posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:20 AM
There is a possibility that it was owned by Barratt American and they could have gone bankrupt. But it perplexes me why they would build a sports
arena before houses. It's pretty neatly fenced off, from what I observed. It's like 2 miles from my house, so I can go there whenever. However, Camp
Elliott is another place that has my interest, I just haven't really ventured 10 miles down the trail. I heard they used to test electromagnetic
railguns at a place called the "green farm" which is east of Miramar, and my friend can recall the "booms" he heard several times each day while
going to West Hills High School. I still think this "sports complex" deserves some further investigation. Also, let me note that the sign states
that trespassing is punishable by federal law, not state law. Kinda fishy, eh?