I am a 21 year old male student at
The Collective in NYC 14th and 6th ave.
13 days ago I started haveing a sore throat. Only 2 days later i was coughin up really thick green flem. Then the nose joined in and the eyes with
the sneezing. I am not one that gets a Fever, well rare, so rare that I had pendisidus and never had a fever. So now by day 5 I caved and went to
the docter, me being Irish never liked medicine, nor doctors. A weekend visit mid day with a sub for my usual family docter.
She concluded i had bronchitis borderline pneumonia. She gave me some medication i do not remember but it did have only 6 pills, 2 on the first, one
every day after that and a Inhaler, because my chest was so filled couldn't get a good breath, felt like my grandmother haha, she has COPD)
Naturally i have improved and feeling better. Still nasty flem, but better.
Heres where it all changes...
A friend of mine has just returned home from Iraq, he is a marine. Well when he was in Cali when he first got back, he flagged a taxi with a couple
guys... eager to just see a girl...naked haha. They wanted a stip club, so the taxi driver mentions they are only 15 mins away from the border. So
they went down to a strip club close to the boarder in Tijuana. "lived like kings with $100" he mentioned.
So he has since come back to South Jersey and me and him have been hanging out every 2, 3 days. He got back 20 days ago on the 8th. And hes sick too.
I am getting a second lab report today at 2:50. I'll let you know.
I am 90% percent sure i have it, i know my body really well, i am usually right on the money. As a kid i got Chronic Pneumonia, every christmass till
i was 15. I know how it feels and how it long it takes to get me sick. I have learned to catch it when it is only a Sinus Infection. This thing
came on in 3 days to full blown chest filled nose blowin just chunks, ew..
But then again... Its really not that bad haha. Call me thick headed but man there are way worse i have had, like mono. Like if this is all you get,
Media is goin that 70's thing.
Side note- I have a theroy (like everyone -i know). I think that the fact it seems to target older kids and healthy people, is because the illness
works with your Immune system against you. I think it floods the body with its own defense, thus causing you to stop breathing. I can say this, it
does severly criple your breathing, sometimes just couldn't breath, needed my Inhaler.
[edit on 28-4-2009 by UnitedSatesofFreemasons]