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Question to parents. Remove child from school because of Swine Flu?

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by NATIVO

Do what you think is best for your children. Since you only have a little over three weeks left i can't see how it would be too much of a problem, I'm sure the teachers already know if they're passing or not. You can always call the school tomorrow and have them get some work together that you can pick up for your kids for at least this week. Just tell them plain and simple that you don't feel safe sending them right now.

I'm seriously thinking about talking to my son about keeping my grandkids home. I just think it's safer at this point, we really have no idea how many families/teachers may have recently been to Mexico over spring break, or have relatives/friends visiting from there.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by PurpleIvy

Most of the time schools don't call the parents unless the child has a fever. They lose money if the kid is not in school...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by PurpleIvy

I wouldn't send him if he's just getting over being sick, his immune system is propably overworked right now and that will make it easier for him to catch something. I've seen parents send their kids to school while they are running high fevers, vomiting, etc. Safer to keep him home at least until he's completely over what he's got now.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by opal13

What is GSE? Grape Seed Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract , something else ?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 10:16 PM
3 weeks is a little extreme, I'm not a parent and in fact I'm still in high school but damn... scared much? I understand it's your child, but what about you? You're going to actually go outside during the 3 weeks right... then what? You're going to catch it and bring it back to your child, that's what.

At least in the sense like you're speaking of, jesus. It's fine, nothing will happen, it will not be an outbreak or it would have infected thousands already.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Deus Ex Machina 42

Fortunate for myself I live 8 miles from town on a farm

I have all the goods I need already.. I always stay stocked up just in case.. I have no need to go to town...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by NATIVO
reply to post by Deus Ex Machina 42

Fortunate for myself I live 8 miles from town on a farm

I have all the goods I need already.. I always stay stocked up just in case.. I have no need to go to town...

Can i come and live with you? I'm in the UK, so i could boat it over, planes don't seem too safe at the mo.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by NATIVO

It wouldn't even be a question if people weren't idiots, and sent their sick kid to school. To go further, the 'outbreak' would be easier to control if the idiots would stay home if they have the flu, or send sick workers home. There is no excuse for people with infectious diseases to be at school, work, or shopping. If it were up to me they'd be forcibly quarantined in their home, and when they are well, they'd be beaten for putting the public at risk.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by chise61
reply to post by PurpleIvy

I wouldn't send him if he's just getting over being sick, his immune system is propably overworked right now and that will make it easier for him to catch something. I've seen parents send their kids to school while they are running high fevers, vomiting, etc. Safer to keep him home at least until he's completely over what he's got now.

Thats how he got sick. Some parent thought it was a good idea to send their child to school with a stomach virus, that made my son and probably countless other kids sick. And besides that, that poor kid had to go to school all sick. I mean geez I understand if its just a cold or something but thats a little much. Also why do we have to feel the need to please the school with their attendance, its ridiculous. "Oh no can't keep ya home kid the school might have a problem with us trying to watch out for ya." I am so sick of having to feel like they are over your shoulder all the time with that. Well they are going to have to deal with the loss of additional income. Thank you so much for your input, I really appreciate it.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Deus Ex Machina 42

Scared much?? Are you serious? Since you don't have children of your own, you have no idea what it is like to be a parent. I would literally die for my children. I would do whatever is possible to ensure their safety.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:32 AM
I'm not at the point where I feel my kids should stay home, but that may change at any point if I feel this thing has either mutated or if a case is reported in my part of NY.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:58 AM
I definetly know what you mean. If my child were old enough and in school, I would definetly be pulling him out just in case. As a mother, you understand even a little risk isnt worth losing your child over.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Well I made the decision, this morning, not to send my 3 children to school just so I can see how things develop today. I think it will either be spreading rapidly or will begin to blow over.

Spain is up to 8 suspected cases, as of this morning, although none in my area. We have quite a few south American and Mexican people that live and work here and they visit family, have family visit them, etc.

I think parents will just have to play this day by day but I decided that having a day off today won't hurt and it gives me a chance to see what more news comes out, if any.

Edit to add:- I hope I'm being paranoid and over-reacting!

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Maya00a]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by chise61

Yes, grapefruit seed extract. It is bitter, but you have to put it in orange juice or something that has a strong taste and you don't taste it at all.

I use it to wash all my fruits and veggies in as well, just fill the sink with water, add about 30 drops and let them soak for awhile.

I was talking to her about this again last night and stressing the importance of using hand sanitizer and washing hands frequently and well. She told me last night that one girl she goes to school with went to Mexico (home) over spring break and was out sick last week. Uh Oh!!

Me thinks that I will be letting her sleep in today and stay with her dad and I will contact the school about it and see what they say, but since this was spring break, then last week, she may have been exposed to it, and maybe it was something else and there is nothing to worry about. Oh well, I don't have a warm fuzzy feeling this morning.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:48 AM
It depends on where you live.

For most folks I'd say .... NOT YET.

We homeschooled until fifth grade. Each state has different laws regarding homeschool. Check the home school legal defense association website for more information for homeschool in your area.

You have to make the decision for yourself. Only you can do that.

For us .... we won't be pulling our child out YET.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina 42
... scared much?

Obviously you aren't a parent. :shk:

It's fine, nothing will happen, it will not be an outbreak or it would have infected thousands already.

Oy ..... Pandemics don't go from a zero body count to thousands overnight. It takes a few weeks for it to get started. This could easily be the start of a pandemic. Easily.

What the heck do they teach you in that high school of yours.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Parents, if youe worried try taking your kids out for a week and see how it goes. Thats a good suggestion. However I dont feel H1N1 is going to be a big risk on your kids. They will probably recover fine. The parents will have the hardest time with the sickness.

If this thing combines with H5N1 in the wild then you need to keep your kids out of school period. Im not really worried about H1N1 other than I dont want to feel that dang sick. So Im stocked up and dont have to leave my house for atleast 60 days.

Unfortunately a lot of people cannot do this. Work and school are two big reasons.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:52 AM
The unpopular truth is that there is no better way to battle a flu virus than to have it infect many people in a given local.

Your bodies immune system learns the virus codes and forces the virus to mutate into an non-harmful variant.

The virus will then continue to spread but as it infects new hosts the coding is more accessible to the new hosts immune system, which in turn creates less and less virilant strains.

Eventually the virus will no longer be able to find hosts that do not have the immune coding in a given population sample(biosphere)

The virus in a last ditch effort to survive will become dormant(alive but unable to reproduce)

The only chance the dormant virus has is to jump hosts and reproduce by the introduction of another biosphere(human) with out the learned anti virus coding

A percentage of the population can create anti virus code faster and more efficiently than the others(like some people can run and think faster)

These people can share their own anti virus properties with
other members of the population without getting sick. Allowing contact with non virilant strains which in turn will cause the active virus to mutate into a less harmful variant

At least this is the way it has worked for the last few million years

So if you have a child who has been susceptible to infections by all means keep them out of school, but if you have one of those healthy immune system stud kids, maybe its time to take one for the team

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:05 AM
Any excuse for a parent to remove their children from the public school system is a good one in my opinion.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

As up today, is not vaccine or viral medicines that can fight this virus back, so if the schools or the government try to use the same vaccines as to fight the common flu they will not work the swine flu is the product of mutations.

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