posted on May, 9 2009 @ 01:22 PM
All military units go on deployments, the Navy for example it's 6 months on a ship or an overseas base depending on the squadron. In time of war the
deployment will generally be to the area at war for obvious support.
Before a squadron, ship etc., can go on deployment it has to qualify in certain areas, take-off and landings, re-fueling, touch and go's and night
traps etc., (for carrier ops), minimum flight hours, and the ground crews also have to train.
They call this training 'work ups'. It can take months of training to prepare for a deployment. The Navy goes to sea a bunch of times, for a week
here and there, a couple of months etc, to let air and ships crews qualify.
So training is pretty much continual, just because the unit is not deployed it is still very busy, often more so then when actually deployed. So
seeing military training is not a sign something is 'going on', because training goes on regardless and units usually don't go on deployment until
it's scheduled to as there are enough 'units' already deployed, or about to deploy, to cover it. If not they call in the reserves.