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swine flu question... answer me dammit and end the madness

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:50 AM
have there been any reported deaths of this apparent "swine flu" in any countries other than mexico.
seriously if there hasn't i demand all threads are trashed (including this thread) with the exception of a few key topics and news articles.
this is flooding the forum and i, as a lowly nobody, am getting ready to give you all koala flu H8N8.
i mean it. i'll cough in a thread and you will get sick.

or is it too late for you?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by spearhead

this is flooding the forum

flooding the swine flu forum with swine flu threads, how could they?
delete them all.
then we can delete the UFO threads from the UFO forum and the bigfoot threads from the cryptozoology forum, you can head up the delete team.

would you class yourself more as a pinky type or a brain type?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Dude... people are concerned because of how contagious it is. As it spreads, it could mutate further and have a higher fatality rate.

That's why people are interested in this. You don't have to look at the threads.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:09 AM
a response that hardly surprises me.
but really 10 of the 100 mot recent thread are related to the same topic.
more people die in car accidents each day.

*Mod Edit: Keep it civil. Cheers -alien

[edit on 29-4-2009 by alien]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:11 AM

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
a response that hardly surprises me.
but really 10 of the 100 mot recent thread are related to the same topic.
more people die in car accidents each day. feed the fear you maggots.

here take my strong hand (gammy hand).

And you just added another one to that list? Why dont you just go to one of the threads already available to answer that question?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:16 AM
This is just another "Look at me, look at me, im important!! - listen to what I have to say dammit or I will implode - I am more important than anyone else in the world my word is gold and everyone elses is trash" type thread.

Seriously if you feel the need to have everyone's attention, at least make a thread that is mildly interesting to read and does not make every person who reads it dumber by a factor of 10%.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
but really 10 of the 100 mot recent thread are related to the same topic.

oh right, now i see what you're getting at, i'll tell you what, we'll start a website called and you can pre-approve every thread and post to make sure that only the stuff that interests you is posted.

then you won't have to deal with looking at thread titles about the stuff that interests 10% of the other posters on the recent posts list.

pinky, the answer to my question was pinky, clearly.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
have there been any reported deaths of this apparent "swine flu" in any countries other than mexico.
seriously if there hasn't i demand all threads are trashed (including this thread) with the exception of a few key topics and news articles.
this is flooding the forum and i, as a lowly nobody, am getting ready to give you all koala flu H8N8.
i mean it. i'll cough in a thread and you will get sick.

or is it too late for you?

Here is the thing my friend.

The swine flu is barely a month old and has only affected a relatively small number of individuals, and it has had high mortality rates. We do not currently have any natural immunities or a vaccine, so the entire populous is susceptible.

The Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic in world history. The flu that year killed only 2.5 percent of its victims, but more than a fifth of the world's entire population caught it, and so it's estimated that between 50 million and 100 million people died in just a few months.

There is a great possibility that this strain will prove not to be the killer bug that some think it is. The point I am making, is that it is better to be scared and informed than blissfully ignorant if this thing comes your way.

Some may interpret it as fear mongering, but so long as it’s the truth and is as accurate as possible we have only helped to preserve life. The past has shown that silence in times such as these can be very costly.
Please see this link

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:43 AM
I was watching the local news last night and the report went that this flu is a "Cocktail of Swine, Avain and Human Flu" that is constantly mutating.
Sounds Man made to me!
Global ressesion + Flu Pandemic = Jobs and Prosperity

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by spearhead
i demand all threads are trashed

You 'demand'????
Get real and get educated.

This flu has a 7% mortality rate in Mexico. That's significant.

This pandemic is in the beginning stages. This swine/avian/human flu will most likely mutate and become stronger and more deadly as it does ... just like the 1918 Flu that killed 40 million people around the world, including 650,000 Americans. That started out mild and then mutated.

If you don't like reading about it then go elsewhere. The rest of us are educating ourselves and monitoring the situation ... and with good reason.

[edit on 4/28/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:47 AM
na, flu mutates a lot, every year the flu is different, mutated, whatever. it doesn't really point to any engineering. it's possible that they would engineer a flu virus but the virus would likely mutate quickly and render their work void.

it might get stronger but the fact that this flu seems to be presenting with lighter symptoms in the latest cases outside mexico suggests it may have mutated away from the deadly strain already.

[edit on 28/4/09 by pieman]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:53 AM
Val summons Fred the Mystic Fish...


Fred, will this ridiculous thread torment us long?


...I doubt it.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

You 'demand'????
Get real and get educated.

This flu has a 7% mortality rate in Mexico. That's significant.

This pandemic is in the beginning stages. This swine/avian/human flu will most likely mutate and become stronger and more deadly as it does ... just like the 1918 Flu that killed 40 million people around the world, including 650,000 Americans. That started out mild and then mutated.

If you don't like reading about it then go elsewhere. The rest of us are educating ourselves and monitoring the situation ... and with good reason.

[edit on 4/28/2009 by FlyersFan]

It doesn’t need to get "stronger", and bugs like this generally get less virulent as they spread.

We have no vaccine and no natural immunities to the swine flu, and that’s the real issue here.

The Spanish Flu was the worst pandemic in world history. The flu that year killed only 2.5 percent of its victims, but more than a fifth of the world's entire population caught it, and so it's estimated that between 50 million and 100 million people died in just a few months.

the good news is even if you get sick you will much more than likely survive.

[edit on 28-4-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by spearhead

This is a discussion site. How are we to communicate, by telepathy?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Actually, the mortality rate is 8% and the 1918 swine flu killed 65 million people. That was before aviation, it's already spreading around the world faster than 1918. Wait until it gets to India and China.

The problem with this type of flu is that it doesn't kill children or the elderly, it kills healthy people 25-50 because their immune systems work too well.

Children's immune systems are not fully developed yet, thus their bodies cannot produce the massive amount of white blood cells needed to fill up the lungs with fluid and kill them. However someone that is 25-50 will most likely die from it.

We are in the very beginning stage right now, I hear the media asking why no one has died in the US, it's too early yet.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by spearhead

OP, I think your solution is going to be amazingly simple: Stop using "recent posts" to find what you're looking for; go directly into the forums that interest you, and then you don't have to be bothered by all that inconvenient flu and death stuff.

If you were indirectly asking why there are so many swine flu threads, ONE answer is that infectious diseases spread geometrically. Also, the swine flu has been confirmed around the world with people who have had to apparent contact with each other. How did they get it? A few, of course, traveled, but others........ ?? Did it leapfrog from Mexico to Europe in three days by itself? If not, what is the vector of contamination? Was it released? If so, who and why?

There is no previous immunity to the virus, no vaccination, nothing. How or will it exibit a shifting antigen and become even more virulent?

So the importance of the above questions as juxtaposed to your desire to surf ATS without all that bothersome clicking. pfffffffft.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:17 AM
to be honest I star to see more posts about people "concerned" for flooding than actual threads on swine flu.
Basically these concerns are mostly flooding the forum...if you keep doing this then why don't you just make one forum about this complaints instead of flooding the forum?

however the swine flu got it's section so i see no point in complaining. who wants to check other topics can do it simply using the features of the forum.

Forum sections are created for this purpouse.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 08:47 AM
Oh let's see..

Reported confirmed cases in the folowing countries:

Switzerland, Spain, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand,
Mexico (2028 infected155 DEAD), Mexicali, Canada, U.S.,
France, Denmark, Norway, U.K., Israel, Peru, Chili, Bolivia, Columbia, Russia, Tiland, Tiwan,
Austria, Germany, Austraila (70 new cases in last 24 hrs.) South Korea...etc.

Does a lack of Death in countries other than Mexico make this Pandemic something the populace should not be concernd with ??

This strain of Swine Flu is far from trivial.
See for yourself. When you look at a map it becomes very scary !!,9.316406&spn=34.792294,79.101563&t=h& z=4

[edit on 28-4-2009 by azureskys]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:25 AM


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