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Time line of Spanish Flu of 1918 and implications for Swine Flu

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:16 PM
As you can see from the timeline for the Spanish Flu of 1918, it will be months before we see how bad this thing gets if it is the Big One the CDC and WHO has been worried about.

March 11, 1918: An Army private at Fort Riley, Kansas reports to the camp hospital complaining of fever, sore throat, and headache. Before the day is over, over 100 soldiers fall sick.

July 1918: Public health officials in Philadelphia issue a warning about what they call the "Spanish influenza".

Aug. 27, 1918: Sailors stationed aboard the Receiving Ship at Commonwealth Pier in Boston begin reporting to the sick bay with cold symptoms.

Aug. 30, 1918: At least 60 sailors aboard the Receiving Ship fall sick.

September 1918: Dr. Victor Vaughn, acting Surgeon General of the Army, receives urgent orders to proceed to Camp Devens near Boston. Once there, what Vaughn sees stuns him: "I saw hundreds of young stalwart men in uniform coming into the wards of the hospital. Every bed was full, yet others crowded in. The faces wore a bluish cast; a cough brought up the blood-stained sputum. In the morning, the dead bodies are stacked about the morgue like cordwood." That day, 63 men die of influenza.

Sept. 5, 1918: The Massachusetts Department of Health informs local newspapers that they are dealing with an epidemic. A doctor with the Massachusetts State Health Department says, "unless precautions are taken the disease in all probability will spread to the civilian population of the city."

Sept. 24, 1918: Edward Wagner, newly transplanted from Chicago, falls ill with the flu. This flies in the face of San Francisco public health officials who had played down the threat of the flu to the public.

Sept. 28, 1918: 200,000 gather for a 4th Liberty Loan Drive in Philadelphia. Days after the parade, 635 new cases of influenza were reported. Within days, the city will be forced to admit that epidemic conditions exist. Churches, schools, and theaters are ordered closed, along with all other places of "public amusement."

Oct. 2, 1918: By the point, the death toll in Boston is 202. The Liberty Bond parades are cancelled as well as all sporting events. The stock market goes on half-days.

Oct. 3, 1918: The epidemic reaches Seattle, Washington, with 700 cases and one death at the University of Washington Naval Training Station.

Oct. 6, 1918: Philadelphia records 289 influenza-related deaths in a single day.

Oct. 7, 1918: New Mexico, which had remained largely untouched by the influenza, reports its first case.

Oct. 11, 1918: Santa Fe, New Mexico reports its first flu-related death.

Mid-Oct.: In a single day, 851 New Yorkers die. The death rate in Philly for the period of a single week is 700 times the average. The Chicago crime rate drops 43 percent.

Oct. 19, 1918: In Philadelphia, Dr. C.Y. White announces he has developed a preventative vaccine. More than 10,000 complete series of inoculations are sent to the Philadelphia Board of Health.

Oct. 29, 1918: Six-ply gauze masks become mandatory in Seattle.

Oct. 30, 1918: Six-ply gauze masks become mandatory in the entire state of Washington.

Oct. 31 1918: Because of the Influenza Pandemic that grips the nation, most Halloween celebrations are cancelled due to quarantines. One Illinois paper reports: "The ghost parties, masquerades and dances which have always been so popular at this time of the year, are as scarce as the corn and eggs, not because of Mr. Hoover, but because of Mr. Influenza. Many parties which have been planned for Friday and Saturday night have been postponed as the quarantine will not be lifted before next Monday. But not all of the Halloween spirit has been killed by the influenza. Crowds of boys and girls have been using ticktacks on the windows, tearing down gates and and beating the porches with planks , for the last three nights, and they are all prepared to be out tonight, so be not surprised if you hear mysterious noise tonight."

End of October: October 1918 ends up being the deadliest month in the history of the United States, with 195,000 Americans succumbing to the influenza.

Nov. 3, 1918: The News of the World prints some suggested flu precautions: "Wash inside nose with soap and water each night and morning; force yourself to sneeze night and morning, then breathe deeply; do not wear a muffler; take sharp walks regularly and walk home from work; eat plenty of porridge."

Nov. 11, 1918: Armistice is announced and World War I comes to an end. Though much of the joy is weighed down by the epidemic, people around the world venture out into the streets for the first time in order to celebrate. Many go out without their masks for the first time, leading to a surge in influenza cases in many cities for weeks after the Armistice.

Nov. 18, 1918: By this date, 5,000 have died in New Mexico.

Celebrating the end of World War I, 30,000 San Franciscans take to the streets to celebrate. There was much dancing and singing. Everybody wore a face mask.

Nov. 21, 1918: Sirens sound in San Francisco announcing that it is safe for everyone to remove their face masks.

Dec. 1918: 5,000 new cases of influenza are reported in San Francisco.

Jan. 1919: Schools reopen in Seattle.

March 1919: This is the first month that no influenza deaths are reported in Seattle.

1927: It is estimated that 21.5 million people died during the 1918 epidemic.

1991: Revising the 1927 estimate that 21.5 million people died during the 1918 epidemic, researches recalculate the numbers at 30 million.

1997: Using lung tissue taken 79 years earlier during the autopsy of a U.S. Army private who died of the 1918 flu, scientists at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology analyze the 1918 virus and conclude that it is a unique virus but is related to the "swine flu." According to one researcher: "The hemagglutinin gene matches closest to swine influenza viruses, showing that this virus came into humans from pigs." (Science, March 21, 1997)

See Also:

[edit on 26-4-2009 by finemanm]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:32 PM
Also from the above source:

Oct. 2005: Using a technique called reverse genetics, scientists at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology recreate the 1918 virus. They recovered the genome information from a flu victim who had been buried in Alaskan permafrost since 1918.

See also what I found on the website for the US Mission to Italy:

From the NY Times 1/29/2006:

The second, and in some ways even more remarkable, thing about the 1918 flu virus is that it has literally been brought back to life. In October, a team of scientists, Tumpey among them, announced that they had recreated the extinct organism from its genetic code - essentially the scenario played out in the movie "Jurassic Park," albeit on a microbial scale. In the movie, the scientists' self-serving revivification of dinosaurs leads to mayhem and death. Tumpey and his colleagues say they hope that their resurrected microbe will help prevent a calamity, not cause one. They want to know what made the 1918 flu, which began as a virus native to wild birds, mutate into a form that could pass easily from one human to another. That question has been weighing on the minds of flu experts since 1997 - since the first fatal case in Hong Kong of the avian flu that has since killed more than 70 people in Asia. So far, all of its victims probably caught the disease from handling infected poultry and not from other people. How close is it to crossing the same lethal line that the 1918 virus did? What can be learned from the virus that caused the great pandemic that might help us avert another one?

The risks involved in trying to answer such questions are hard to calculate, because the experiment has no precedent. In essence, Tumpey and his colleagues have brought one serial killer back from the grave so that it can testify against another. How dangerous is the 1918 virus to today's population? Its genetic code is now in public databases, where other researchers can download it to conduct experiments. Scientists from the University of Wisconsin and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada have already collaborated to reconstruct the virus from the publicly available sequence. How easy would it be for a bioterrorist to exploit the same information for malevolent ends?

"Give me $100,000 and two months, and I can recreate it right here in my lab," says Earl Brown, a flu researcher who specializes in the evolution of virulence at the University of Ottawa. "You wouldn't be able to tell it from the real thing that was around a hundred years ago. Would it kill at the same rate as in 1918? Probably. But you really don't want to have to find that out. You don't want to give this thing a second time around."

I am starting to think that this is not just nature doing nasty things. Could this be something put out there by some really nasty people?

[edit on 26-4-2009 by finemanm]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:19 AM
seems like with all the evil people out there.....either the "elites" as some claim or the Mideast terrorists who want us dead according to others that should this be very easy to replicate it would have already occured......unless of course they were waiting to distract us during a global economic hey probably not

either way good post OP nice detailed info....thanks for putting some time into this.............

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 06:09 PM
This is amazing. I enjoyed reading the timeline about how the flu got started, but there is an important fact that is being overlooked. The 1918 pandemic was started from the innoculations of the soldiers. This does not seem to be in the history books, but as our publishing houses are controlled by the Rockefellers that does not surprise me. It is not found in Wikipedia and when I tried to include it, it got removed.
There is a website that goes into the history of the swine flu that was a book developed by people concerned about the swine flu when we had our last "epidemic" in 1976. They were concerned that people didn't seem to know about the troop innoculations. The book was banned from the US mails because it "went against accepted medical norms" which meant that this information is somehow being protected about the pandemic being a physiological response to vaccinations or a manifestation of the diseases innoculated agains. I am not sure how things work at ATS so bare with me and I will attach the website. If anybody bars it I will be ticked off.


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