posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Eh well aside from the elephant, cheetah and car talk, I vote we start organizing this party online! I say we use part of the desert in northern
Africa at night so it'll be nice and cool, but somewhere close to a town. I don't know how hard it is to get beer and the such in Africa, I might
have to ask my dad about that since he's been there on jobs a few times now. If we invite the world and say 100,000 people show up, what kind of
space will we need to block off and rid of snakes and the such? I'm sure if we're inviting people to an area like that we'll need a makeshift
runway or helipad to let some high class people land. We could convince them to bring in some of the goodies we all need
I know 100,000 isn't the smallest fraction of the world, but that would still be one hell of a party!