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H1N1 Tamiflu resistance (WHO)

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Forget Tamiflu being a danger drug, it probably won't even help anyway...

back in March WHO published details no Global Tamiflu resistance that everyone is ignoring. I know my country (Australia) is relying on Tamiflu to help protect us.

Confirmation of Global H1N1Tamiflu Resistance

During this period, a total of 30 countries from all WHO regions reported oseltamivir resistance for 1291 of 1362 A(H1N1) viruses analysed. The prevalence of oseltamivir resistance was very high in the following countries/territory: Canada (52 of 52 tested), Hong Kong SAR (72 of 80), Japan (420 of 422), the Republic of Korea (268 of 269) and the United States of America (237 of 241).

Good luck if you went and got tamiflu from the chemist.

Influenza A(H1N1) virus resistance to oseltamivir

[edit on 27/4/09 by Shere Khaan]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Shere Khaan

The resistance prevalence was relatively low in China (6 of 44 tested). In Europe, H1N1 circulation was low during this period while the resistance prevalence was high: France (12 of 12tested), Germany (66 of 67), Ireland (9 of 10), Italy (16 of 16), Sweden (11 of 12) and the United Kingdom (61 of 62).

what does this mean exactly?

[edit on 27-4-2009 by digitalwarrior]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:41 PM
What it means is the existing strains of H1N1 in circulation have built up a resistance to Tamiflu (oseltamivir is the drug name and tamiflu is the brand name of that drug). You'll notice that teh US has an almost total resistance to Tamiflu in it's circulating H1N1 viruses.

The implications are twofold. Firstly H1N1 can recombine with other clades of itself. Secondly it shows just how fast it adapted tor esist tamiflu.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Shere Khaan
What it means is the existing strains of H1N1 in circulation have built up a resistance to Tamiflu (oseltamivir is the drug name and tamiflu is the brand name of that drug). You'll notice that teh US has an almost total resistance to Tamiflu in it's circulating H1N1 viruses.

The implications are twofold. Firstly H1N1 can recombine with other clades of itself. Secondly it shows just how fast it adapted tor esist tamiflu.

so this mean china would be theoretically the only country where it could not outbreak?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by digitalwarrior

so this mean china would be theoretically the only country where it could not outbreak?

Nope, it means that the existing H1N1 viruses in China aren't resistant to it probably because they don't use it there much. If this version of swine flu gets there it will do just as much damage.


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