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Swine flu in London next?

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:04 PM
I live in London. I was on the Tube network today (subway) and noticed that a lot of people on there were foreign travelling to and from the airport. In that kind of environment - cramped, hot, moist from sweat in the air, etc - any virus will spread like wild fire.

Put these two things together and we have the ingredients for a massive outbreak of the swine flu in London.

I panicked today and left the train early when a dark swarthy looking man who could have been Mexican got on the train and stood near me, he was coughing and sneezing and looked really ill. I will be going into the doctor tomorrow just to be sure.

This is really severe and should be taken really seriously. I think I'm gonna call in sick at work this week to avoid having to use public transport.

What do people reckon? Am I over-reacting?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Am I over-reacting?

No, good call.

But what about touching buttons to open doors and then covering your mouth, there are many ways to get infected.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Yes, be very careful.

There have been some reported cases of it being in London, however I think it's well contained. Either way, sick people should be avoided at all costs.


posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:14 PM
no you are not over reacting, its a mater of life or death my friend, every body has to be careful now a days, this is a flu and a killer one its no joke.

now i m worried over my parents they are going to London next Wednesday, i don't know what to tell them, this looks really bad

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:22 PM
As I have already mentioned in another thread, take into account that we hosted the London Marathon today which sees a multitude of nationalities fly in for the event, and then fly out....Let alone the people from all areas of the UK that travel down to take-part/watch and you have a very serious situation (if it's in London)....

Time will tell.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Thanks guys - some friends have been telling me I'm being silly by missing work for a week and taking one of my vacation weeks to do so.

I think it's the best course of action. I actually feel like my glands maybe swelling at the moment. I didn't think before going out today. I feel so stupid. I've booked into the doctors tomorrow which is just at the end of my road so I won't have to travel far/use transport to get there.

This is terrible - I don't even think our UK government has even commented on this. Surely with something so dangerous borders should be closed etc? If this could have been isolated to Mexico it could have been wiped out pretty quickly. Now look what's happened.

Just the fact that no one seems to be doing much to stop this from a national level makes me smell a rat. Could this be the ultimate distract everyone from our massive ***k up on the economy technique????

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:30 PM
From my understandidng so far about swine flu, the only fatalaties have been Mexican, at least 60 people.
This may be a weaponized virus which is only fatal to people of Mexican decent, no fatalaties have been reported in any other country yet.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
From my understandidng so far about swine flu, the only fatalaties have been Mexican, at least 60 people.
This may be a weaponized virus which is only fatal to people of Mexican decent, no fatalaties have been reported in any other country yet.

WOW that's quite a claim do you have anything to support that? Why would anyone want to kill Mexicans? That's an amazing claim. I hadn't even considered it.

I slept with a Mexican girl at the weekend which makes me extra concerned as I didn't bag up. But she has been in London for months so is probably clean. Still, I hope she doesn't catch it.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Dutty_Rag]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Dutty_Rag

I have no source for it, just an assumption on what is happening.
Imagine a weaponized virus which only targets specific nationalaties, any one can catch it, yet it is only fatal to a small population.

It could very easily be used as a test to see how far and wide a virus can spread given that it has killed and will get people into a panic about catching it.
you wouldn't want to bring out the big guns until you know just how efficient it will be in the long run.

and again it could just be used to get people used to the idea of suspected pandemics and people just think that this is another case of the goverment crying wolf.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:44 PM
There is a suspected case in Northamptonshire

Family alert to swine flu illness

I noticed that the BBC have removed the Swine Flu discussion from their "Have Your Say" section; lots of Mexicans were posting messages on their earlier. Stating that the figures were 10 times higher than the official figures.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:53 PM
I'm in the UK myself. This is likely going to hit EVERYWHERE given enough time. My partner just watched the news and even he's making notes about preps to partner does not do that kind of thing ! He said that up until he watched the news he thought it might just be panic about nothing but he saw the look on the guys face briefing the New Yorkers and it is obvious the situation is FAR worse than what he was actually divulging.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Wow if that's your picture you look really Welsh, like the girl in the B&Q advert...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Dutty_Rag

Yes its me ....can't say I know the ad as I rarely watch TV . I'm 35 by the way so not quite a girl anymore but thanks -i think ?!, it was just one of my better pics taken 2 yrs ago and I'm quarter polish and quarter Irish and half Welsh

[edit on 26/4/09 by cosmicpixie]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Dutty_Rag
I panicked today and left the train early when a dark swarthy looking man who could have been Mexican

Your post has inspired me to avoid all "dark, swarthy looking" people, as they could very well be Mexican. Thanks for that.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by atlscribe

Originally posted by Dutty_Rag
I panicked today and left the train early when a dark swarthy looking man who could have been Mexican

Your post has inspired me to avoid all "dark, swarthy looking" people, as they could very well be Mexican. Thanks for that.

Yeah I think it's probably for the best right now. I'm not a racist, but, I think in this situation, racial profiling is just a way to stay a little safer while going about your business.

I will be avoiding anyone who looks even vaguely dark/greasy hair and skin/deviant eyes. I'd advise all to do the same.

That said, I guess the virus could be amongst normal people too by now so not really much of a defence I guess. But if it stops me coming into contact with just one vector, then thank god.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
reply to post by Dutty_Rag

Yes its me ....can't say I know the ad as I rarely watch TV . I'm 35 by the way so not quite a girl anymore but thanks -i think ?!, it was just one of my better pics taken 2 yrs ago and I'm quarter polish and quarter Irish and half Welsh

[edit on 26/4/09 by cosmicpixie]

Oh well it looks wonderful.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by Dutty_Rag

I have no source for it, just an assumption on what is happening.
Imagine a weaponized virus which only targets specific nationalaties, any one can catch it, yet it is only fatal to a small population.

It could very easily be used as a test to see how far and wide a virus can spread given that it has killed and will get people into a panic about catching it.
you wouldn't want to bring out the big guns until you know just how efficient it will be in the long run.

and again it could just be used to get people used to the idea of suspected pandemics and people just think that this is another case of the goverment crying wolf.

Crazy thought! but would it even be possible to design a flu-virus to only strike specific nationalaties??

OK! play with me! - there are no fatalaties in the U.S yet, but if this is a Design Virus ? we should in that case see the first deaths among US-Mexicans living in the U.S right?

Sounds fu*ked up! - I mean, how the hell do you design a virus genetically to a specific group like for this example - the Mexican people??

Are they that genetically different than the rest of us filthy whites?

Please enlighten me! I'm stupid!

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Chevalerous

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by Dutty_Rag

I have no source for it, just an assumption on what is happening.
Imagine a weaponized virus which only targets specific nationalaties, any one can catch it, yet it is only fatal to a small population.

It could very easily be used as a test to see how far and wide a virus can spread given that it has killed and will get people into a panic about catching it.
you wouldn't want to bring out the big guns until you know just how efficient it will be in the long run.

and again it could just be used to get people used to the idea of suspected pandemics and people just think that this is another case of the goverment crying wolf.

Crazy thought! but would it even be possible to design a flu-virus to only strike specific nationalaties??

OK! play with me! - there are no fatalaties in the U.S yet, but if this is a Design Virus ? we should in that case see the first deaths among US-Mexicans living in the U.S right?

Sounds fu*ked up! - I mean, how the hell do you design a virus genetically to a specific group like for this example - the Mexican people??

Are they that genetically different than the rest of us filthy whites?

Please enlighten me! I'm stupid!

Yes, there are different sections of genes common to different races. And likewise, different proteins or distributions of proteins etc that act as receptors on the surface of some cells.

So in theory if you design a virus that tends only to enter cells with a certain type of protein receptor, then you can target only a certain race.

Now we have a human genome, we'd know what proteins to look for. The only problem would be engineering the virus - in the private sector, we'd be years away from being able to do this as we don't understand the relationship between structure of a virus which we can change (i.e. it's genetic code or genome) and the function of the virus. I.e. - we don;t know which bits of DNA to change to make the thing only target certain proteins.

That's not to say the military hasn't funded private projects for biowarefare which have cracked this. I'd even go as far to say that this might be an area they would be very interested in and have probably looked into.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by munkey66
From my understandidng so far about swine flu, the only fatalaties have been Mexican, at least 60 people.
This may be a weaponized virus which is only fatal to people of Mexican decent, no fatalaties have been reported in any other country yet.

I doubt it's a virus targeted to kill only Mexicans when you think about it a larger amount of people in Mexico have fallen ill compared to a small amount of people in the U.S. Those few who recovered may have just gotten lucky. I mean who's to say that no one will eventually start to die from it if more of the population gets sick like in Mexico, it's really to early to say.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Aliengurl

I agree I don't see how it could be engineered to a specific race. I think so far we are just getting lucky in the US and other places that have it besides mexico. I sure wouldnt avoid any of my mexican friends as apposed to others that may have it. If I see someone coughing an sniffling I dont care what color they are. I am outta there.. =)

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