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40 Top Micro-Biologists Killed In Less Than 4 Yrs

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posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:06 AM
There's an updated list of dead microbiologists and scientists in related fields on Since 1999, there have actually been over 80 such murders or "deaths due to suspicious circumstances".

The statisitical odds of this happening by chance are practically nil. The question is, why? Were these people eliminated for what they knew of existing clandestine bioweapons projects, or for what they might be able to do to prevent the rollout of some manufactured event? Perhaps a bit of both.

At any rate, regardless of motive, such a move has a very "end game" feel to it. You don't kill your best and brightest assets unless their services are no longer required. So quite possibly, whatever it is these people may have been involved in, is now complete and ready to launch.

Time will tell if it's swine flu or some other superbug. Just a guess, but the delivery system may be linked to chemtrail operations during the same tme period. They have accelerated those in our neck of the woods as of late.

One thing is certain, we are unlikely to hear about any of this in the mainstream news!

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:16 AM
A virus of this nature would have to show no symptoms until it had replicated and spread over a long period. The fact that it has symptoms and the media is going nuts over it so quickly should tell you that it is disjointed fearmongering at best...

Hell it's not fearmongering. I usually agree with ron paul but not on this occasion. The media should alert people when there is a new virus that could affect people. Even if by them doing it one person alters their behavior and keeps it from spreading to one person who would die from it what is your beef?

You can still fight any infection by good hygiene no matter who or what made it. IMO, there are much better ways to accomplish what the supposed objectives are supposed to be, especially when you consider the virus could mutate and kill the supposed releasers.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 08:28 AM
While I have been following this story for years, and find it immensely intriguing, until I can find some data on what the sample rate of deaths would be for say, engineers, or politicans, or doctors, or teachers etc, I can't really seat my tin hat on firmly.

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 10:43 PM
I don't doubt that some scientists and microbiologists are being killed off because of knowledge of projects almost certain to contravene international laws.

What I don't know is the way the statistics were gathered. Can this 4 year period be compared to the previous one, and what's the difference?

How much straining was done to collect dead scientists and put them on the list?

We don't know the ages of these people or how many statistically would have died in this period.

I'm guessing some were offed. It is a field where practitioners do work for countries that want biological warfare expertise.

But I've seen lots of data and statistics skewed before.

The number of pastry chefs and those working in associated fields the past 4 years might sound surprising too.

All people die. Quite a few for unexplained reasons. In 40 years most of the microbiologists in the world today will be dead. I guarantee it.


[edit on 29-4-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by retroviralsounds
I know my employer recommends we do not wear our badges ANYWHERE in public. Despite our numerous contributions to the community, some still view us in a bad light just because we are brining dangerous bugs into their region.

I would not think the gov't would do this to these microbiologists... but most likely kidnappers, or foreign spies that know who they are, what they know, and what they have access to so they take them hostage, and when they find out we really don't know anything to their likings, and really have no way to smuggle any sort of BTA out of the lab, they kill them.

yes government dont kill people just cares about them giving them miraculous vaccines so they can live happy after

I can tell u r part of the evil forces...

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by mmiichael


From what we understand - it is very unlikely for educated professionals like these to be killed in violent ways - so there is definately a statistical anomoly there.

However - how severe is this spike when viewed over a larger time period - and compared to other educated scientists - that would be an interesting question as well.

It has already been shown that Chemists/Chemical Engineers tend to die of disease up to 20 years earlier than their fellow scientists - one of the reasons I personally abandoned that as a career choice for myself.

I had already worked in enough Bio-Chem labs to know safety protocols were consistantly sacrificed for time and convenience...

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

From what we understand - it is very unlikely for educated professionals like these to be killed in violent ways - so there is definately a statistical anomoly there.

However - how severe is this spike when viewed over a larger time period - and compared to other educated scientists - that would be an interesting question as well.

It has already been shown that Chemists/Chemical Engineers tend to die of disease up to 20 years earlier than their fellow scientists - one of the reasons I personally abandoned that as a career choice for myself.

I had already worked in enough Bio-Chem labs to know safety protocols were consistantly sacrificed for time and convenience...

My late wife was an MD and died of cancer at 37. Many horror stories related to that and things she observed with other physicians.

If nothing else immune systems of those who work in vicinity of dangerous biological substances are put to the test.

I know of at least one story firsthand of an assassinated WMD designer for Saddam Hussein, Gerald Bull. I imagine there are others in the Bio-Chem field.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:49 PM
It would make sense.

Kill off or make people disappear that were involved. There are scientist who had found the cure for AIDS and they were killed off too.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

My late wife was an MD and died of cancer at 37. Many horror stories related to that and things she observed with other physicians.

If nothing else immune systems of those who work in vicinity of dangerous biological substances are put to the test.

I know of at least one story firsthand of an assassinated WMD designer for Saddam Hussein, Gerald Bull. I imagine there are others in the Bio-Chem field.



I am so sorry to hear of your loss - I can only imagine the ethical dilemma a Doctor must be in between helping uplift humanity and having to endanger themselves in the process.

Thank you for your testimony to these dangers.

I fear that I turned away from the biological science to the computer sciences for very self serving reasons - one of which is that the systems I now design do not hurt anyone if they fail - only inconvenience commerce - but I am in awe of those who have and do serve their fellow man as Doctors and Nurses in the field.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by karl 12

OMG, these good, studious boys knew too much.

Yes, they realised that Mexican Pig Cold would be nearly as deadly as a bad cold and so had to be silenced .......

Or maybe they failed in their task to make it nearly as dangerous as bog standard H1 virus and suffered the ultimate punishment?

Who knows?

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Essan]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

I am so sorry to hear of your loss - I can only imagine the ethical dilemma a Doctor must be in between helping uplift humanity and having to endanger themselves in the process.

Thank you for your testimony to these dangers.

I fear that I turned away from the biological science to the computer sciences for very self serving reasons - one of which is that the systems I now design do not hurt anyone if they fail - only inconvenience commerce - but I am in awe of those who have and do serve their fellow man as Doctors and Nurses in the field.

Thanks for the thought. A long time now, but medical discussions bring some things back. I worked on the top end of a medical publishing company for years as well.

Not the subject immediately under discussion, but the general public hasn't a clue to what goes on behind the scenes in the pharmaceutical and medical world. I don't say this to cast aspersions on doctors. Most are hardworking and stressed to the limits. They often have self-prescribing drug addictions and die considerably younger than others in their socio-economic bracket.

In the long term not as life rewarding as most would think.


posted on May, 2 2009 @ 09:41 PM
The world shadow government has had the wool pulled over the mass populace for a very, very long time. Do you think they haven't infiltrated almost every industry in the 'world' by now? Now they are going for the automobile industry. lol Anyway this documentary is a must see for the truth; 'In Lies We Trust' you will see facts, documents, and their agenda.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:22 PM
This sounds to me like the ultimate in Compartmentalisation, each person killed had a small tiny piece of the puzzle, or a small tiny piece of what was happening, it doesn't matter if someone notices, and the killers found, they will lead to another fall guy, well away from those responsible.

The same thing happened to 27 Marconi Scientists as well, not sure of that time line, but it is well documented here on ATS and other sites also, they where working for the Government also, if I remember the worst I heard was one who tie a rope around a tree, then around his neck through the window of his car, then drove off, how sick is that? and way beyond normal if you ask me.

Here is one thread.

And another

GEC, Plessey, Marconi, all related to missile guidance and other Government projects, and not just in the USA, go to the links in the threads, full lists and cause of deaths, many very strange and out of the Normal.

Ok it isnt the Flu, but think about it, even in the 1980's this whole thing has been going on for a long long time, just one piece at a time, so where the Marconi Scientists working on something which is related to delivering the Flu or something else?

The World has gone NUTS.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 01:07 AM
I would like to address a comment made by someone earlier in this thread. I won't link the name, only the comment, as it is not the individual but the idea that bothers me.

They dug up the bodies of the 1918 flu victims because they wanted to see if the strain had any relation to the H5N1 variety. How else would virologists find out? Since they knew how the 1918 variety spread and how lethal it was it was important information. No conspiracy just people doing their job properly to ensure the fight against a deadly flu strain is effective.

This thirst for knowledge supposedly for our 'own good' is a recurring philosophy among scientist. For example: Lets throw some atoms together at light speed and see what happens! We're not totally sure, we kinda have an idea, but we really need to know to make your life better. We don't think it will make a black hole that will suck the earth into it tho.

Some things should just remain in the realm of unknowns. Just from common sense. The 1918 flu virus certainly falls under this criteria. It is done and over! Why would we need to dig it up? So that even if you did a full genetic mapping of it and by some chance identify the exact part that makes it easily spread and a killer maybe it will save some lives?

But take this pandemic we are in. It supposedly started back in early April? As noted today in the Canadian press conference the farmer infected his pigs around April 14th (after a trip to Mexico). It was not until around 24th that their illness was fully noted and testing began. And it is now being released to the public on May the 2nd?? Do you see where I am going with this?

It doesn't matter if you can look at the H1N1 or anything else and say, 'ohh its kinda like the 1918 one!'. Who cares! By the time you do that how many are going to be sick and dieing, or dead. And knowing the genetic makeup of the 1918 flu is not going to help anyone make any future vaccines for a future virus.

BUT knowing what is special about the 1918 flu would be very beneficial to someone trying to engineer a weapon with the sole purpose of killing people.

So I really wish that scientist playing around with things like this, that could potentially be hazardous to the general public would just leave some things alone. If you want to invent a better reactor, awesome! But digging up a 100 plus year old virus that killed millions?? Seriously!!

And I wish people using this as an argument, that it is okay to dig up dead bodies to do this, would just stop. Because in my book it just doesn't cut it!

((edited for some grammar))

[edit on 5/3/2009 by toepick]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by toepick


As a scientist I have to disagree with you.

Knowledge, carefully, ethically, and thoughtfully attained, can be a huge boon to all of Humanity - and I think looking at the 1918 Flu, to compare to new modern flu dangers, is a case of good science being done.

However I was disgusted at the attitude of one of my Genetics Professors at University - who - when I asked him at what line should we stop genetic tinkering - he responded by saying - there was no line - if he could do an experiment that would make him famous then he would do it - ethics was just contrived and an unecessary obstacle in the forwarding of science.

It is men such as that - who give true scientific research and advancement - a bad name.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:21 AM
Try these reports dating back to 1982 to 2008. heres the link and a sample:

Awoken Research Group [link to]

In the 1980’s over two dozen science graduates and experts working for Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, most appearing to be ‘suicides.’ The MOD denied these scientists had been involved in classified Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way connected.

Judge for yourself…

March 1982: Professor Keith Bowden, 46 —Expertise: Computer programmer and scientist at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as an expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft. —Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle went out of control across a dual carriageway and plunged onto a disused railway line. Police maintained he had been drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation. —Coroner’s verdict: Accident.

April 1983: Lt-Colonel Anthony Godley, 49 —Expertise: Head of the Work Study Unit at the Royal College of Military Science. —Circumstance of Death: Disappeared mysteriously in April 1983 without explanation. Presumed dead.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by CALIB]

[edit on 4-5-2009 by CALIB]

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