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School brainwashing

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:19 AM
Ok, I am a freshman in high school, and I have realized just how much is being done to turn the children of America into a mindless expendable youth. Every morning during kindergarten through 8th grade I remember pledging allegiance to the flag. I also remember the day I refused to do it in 8th grade and got a referral for "defiance". Why were they forcing us to say something we didn't even know the vocabulary for at the time? And most interestingly, why can't the left hand be placed over the heart? The whole right hand thing seems a little fascist sounding to me. We are taught that Hiroshima was a justifiable act of salvation, yet for some reason most of us don't even know what the hell Bikini Atoll was (unless you're a dork like me
). The same company that publishes most of our schoolbooks also owns most of the major new stations. We are never taught about the atrocities committed on our own soil, everything seems to center around lies, disinformation, and cover-ups.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ThatOneWhiteKid
Ok, I am a freshman in high school, and I have realized just how much is being done to turn the children of America into a mindless expendable youth. Every morning during kindergarten through 8th grade I remember pledging allegiance to the flag. I also remember the day I refused to do it in 8th grade and got a referral for "defiance". Why were they forcing us to say something we didn't even know the vocabulary for at the time? And most interestingly, why can't the left hand be placed over the heart? The whole right hand thing seems a little fascist sounding to me. We are taught that Hiroshima was a justifiable act of salvation, yet for some reason most of us don't even know what the hell Bikini Atoll was (unless you're a dork like me
). The same company that publishes most of our schoolbooks also owns most of the major new stations. We are never taught about the atrocities committed on our own soil, everything seems to center around lies, disinformation, and cover-ups.

exactly.... I'm a senior in HS, both me and my friend just observe school, we don't go there to learn, i go there to observe how our government is destroying our society, and force feeding us bull# written down in history books. And they are trying to justify Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which is distgusting. saying Oh it would of cost millions of lives if we didn't drop it. And with communism fascism, they tell out how countries say its a "Democratic Republic of Blah blah" and how bad it is there, they lie to them, the people have no power, they can't elect their governmental leaders... when the same exact # we're "learning" about is happening/happened to our country yet we learn nothing of it. And we're are blasphemous for not pledging.... what about freedom of speech.... The sad thing, no one even realizes it, no one has the common sense to ask why? Thank god no one thinks for themselves... makes NWO so much easier to be accomplished...

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Hi, ThatOneWhiteKid. Yep. In high school I refused to say the pledge of allegience at a school assembly. I caught quite a bit of flak from my fellow students. One even complained to the principal and I was removed from a class to address my "problem".
I was making a silent statement against the war in Vietnam, which I figured I might have to eventually participate in. Well, that never happened. Yay for the selective service lottery results!!

I'm glad you are awake to what is happening in our schools. I suggest you stay ahead of the teaachers and do your own research prior to the teachers presenting their lectures and disinfo in class. At least that way you will be able to utuilize your BS alarm.

I realized the value of a diploma, however, to me, and I gave the teachers what they wanted on their tests to assure good grades, but did give them a healthy discussion during class.

That was just my method of gaining the value from a diploma to allow me further education at a good university while keeping in mind the results of my independent research.

Good luck!

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:09 AM
i had the privileged of never going to school

i was home-schooled, and me mum taught us the basics of what we needed to know, and the rest was kind of free, we had to turn in our grades and transcripts and everything, i graduated when i was 16, got me high school diploma and was tested at having a high high IQ.

school is made to condition kids to follow the rules, when you hear a bell go to this class, learn this bollocks, don't ask to many questions outside of whats allowed, eat at this time, bell rings another class and it repeats itself. and those who don't follow the rule fail.. they show you how to fail at such an early age, they grade your art.. how can you put a stupid letter on art, it's freedom of expression, but they give you an F and then you fail.. it's bollocks

school doesn't seem to teach you life skills people should learn.

how to balance checkbooks, sewing, cooking, you know life skills

[edit on 28-4-2009 by Darth_Prime]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:13 AM
The brainwashing that takes place in school goes far beyond the lies in the history classroom. Children are taught to obey, without question, stupid rules and regulations that have no basis in reality. They are taught that their "lives will be ruined" for the slightest transgressions. Children are denied the simple right to carry the most basic of tools, such as a pocket knife, upon pain of expulsion. The mere act of drawing a violent scene or even a "violent object" such as a gun of a knife is considered grounds for expulsion. It is disgusting.
Various "zero tolerance" rules teach children the valuable skill of stomaching senseless tyranny from an early age. They are taught not to question, and that the penalties for doing so are severe. The overwhelming message given to children in schools is one of conformity, and unquestioning obedience.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:18 AM
Its also the same in the UK where British children are taught that "nasty Germanys" killed thousands in Concentration camps whereas the truth is the reason so many died wasnt due to Gas, but because the British bombed the supply trucks that were going to the Camps to aid the POWs.
Hitler may have had a "perfect race" plan, but with the resources he had the fact he was trying to gas millions of Jews purposely is ludicrous and is just a cover-up by the British Government because they dont want to be publically responsible knowing they killed the POWs by bombing their supplies.
The only reason the POWs were forced to dig graves was due to the fact the Germans didnt want the rest of the survivors to get disease and cause even more problems throughout the camps. A handful WERE gassed, but as a last resort to lighten the load on demand for limited food and water which they didnt have.
They dont tell you this at school because they want British school children to think every German is evil and that we won WW2 for a fair cause.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:22 AM
Your right darth, school from kindergarten all the way up to post secondary school is just to teach you obedience.
time to eat
time to be quiet and listen
time to move to the next room
you can go home now
you can now pick your classes
time to eat
get to class
sit and be quiet
get to class


If you pass the first level of obedience training, they give you a little slack on the leash, letting you go to highschool -- but as long as you still stay obedient to their schedule and bells.

I was expelled from highschool (although I did finish it through correspondence) for missing 98 out of 106 classes in 1 semester. To be honest. I think it was because the classes were tailored for the idiots. It doesnt take me 1 hour to learn a basic algebra or trig equation. memorize it...use it by pluggin in the what to do for the other 55 minutes of math?

so i stopped showing up.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Cheers to the open-minded youth.

Don't lose your sanity if you enter the corporate workforce.

It's just as nonsensical, artificial, and boxed as public schooling.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:42 PM
All schooling and schools are a total joke and a complete waste of time and money! I have learned more since I graduated than I ever did in school. I remember my 12th grade gov't teacher wanting to throw me outta her class, and then backed off and said that if she done that, she'd just have me back for a whole nother year! All I did was ask her a simple question pertaining to something about britain and the usa, and she went all to pieces because she could not give me an answer! Her final reply just before she blew her stack was this: I am teaching this class and course the way the gov't has instructed me to do so, so that I may collect a paycheck and get kids like you out the door into the world". Then my reply went like this: Okay, then what you're saying is that you're passing on a "brainwashing" system of unfounded education for a mere paycheck that seems far more important than actually being a teacher?" Man let me tell you, was she furious! Needless to say, I spent the last 10 days as a senior sitting outside her door. I had already passed all my final exams, and there was nothing she could do but sit and stew on what I had told her!

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:53 PM
The Supreme Court ruled that you neither have to stand up for, nor say The Pledge. And, yes, the public education system is one big propaganda machine. I graduated a few years ago, and this was true then. I can only imagine how bad it's gotten. Be prepared, college is more of the same.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:04 PM
Wait..... how could giving the taxing entity the authority and power to educate the children be anything but a great idea?

At least some folks catch on. Makes me feel a little better about these kids today.

I just wonder if the number of kids who 'get it' is greater, equal to or less than the number of kids who are running around touting government as the next lord and savior and blaming all of their lives troubles on the fact that government doesnt have absolute totalitarian control over them.

We should take a poll: a)government gets in your way, or, b)government loves me and will do anything for me up to and including wiping my ass before I lift from the toilet.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:34 PM
It's not the school that's brainwashing you, it goes even further than that.
The government tells the school system what to teach and how to teach it. The School System tells the teachers and principals what to do, and it takes off from there.

The school system is what is brainwashing you, no matter what school you go to, you'll be pledging allegiance to the country every morning.

It's you and the teachers that are being kept in line.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Stars for you all

I have a document that I saved inmy bookmarks called " Dumbing Down America" a must read

Did you know that when a class has the word 'ed' as in 'education' at the end ( ex: sex-ed, drug-ed,and now even gang-ed), that it is really proganda to promote that behavior?

teenage girl wants a baby, now she knows when and what to do

teenage boy needs to know how many ounces are in a kilo ( of coc aine) or the different scales that weigh marijuana, now he has a whole course to show him

and now GANG education: the youth want to know different gang signs and their colors and initiation methods, here ya go!! my son even told me that the course is called G.R.E.A.T ( Gang Resistance Education and Training)

These are not my words; take this from a former teacher that got basically got fed up with the bogus brainwashing Board of Education

just a lil' F.Y.I

[edit on 28-4-2009 by Butter Cookie]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Wait..... how could giving the taxing entity the authority and power to educate the children be anything but a great idea?

At least some folks catch on. Makes me feel a little better about these kids today.

I just wonder if the number of kids who 'get it' is greater, equal to or less than the number of kids who are running around touting government as the next lord and savior and blaming all of their lives troubles on the fact that government doesnt have absolute totalitarian control over them.

We should take a poll: a)government gets in your way, or, b)government loves me and will do anything for me up to and including wiping my ass before I lift from the toilet.
I do a lot of research on different things and I just happened to find some information that changed my whole perspective on democracy and the whole capitalist system.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by ROBL240
Its also the same in the UK where British children are taught that "nasty Germanys" killed thousands in Concentration camps whereas the truth is the reason so many died wasnt due to Gas, but because the British bombed the supply trucks that were going to the Camps to aid the POWs.
Hitler may have had a "perfect race" plan, but with the resources he had the fact he was trying to gas millions of Jews purposely is ludicrous and is just a cover-up by the British Government because they dont want to be publically responsible knowing they killed the POWs by bombing their supplies.
The only reason the POWs were forced to dig graves was due to the fact the Germans didnt want the rest of the survivors to get disease and cause even more problems throughout the camps. A handful WERE gassed, but as a last resort to lighten the load on demand for limited food and water which they didnt have.
They dont tell you this at school because they want British school children to think every German is evil and that we won WW2 for a fair cause.

Hum. i think theres plenty of evidence for the mass gassing of jews isnt there? I dont think they built those gas chambers for nothing. what about all the teeth, shoes, etcc that they collected from the thousands of dead jews? they even had an industry making furniture and soap out of their skins.

i think more than a 'handful' were gased. Have you looked into the evidence for the gasing of jews? You can go visit the camps etc. There are plenty of photos; and also eyewitness survivor testimony. are the surviving jews all liars? Im afraid i cant buy into your comments; they dont make any sense to me. Even if the brits did bomb supplies and cause deaths; what hitler did to the jews was horrific and should never be downplayed.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by ROBL240
Its also the same in the UK where British children are taught that "nasty Germanys" killed thousands in Concentration camps whereas the truth is the reason so many died wasnt due to Gas, but because the British bombed the supply trucks that were going to the Camps to aid the POWs.
Hitler may have had a "perfect race" plan, but with the resources he had the fact he was trying to gas millions of Jews purposely is ludicrous and is just a cover-up by the British Government because they dont want to be publically responsible knowing they killed the POWs by bombing their supplies.
The only reason the POWs were forced to dig graves was due to the fact the Germans didnt want the rest of the survivors to get disease and cause even more problems throughout the camps. A handful WERE gassed, but as a last resort to lighten the load on demand for limited food and water which they didnt have.
They dont tell you this at school because they want British school children to think every German is evil and that we won WW2 for a fair cause.

You should visit the holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum if you want to know what evil is.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:02 AM
Here's another approach to the education system. The schools also teach according to the environment you reside in. I grew up in Vegas and between 2nd and 5th grade, our teachers taught us the face value of cards, rolling dice and the odds of certain numbers you would roll. They justified it as math, but in reality they were breeding gamblers for the Vegas system. This was back in the early 80's.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:43 AM
Being from the UK but obviously having seen lots of documentaries on US schools over the years , and having gone to schools here in the UK and seeing the differences I feel I can comment.

In the US the kids pledge alliegence first thing , 'God bless America' is one of the fundemental thoughts that is pushed into the minds of young Americans. Even when the Captain of the pirated ship was released he said 'God bless America'.
You are taught from your early years that America is the end all and be all of the world, it is the greatest country in the world and that it must be defended at all costs .
The lessons you are taught have almost NO practical use in the real world, apart from reading, writing and arithmatic , mostly all other lessons are designed to waste your time and teach you to follow the rules.
The lessons are defined by the Governments and the schools are told that they have to teach these otherwise they will lose funding, even they are bullied into making you follw their rules, to be good little citizens , to jump when your Governmnet calls.
The same is here in the UK, we are given a curriculum that is totally impractical for the real world , even when you try to make your choice you are told to do something different .
Look at the lessons I got at my school in London:

English - I can speak , read and write English no problem, My parents taught me how.
Mathematics - My parents again taught me how to count.
Social studies - taugh me how to 'fit in to the society and be a good little worker.
Technical Drawing - no practical use in my life to date.
Religeous studies- great for learning about the differences we have, but only taught Christian beliefs, oh and Muslims were mentioned once in 4 years.
Physics - I wanted to learn Electronics but they 'insisted' I learn physics , absolutely hated it and didn't learn anything so no free choice there.

There was a couple of others , the violin ( crap ) and home skills ( how to make fairy cakes ) Ubercrap.

It was all an exercise in how to fit into society and be a good drone.

Most kids at a base subconsious level know all the lessons are no good, which is why most kids can't wait to leave school and get out into the real world.
As soon as most children leave school they begin to develop their own personality and get their own ideas, they try to follow their own path in life, some like to go to college in the hope it will help them get a better job, good luck in this day and age though.
Most young adults that rebel against the 'norm' get into trouble with 'the law', meet people their parents don't approve of, etc.

Its all a part of getting your own back at the mind control you had been given at school, only in the real world do you find your calling, your likes and dislikes, you make your choice and therefore become a problem.
The majority of people are taught and believe so avidly that their country is the best and that it can do no wrong, its only when you start to disagree do you get noticed by TPTB.
Should you try to show any kind of nonconformist opinion whilst at school , you get labeled a miscreant , a trouble maker a rabble rouser and end up in trouble with the principle or teachers, and end up in detention, its all part of the big plan to make you scared to voice an opinion.

Which is why they are trying to outlaw 'homeschooling' because TPTB know the children won't be brainwashed at home.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:58 AM
I can vouch for the UK system.

I went to school in Scotland, we had music, Home Economics, R.E. _ we also had hinduism and Judaism as well, Modern Studies (how to argue a point and be critical about it), Technical education, maths, P.E.

I did Modern studies and did an exam in it, we did politics, wars and the healthcare system and basically how screwed up it is. BTW in modern studies, we got about (Bosnia was on the go at the time) how there is ethnic cleansing happening and the papers are biased and how to spot bias.

Scottish education awakening the world? history for us was the native americans, the world war (we talked about the bombings and gassings and how it was all for a "master race" I think there was a film out once about how the UK you would if Hitler got in power. Bar codes and slavery a plenty. We also got Mary Queen of Scots.

I have done research in labs, (I am a chemist) and I hate QC stuff as it repetitive and then you have petty work politics and it is like, confirm confirm or else.

I am part German and when I lived down in England, when people found out that fact, I have seen some horrid things said. Once I had someone say "Och aye the noo" doing the Hitler moustache and salute.


posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:03 PM
F**K school! School like the rest of the world is filled with bull# lies, they just program you in school to accept the lies of the world.

School in the near future if it hasnt already started, will be the cultivating of the luciferian new age doctrine.

Why do you think they are passing laws against home schooling?

Because then your parents can teach you what they like, such as about god and Jesus Christ, ect.

In school they teach you Darwins Theory of evolution, which has been proved wrong, and they pass it on as reality.

When i was in school i thought evolution was real, yet i forgot the word "THEORY" and it will always be a theory because it is based on bull#.

Not to mention Darwin is the father of eugenics. which hitler was so obbsessed over and created super computers just to study and use eugenics.

Darwin who believed in interbreeding, and had an experiment with his family and another, they all interbred and after 2 generations all the offspring turned out more then retarded.

School is the breeding grounds for the elite's new age/eugenic/luciferian agenda.

And its getting worse and worse.

Hope you guys wake up and realize the truths written in our bibles.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by gselsidi]

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