Just came across a pretty good, evenhanded treatment of this media manufactured Armageddon at
A physician published his own thoughts on the Swine Flu and explains, with references, what everyone not moved by the pandemic of melodramatic, flashy
and heavy-handed coverage should recognize - we've been here before, and there are other illnesses (not to mention news stories) that more warrant
this attention.
Here is one excerpt from his article,
Honestly, your risk of being killed by a lightning strike in the last five years was about 2,300 percent higher than your risk of contracting and
dying from the bird flu.6 I'm not kidding! In just one year (2004), more than 1,170 people died from lighting strikes, worldwide.
The statistics still continue to fail to support the fervor over these influenza cases.
You can track these cases - what there are of them, with
Google Swine Flu Tracker.
You'll notice that many of the few cases that are being reported in the U.S. end up not being the Swine Flu. You'll also notice that most or all of
the cases in the U.S. that have been confirmed cases end up being sent home and return to their daily activities.
Does this sound like a pandemic? No. There is not, by any stretch, an exceptionally large number of any population affected by this strain of
You'll notice that many of the statements made in the media and elsewhere are speculative; statements to the effect that "we expect to see a rise."
is reason to believe that the number of cases might increase based on the fact that this outbreak (so to speak) just occurred. But to say
in the media (including print media and the Internet) that a case is probably Swine Flu before it's been fully diagnosed, and reporting as such is
This anticipated rise isn't really manifesting to the degree that the media has everyone panicked about. Perhaps the rash decision by the media to
blitzkrieg us with what appears to be modern day Armageddon was in fact premature and irresponsible.
People have the perception that if multiple media sources are reporting something, then there is good cause to believe the information is unbiased and
We understand now, however, that there are a small number of organizations (individuals) that control the myriad media outlets and organizations that
provide us our daily bread.
Perhaps these are elements, which control certain segments of the media, want to perpetuate a level of fear and anxiety under the guise of public
That would be conspiratorial though, and we know how baseless conspiracy theories are...