have either recovered or are recovering well so fingers crossed this trend continues. we also have an excellent health system, top notch medical facilities and from tomorrow will be able to buy tamiflu over the counter.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

O.K. so this is being classified as a pandemic with a kill rate less than that of regular flu and you think it's an incredibly serious situation. Obviously, you need to educate yourself.

People are freaking out because the media is pushing this story like a weed dealer slings orange kush. This is insane.

It is a bunch of crap. This flu virus is just another flu virus, and is not a horrible pandemic like the 1918 flu. It has a higher rate of infection, but just about the same (or even less) the mortality rate for regular flu. This would mean more deaths, but it isn't a global pandemic of epic proportions; not even close.

Here are the stats for swine flu, as reported in the United States by the CDC;

U.S. Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection
(As of April 29, 2009, 11:00 AM ET)

# of laboratory confirmed cases

Arizona 1
California 14
Indiana 1
Kansas 2
Massachusetts 2
Michigan 2
Nevada 1
New York 51
Ohio 1
Texas 16

TOTAL COUNTS 91 cases 1 death
International Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection

The 1 person who died in the US wasn't even a US National, he was a child with previous health conditions from Mexico in the United States.

The percentage of people that have died is far below the amount that die from regular flu annually. Granted a larger amount have perished in Mexico, because of the sanitation standards and poor health of the people living in the city. They are already exposed to high level air pollution and fine grade particulates and pollutants, which weakens their immune systems. This is why you are seeing a higher death rate in Mexico.

From the CDC (

Every year in the United States, on average: * 5% to 20% of the population gets the flu; * more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications; and * about 36,000 people die from flu-related causes.

Right.. so because this virus has killed a grand total of around 160 people (most in Mexico), we should be afraid and concerned?

Bull #. This is a classic case of fear mongering... and it is unjustified. If it were a pandemic it would have exploded by now, it would be all over the world, millions infected, maybe hundreds of thousands dead. With the time that has passed, and the speed of modern travel, it should be exploding like wildfire. It's not, it's slowly spreading, certainly not like wildfire.

Here's a quote from an AP article on the swine flu;

New cases and deaths finally seemed to be leveling off in Mexico, where 160 people have been killed, after an aggressive public health campaign.

The World Health Organization just upped the warning level (sounds like the terror warning meter / propaganda meter to me) to level 5. This means that they can declare martial law and forcibly quarantine people. So, you're telling me, that for 175 deaths we need to be concerned enough to forcibly vaccinate people?

Don't be worried, don't take a vaccine, and don't buy into this crap.

If we begin to see a higher fatality rate, or some massive spread of the virus, then I will be concerned. For now, keep it in the back of your mind, and live life as you would normally.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by JipStix]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by JipStix]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by JipStix]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:02 PM
ok juuuuust got home from work...things have gotten slightly more interesting. So we all got an email from our president that was like 7-10 paragraphs and which also, somehow, managed to tell us almost nothing. It did say the # of suspected cases rose to 10. But that's not really the interesting part....So I got home from work and immediately went to talk to my twin sister(we share a condo...both go to UD...may seem weird I kno)....she's not one of us... i.e. she's a member of the sheeple herd....but she has been keeping up to date with the swine flu thing....if only because i bludgeoned her to death with what we know thus far as yesterday was her first time hearing about it....anyways...sorry guys this post is getting with she works for the athletic department in an office in our's like 3 other women in their office...and she heard her boss talking to the baseball team coach and she overheard him say that there were over 200 students today that showed up at the make-shift clinic with flu symptoms...and that our university had sent 36 more samples to the cdc for testing....again...the CDC has not confirmed any of our samples why this is interesting is because 1, there's a rather large discrepency between 10 ppl with suspected swine flu and 200.....and 2, either 200 students pannicked themselves into getting sick...which i do believe is possible....or this thing really picked up steam as far as how quickly it's spreading.....what are ur guys thoughts....?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:09 PM
To be honest, I don't think this is a pandemic, but I could be wrong, I am human. It is strange though, because I have also heard that the virus has a very lengthy incubation period of around 3-4 days. In that time it can be easily transmitted without knowing, as the symptoms won't be present.

It's very interesting what you're reporting, to say the least. Although It could possibly be hysteria. I remember at school there was a whooping cough outbreak, well a few people had it. Then I saw someone cough at a dorm meeting and like 3 girls just freaked out and ran back to their rooms hysterical. So it could be that, but you're account is interesting at least, keep us posted.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:16 PM
also...we were told that the clinic would remain open tomorrow...which would seem to suggest that it's a day by day operation....they are distributing masks and tamiflu from the clinic....and i also forgot to mention despite Obama's advice, we all have class maybe its not that bad after all...who knows....

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:21 PM
haha ok so im new to these boards so i dont know if posting multiple messages in a short amount of time is frowned upon but if it apologies....

I just saw the news about WHO going to level 5 imminent pandemic....this is nuts. Either They are fearmongering the HELL out of us right now...for w/e reason....or they are LYING about the actual numbers.....OR WHO has somepiece of information that the public doesnt.....I mean come ON!!!!....imminent pandemic?.....only 200 ppl dead.....really?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by fenix840
haha ok so im new to these boards so i dont know if posting multiple messages in a short amount of time is frowned upon but if it apologies....

I just saw the news about WHO going to level 5 imminent pandemic....this is nuts. Either They are fearmongering the HELL out of us right now...for w/e reason....or they are LYING about the actual numbers.....OR WHO has somepiece of information that the public doesnt.....I mean come ON!!!!....imminent pandemic?.....only 200 ppl dead.....really?

WHO actually claims only 7 dead, so they couldn't be fear mongering, but rather lying.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Yea it's important to remember the times we live in. There is a huge push for global governance, and I'm sure the WHO and the UN are looking for opportunities to exert control and display power.

I would advise you NOT to take Tamiflu or any supposed vaccine. It's up to you to make the decision, but please remember that often times the vaccine can be worse than the disease. In this case, I don't even think Tamiflu effects this particular strain of flu, as it's a unique combination of swine flu, avian flu, and homo sapien flu.

Keep your immune system healthy, keep yourself healthy, but avoid the vaccine at all costs is my opinion. Stay safe and keep us posted.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by JipStix]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Albertarocks
reply to post by spec_ops_wannabe

It appears you're right. If it's killing mostly hispanics, then it's engineered to do so. That means we're talking about a case of mass murder. I hope and pray heads roll for this.

Chech this out

Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT by Dr Leonard Horowitz

If you think it may be valid - spread it around, like a virus.

I'm suspicious about this - looks like a psycholo9gical operation and that the CDC and WHO are in on it.

Level 5 is a trigger for government health agencies around the world to start stockpiling the vaccines...$$$

[edit on 30-4-2009 by OmegaPoint]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:16 AM
HEADLINES - todays 'News Journal' - Wilmington DE

Swine Flu Cases Jump to 10 at University of Delaware.

... and yet it's not on the national TV news ...

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:37 AM
Story Here - New York Post

Obama - US may close schools to battle swine flu.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by fenix840

Fenix, if you have a kitchen in your apartment, look it over to consider what other healthy food items you might want to get to keep the old immune system strong. For example, here are some recipes I posted elsewhere on this site which use Chinese Star Anise, which just so happens to be the active ingredient in the high-priced Tamiflu being prescribed for this influenza outbreak. If there is an ethnic market in your area that stocks dried spices from India, you will find large bags of it there, for example, and much much cheaper than in U.S. grocery stores. Here is that link:

[edit on 4/30/2009 by Uphill]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:45 AM

Wilmington News Journal, Sunday May 3, 2009

University of Delaware
400 sick with flu symptoms.
Only 10 tested.
10 came back positive for swine flu.

The TV news isn't reporting the real numbers.
The CDC is refusing to test everyone who has this.
They want the public to see low numbers.

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