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A Different Line of Thought

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:57 PM
1. Get all of the 'crazies'/truthers to group together on the internet.
2. Send out a really deadly flu virus
3. Make a widely marketed vaccine.
4. Send out disinformation into these Truther Groups, saying that the vaccine is a bad idea, via figureheads like Mike Rivero and Alex Jones, for example.
5. Flu kills off all of the truthers, while also delegitimizing their claims, all of the sheeple survive.

We are left with a society of followers, all those who were anywhere near the truth both gone and delegitimized, and the administrators of this coming out looking like the good guy, a Saviour of sorts..........

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:22 PM
How about this scenario?

1. Newly mutated flu virus infects population. Spreads like wildfire.
2. Some naturally-resistant individuals never become infected.
3. Some individuals become ill but fight off the virus on their own.
4. Some individuals become ill but recover with medical intervention.
5. Some individuals become ill and die.
6. Some people receive the vaccine and attain immunity or partial immunity.
7. Some people receive the vaccine and die as the result of severe side effects.

Here's another scenario: people come on this site, read the scaremongering/ill-informed opinions, and then go out and make their own decisions. Judging by all the garbage I have been seeing on here lately referring to the flu outbreak, this is the last place I will be coming for medical advice!

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Charis

Here's another scenario: people come on this site, read the scaremongering/ill-informed opinions, and then go out and make their own decisions. Judging by all the garbage I have been seeing on here lately referring to the flu outbreak, this is the last place I will be coming for medical advice!

I agree wholly with you, at least theoretically; and that is the point of this thread; this site, and others like it, allow more 'open-minded' and thinking people to group together. This also makes targeting us easier.

My point in the OP was that this may be exactly why these sort of 'truth' sites are allowed, and why some people, such as, but certainly not excluded to, Alex Jones and Mike Rivero, are allowed to go on leading this movement.

Think about it, who are TPTB going to target, those who will follow them, or those who oppose them?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:07 PM
I would have to say that I would never come to ATS for medical advise. This is an alt. news site and not a medical advise site. What kind of idiot would do that?

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:41 PM
Of course they are! We all know that unlike non conspiracy theorist conspiracy theorist don't sit in front of a screen all day complaining about the world, yet do nothing to fix it.

They know we already know about there super advance alien weaponry, and how to disable and counteract it. So the only way to stop us is by using biological warfare.

Yes you are reading this right I said WARFARE.

To arms ATSers. Agents of light start mediation the flu away, Everyone else buy a bio hazard suit and wrap it in tin foil.

But seriously isn't it a little pompous/paranoid/crazy to assume the government wants to kill you.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:08 PM
I think that the far greater danger is to sit idly by and watch the government play with our well being.

History, as we are taught it, is that governments were big and bad, up until the last century, as that slowly "withered away." Now governments are our friend, and there to help us.

There are countless sources, here on ATS and many other sites, showing that this flu may well have come from testing labs.

There are many more articles and threads related to the FEMA death camps, the masses of coffins, etc.

To debate those matters is beyond the scope of this thread, as they have all or are all being discussed at great length already.

For those of us that think that this looming pandemic may well have been intentionally started, I think it is fair to further conclude that they are going to be doing their best to target dissidents.

Either that, or it may work incredibly well in their favour; and with as much at stake as there is, I don't think this is mere coincidence.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:13 PM
It's always weird when people start to say negative things about relatively safe vaccines that have been shown to prevent people from dying.

Always kind of makes me wonder.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
It's always weird when people start to say negative things about relatively safe vaccines that have been shown to prevent people from dying.

Always kind of makes me wonder.


And for note, this thread was only meant to be theoretical/get people thinking, not as an idea I wholeheartedly believe, though the more I think about it......


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