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WHY swine flu is hyped and spread NOW

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:25 PM
Well, let me throw a possibility in the pot of swine flu threads...

There are some voices that claim the virus was manufactured, other say it occurred naturally.
Whatever the case the media is full of it world wide.

The swine flu made the headlines on every single continent across this planet. However, in comparison to the "normal" flu, from which thousands of people die each year, very few people have died from swine flu so far. Some reported cases of swine flu are not even confirmed to be the actual H1N1 virus but a common cold or flu.

So, regardless if engineered or natural, it seems to be a very convenient incident for global politics.

First, it takes the eyes off the economic situation.

Second, it takes the eyes off the war in the middle east.

Third, it takes the eyes off the US politics and legislation that is on its way right now to serve a broader political agenda (NAU?)


What's your opinion on that?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:31 PM
I second what you say.

I wonder what kind of deals are being made while world attention is on the swine flu.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by thegreatobserver

First, it takes the eyes off the economic situation.

Not for the people actually effected by the economy. This flu has affected a relativly tiny number of people as compared to the economic problems.

Second, it takes the eyes off the war in the middle east.

Most people don't think about that anyway unless some type of related news story is on tv about the mid east or they have someone close to them fighting for our country.

Third, it takes the eyes off the US politics and legislation that is on its way right now to serve a broader political agenda (NAU?)

What else is new? If it wasn't swine flu it would be bird flu, y2k, or 2012, etc.

Us just further discussing the matter is playing right into what they want if your right. We should be focusing on more important things IMO.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Yes and this is further going to slow the economy regarding travel and vacations, eating out, public transit, shopping in malls etc. etc. Because there agenda of a one world currency isn't happening fast enough. This is exactly what the economy needs

That and a whole lot of poisonous Rumsfield vaccine.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Originally posted by thegreatobserver

First, it takes the eyes off the economic situation.

Not for the people actually effected by the economy. This flu has affected a relativly tiny number of people as compared to the economic problems.

Well, you have to see the larger picture. I agree that for people who just lost their job their situation is dominant.
BUT, swine flu replaced media headlines about the economic situation. So, it will take some time but soon nobody will talk about the economy any more. That's the power of media. People talk about whatever is "big" in the media.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:46 PM
If you are among those here that believe we are headed to the Amero this could be coming! Hmm, planes are still flying in and out of Mexico, but all these news sources are in an uproar. Now Mexico is looking at taking advantage of the IMF's new resources. Yes sir, now that for me is one great reason for them to hype this stuff up.

Thread with the news article

I think it is just too soon to know for sure about this flu. I remember the 76 thing and the long lines to get those shots. I do think the peso getting in trouble over this could well be a generated thing, if this is all overblown that is what I will think.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Obviously, there are Pharmas going to make a ton of money on this...whether the tamiflu works or not.
Walmart is cashing in big time....masks, gloves, vitamins, etc.
Not my idea of a positive economic boost.
If this does indeed hype up to global pandemonium, we are in for eminent immoblity.
I do feel that there is a hidden agenda with this; and, quite frankly, am unsure as to what it could be.


posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by thegreatobserver

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Originally posted by thegreatobserver

First, it takes the eyes off the economic situation.

Not for the people actually effected by the economy. This flu has affected a relativly tiny number of people as compared to the economic problems.

Well, you have to see the larger picture. I agree that for people who just lost their job their situation is dominant.
BUT, swine flu replaced media headlines about the economic situation. So, it will take some time but soon nobody will talk about the economy any more. That's the power of media. People talk about whatever is "big" in the media.

The topic of this thread an example of such things, is it not? We are busy talking about swine flu instead of important issues. Its working.....

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by AcesInTheHole

But if you read my other posts, I'm actually one of the few who are criticizing all the fear mongering and get constantly attacked for it.

I started this thread to make people think about the hype. There are threads out there that suggest even closing down borders and isolating countries. For what?

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:00 PM
Found this little funny video on youtube:

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:14 PM
Well other than the economy that you already touched on, how about the Pirate story, or even more important what's going in Pakistan and oh yeah that Osama Bin Laden is dead...again..

Oh and then there is the senseless suicides and killings with normal people suddenly flipping out.... oh another thing was the criminal charges possibility and inquiries in the Bush/Cheney administration..

there were a few more things.. but with swine flu on my mind, I already forgot

btw great find "thegreatobserver"

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Yeah, it just happened at the right time.....

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:57 PM
Please read the following paragraphs of Regina's blog about the swine flu. It explains a few things about why all the panic as well as the issue with Tamiflu.

The full blog can be seen here.

Swine Flu Hoax?

Here’s the long and short of it according to Lorraine. First, the government is continuing on it’s path to incite panic so we will ideally demand to have protection from these ‘killer virus’ via vaccinations. This would help avert a less popular mandatory vaccination program, which is what the Elite would like to see happen. Lorraine is also quick to point out that truly noxious vaccines are being developed in laboratories that combine human and animal virus' that can seriously compromise our immune systems if we allow them to be administered to us.

Secondly, she said that the Center for Disease Control needed to move their stockpiles of the flu drug Tamiflu, which didn't make it out to the masses during the last panic, which was the 'bird flu'. I find it interesting that Tamiflu was supposedly created as the antidote to bird flu, but the CDC now says it actually works just fine for swine flu too. It would appear that the stuff is quite non-specific in nature for what is considered to be a very specific strain of flu. Hummm. Anyway, pharmacy chains such as CVC are now stocking up in preparation for the “pandemic”.
To further the story, she said that Prince Charles recently pushed for the subject of Developmental Sustainability be pushed to the top of the G-20 agenda. Developmental Sustainability is the code word for de-population according to Dr. Day. As you may recall, Charles’ father, Prince Phillip, when asked what he would like to come back as if he had another life, said “A virus.” The idea was that he would then be able to kill off the useless members of society. What a gentleman.

In short, Lorraine says do not worry. Just do your body a favor by eating a good clean diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits, get some sunshine and fresh air, turn to your spiritual practice, relax and, under no circumstances, allow yourself to be vaccinated. We’re all exposed to flu bugs, but if you can keep your immune system strong, you have nothing to worry about and the only swine involved here are those who are trying to keep us in fear.

[edit on 28-4-2009 by thegreatobserver]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 06:23 AM
In May 2001 the Disclosure Project put forth a serious call for UFO disclosure and congressional hearings on the subject.THen 911 happened and the world's attention(rightly so) was turned from UFOs to more pressing concerns. Now again we have another serious push for disclosure and even a deadline of sorts for disclosure(May 31). But of course, who can worry about UFOs in light of a pandemic?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:17 AM
I see the "swain flu" as a scapegoat for the government to keep the people away from the plans of anarchy due to the mess they have created in this nation with the economic woes.

The swine flu is the new 9/11, so get ready to the new wave of citizens restrictions, more violations of civil rights and more erosion of the constitution, after all is all for (now the good of the entire human race) so lets take it like good patriots and take you tamiflu even if is more chances of killing our children than the swine flu will.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:26 AM
Because its a global pandemic, you couldnt be more wrong. Now had you said it was released to take our attention off all of that youd atleast have a leg to stand on. This pandemic has only just started. By next christmas youre going to know of people who died maybe your own family members. Get a brain for gods sakes.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:32 AM
Wake up when the news that the US is closing the borders, stopping air planes coming from Mexico, may be then may be I will change my mind.

Right now I see that not efforts has been made to contain the main supposed source of infection coming from Mexico.

That alone should raise flags on anybody that can think straight.

But guess what our Own president needs the continous flow of infected.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 07:56 AM
I agree. I think they're testing this administration ("they" being the shadow-government). And, I think they're testing us (those in the know). I think they want to know how capable we all are at defending ourselves and seeing if we bug-out or how we cope.

I, also, think it's a great way to stage a test-run for all of the media to their D.U.M.B. studios, which I have noticed is happening. The "convenient" spring-time cloud cover gives them a thorough smoke screen to hide from the prying eyes of the citizenry.


Oh, they also WANT us to revolt, or tell the world, so that someone starts another war with us. But, this time, on OUR soil. Don't give them the satisfaction. Remain calm, peaceful, and rational. We're ahead, and we will win.

Let freedom ring!

I've just noticed that they have the rookies and "leave-behinds" still working in their normal studios.

Oh, and did anyone notice that this has COMPLETELY DISTRACTED US from the REAL NEWS of robot drone missile launches in Pakistan?

[edit on 30-4-2009 by organism315]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:32 AM
First let me say I am glad you started this thread...
I've thought long and hard about ALL events that have been taking place since Sept. 08, when our economy was on the "Verg of collapse"..
Last night after hearing that the so called Swine flu level had been raised to level 5, it raised both my eyebrows..WHY???
There were many more cases last year, and other years, of the bird flu, and other types of virus's, and yet they didnt raise it to a level 5...
Why NOW??? Its SIMPLE...
Lets look at the economy...Not only ours but around the's not good at all, many say "on the brink of collapse.."
What happens when a collapse occurs? "We the people" make a run on the banks, a run on the grocery stores, take to the streets, riots occur, chaos fills the streets...Not only would that happen here in the USA, but since the economy is struggling around the globe, a global crash would occur..Chaos would take over the globe..HOW would Goverments around the globe control thier population?????
They control the population by raising a SIMPLE flu threat to a level that mandates quarenteens, curfews, and marshal law...A Level 6..
I believe that our goverment as well as other Goverments, knew months ago that our economy and thiers, would collapse. They used baliouts and tarps, just to prop up the scene, like one would do in a movie studio, to give the illusion that all was under control, in order to keep the people under control..
NOW, our economy is on the brink, as are other countries, and the money has run out, the solutions have run out..
The PANDEMIC is not the flu illusion, the PANDEMIC is global economies are crashing...
So when the crash occurs, how will they keep the people under control???
They will create a pandemic, raise it to level 6, which keeps everyone in quarenteen, off the streets, in thier homes or in FEMA camps, then Goverments around the world, get out of being blamed for the economic collapse...HOW?? By blaming the collapse on the PANDEMIC....
That is what I believe is occuring...and people better start rolling this SIMPLE theory around in thier heads...

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Memysabu
Because its a global pandemic, you couldnt be more wrong. Now had you said it was released to take our attention off all of that youd atleast have a leg to stand on. This pandemic has only just started. By next christmas youre going to know of people who died maybe your own family members. Get a brain for gods sakes.

You might want to take a look at another source that doesn't solely deal with "everyone's going to die" information.

Unfortunately, I realized that such treads are not very popular among the ATS crowd.

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