posted on May, 10 2009 @ 09:16 PM
Hey I'm a Christ follower i.e. i follow the teachings of Christ and the Bible, I believe the Bible is inspired by God is an accurate historical
document and that Jesus is the fullfillment of the old testament. I became a believer for reasons that can be classified in 2 categories:
One - Subjective as in personal reasons (experiences, etc)
Two -Objective as in through resasoning (like philosphy), science, prophecy etc
I will go through those reasons soon, forgive me for my grammar. Its not that great but ill try my best.
I REALLY agree and encourage that one should really know what is truth out there, is there one correct religion or truth? etc or are they all wrong
bla bla bla...I loved that the Christian faith was really really open for questioning and criticism.
I was brought up in a Christian family did the whole going to church etc, but never actually considered myself saved/born-again/christian because of
that. I guess that could've stemmed from my parents telling me that its about the decision i make between God and myself. Later as i got older (as
with most humans) i began to think for myself and study the world around me and question things, including God, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu,
Bahai as well as other scientific theorys etc.
I came to the conclusion that God is real, that he created the world, that the Bible is inspired by Him and that Jesus is- as the Bible says - God
incarnate- as in God as a man coming to restore the crap we got ourselves into. I also realised how Christianity stuck out from other religions in
that our way to heaven/paradise was through the acceptance of Gods actions in Jesus Christ rather than our actions to save ourselves.
The reasons i came to this conclusion are below:
-The issue of morality. I.e, how we all have an in built understanding of good and evil, no matter what culture you go to. (will talk more on this
-The complexity of life screamed 'creation by a master designer' to me!
-the perfect placement of our earth in relation to the sun and the perfect set up for life to exist
-the authenticity of the Bible
-the authenticity of Jesus' life, crucifixion and resurrection
there is more historical documentation on the Bible and the existence of Jesus Christ then any other ancient piece of literature. Basically if you
dont believe the Bible is legit (just its historical writings) you are going to have to say that Julius ceaser, plato, socrates and many many more
people in ancient history, did not exist. Jesus' life is written about by Christians of the time, non-Christians and earliest copys found date back
to as close as 30AD, earliest of any ancient documentation to the source.
-the accuracy of Biblical prophecy in relation to Jesus
-the accuracy of Biblical prophecy in relation to current events and history
-how the Bible was written over something like 1400 years by 60 different authors and yet all points to one man, Jesus Christ.
-Straight reasoning. I see Christianity as the most reasonable and believable faiths. The Christian faith and reason go hand in hand. I would
encourage readers to read a book called "Christianity for Skeptics" by Steve Kumar. He is very polite and talks about how God, and the Christian
faith are VERY reasonable. He uses very little ref(as in quotes) to the Bible and the only reference he does is just to show that the Bible backs up
his reasoning (i.e. to affirm its athority to the reader). He tackles 7 different issues using quotes from christian, non-christian and atheist
-my own relationship with God/Jesus Christ and the workings of the His Spirit in me.
-His leading of my wife and myself to each other. bare in mind we had both (before we knew each other) given that area of our lives completely to Him
as we figured he knew us better than we knew ourselves. The confirmations that followed after we met were too numerous to count. Prophecy from people
who didn't know us etc
to be cont.